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PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe

PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

Zagreb, Zagreb 1,894 followers

Leading multimodal transportation and logistics expert in Southeast Europe with strong focus on pharma and cold chain.

About us

PRIMACO Southeast Europe employs more than 180 professionals in 16 offices located in Southeast Europe. We are one of the leading freight forwarder, customs agent, multimodal transport and cool chain logistics provider. Beside Southeast Europe, we also have a strong presence in other European regions with our COLD CHAIN & PHARMA transportation solutions. Primaco is audited and certified according to GDP PHARMA guidelines, TAPA, IFS logistics, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and AEO (Authorised economic operator). Primaco owns one of the largest refrigerated truck fleets in SE Europe, specialized for Pharma and Food industries. Primaco is the largest IATA cargo agent located at Zagreb Airport and one of the largest sea freight forwarders in Adriatic sea with offices in ports Rijeka and Ploce. Primaco's services: - road freight FTL&LTL,general cargo, frigo express, GDP pharma compliant transport, high values goods, ADR - air freight, general cargo, thermo blankets, thermo box projects, airplane envirotainers, charters and project cargo, excellent inter-modal road-to-plain services - sea freight FCL&LCL, general cargo, PHARMA reefer box, FOOD reefer box, multi-modal projects - customs advisory and brokerage - supply chain management consulting, combined with implementation of GPS fleet management and rout planing software solutions for large logistics organisations We deliver QUALITY. We are PRIMACO.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Company size
51-200 employees
Zagreb, Zagreb
Privately Held
multimodal logistics, freight forwarding, customs agent, road transportation, air freight, sea freight, cool chain experts , pharma transport & logistics, high value and sensitive goods, GDP Pharma, TAPA safe logistics, AEO customs expert, IFS Food, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001


Employees at PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe


  • This week our CEO Petar Simic delivered an introductory lecture on the topic “An Overview of International Trade and Logistics” at the event organised by Austrian Chamber of Commerce ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Croatia. 📦 Austria and Croatia have a trade exchange worth over €4 billion. 🚛 The ports of Rijeka, Koper, and Trieste are key entry points for overseas cargo into Austria. The doubling of capacity in Rijeka is seen by Austrian companies as an opportunity to optimize supply chains in an unstable market environment. 🌍 Customs barriers, wars, climate, and health disruptions significantly impact global trade and international logistics, but they do not halt them—business interests always prevail (“Connecting countries” - Turkey, Vietnam, and Mexico). If you’re looking for a partner to make your cargo move fast and reliable between Austria/Croatia/Central South Europe and the rest of the world - make sure to contact PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe!

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  • 🚛✨ Primaco Invests €1.7 Million to Expand Cool Chain Division! ✨🚛 As we wrap up 2024, we’re proud to announce a significant investment of €1.7 million in 25 new Schmitz semi-trailers, tailored for the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical and food industries. These state-of-the-art trailers are equipped with GPS tracking, door sensors, temperature alarms, and motion sensors to ensure the highest safety standards for both drivers and cargo. Each refrigerated unit undergoes biannual temperature mapping (summer and winter) and is monitored 24/7 by the Primaco Control Tower, ready to respond to any escalation in real time. This investment not only strengthens our Cool Chain division, but also solidifies our position as a leading provider of international transport and logistics for the pharma and food sectors in Southeast Europe. Thank you to our exceptional team and valued partners for driving this progress forward. Here's to an even more innovative and successful 2025! 🚀 #LogisticsExcellence #CoolChain #PharmaLogistics #Primaco

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  • PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe i dalje nastavlja s kontinuiranim poboljšanjima, a s druge strane i stvaranjem prilika. Svi budući kandidati su dobrodošli, samo se trebate prijaviti. Prepoznajete li se u opisu poslova i kvalifikacijama? Javite nam se.

  • Vjerovali ili ne, postoji konferencija u Hrvatskoj koja se neprekidno odvija 36. godina zaredom. U pomalo inflaciji svega, pa i broja konferencija, ova se ističe tom tradicijom. Put do toga je "jednostavan" - kvaliteta. Primaco je u srijedu 8.10.2024. bio logistički partner i jedan od mnogobrojnih ponosnih sponzora 36. godišnje konferencije MAGROS koja se bavila domaćom i međunarodnom trgovinom, lancima opskrbe i trendovima u biznisu, a naš CEO Petar Simic je bio panelist na okruglom stolu koji se bavio budućnosti i geopolitičkim utjecajima na globalnu trgovinu i lance opskrbe.

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  • 🍎 Dobro upravljanje, u malim, srednjim i velikim kompanijama, 🥝 razdvajanje vlasničke, nadzorne i managerske role, 🍒 angažiranje najboljih profesionalaca i davanje potrebnog autoriteta i odgovornosti kako bi se postigli rezultati... Ovo su sastojci uspjeha, ali često i razlozi neuspjeha, ne samo obiteljskih kompanija nego i velikih korporacija, koje prečesto pokleknu upravo na governance-u a ne na kvaliteti proizvoda ili usluge. CROMA - Croatian Managers' & Entrepreneurs' Association bavi se upravo managementom kao strukom i vještinom, s naglaskom na čovjeka, od Management Board-a do B-1 i B-2 levela. Za razliku od velikih business organizacija koje više pažnje pridaju borbi za bolji "Doing Business" poput HUP-a, HGK i HIZ-a (što je itekako važno), CROMA je zaista usmjerena na managera i management. Stoga nam je čast smo ponovno bili jedni od sponzora Kongresa koji promiče dobro upravljanje, jer bez dobrog upravljanja nema ni dobrih kompanija. Posebno nam je drago to je naš CEO Petar Simic bio jedan od panelista upravo na temu upravljačko-vlasničke sukcesije u obiteljskim kompanijama, a potom i profesionalizacije upravljanja.

    📸 Kongres menadžera 2024. Mjesto susreta lidera i vizionara! 🌟 Proteklog vikenda, predivna Opatija bila je domaćin Kongresa menadžera 2024., gdje su se okupili najistaknutiji lideri, poduzetnici i stručnjaci iz različitih sektora. Razgovarali smo o ključnim izazovima današnjice, dijelili inovativne ideje te zajednički tražili rješenja koja će oblikovati budućnost poslovanja u Hrvatskoj i regiji. 🌍💡 Pogledajte galeriju i osjetite dio atmosfere koja je vladala! #KongresMenadžera2024 #CROMA #Liderstvo #Poslovanje #Networking #BusinessLeadership #Inovacije #OdrživiRazvoj #DigitalnaTransformacija #Menadžment

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  • Our CEO brings latest news from the world of logistics and forwarding to readers of Croatia’s most popular business daily, Poslovni dnevnik.

    View profile for Petar Simic

    CEO@Primaco, President@Logistics&ForwardingAssociationHGK, BoardMember@HUP, BoardMember@CROMA

    Hvala Poslovni dnevnik na prilici da razgovaramo o logistici u Hrvatskoj. 🫱 Rast logistike i transporta: Trenutno 11% BDP-a, očekivani rast do 20% u deset godina. 🫱 skaldišni kapaciteti u porastu, s 1,8 na preko 3 mil m2 do 2028. godine 🫱 Hrvatska kao logistički ulaz u srednju Europu: Luka Rijeka utrostručuje kapaciteta do 2029., potpuno novi playing field za multimodalnu logistiku 🫱 Schengen olakšava operacije: Brži pristup tržištima Slovenije, Austrije i Mađarske, potpuno novi playing field za skladišno-distributivnu logistiku 🫱 TEN-T koridori i EU fondovi: Hrvatska na 4 koridora, pristup EU fondovima za infrastrukturu, preko 7 mlrd eura P.S. PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe je u potrazi za pojačanjima u gotovo svim svojim operativnim timovima, road, sea, air i customs services!

  • How did disruptive events in global geopolitics influence global trade last 5-6 years, are we seeing more nearshoring or friendshoring, what are the supply chain risks of further escalation in Middle East, Red Sea and Strait of Hormuz? Our CEO Petar Simic shared the results of his research and shared his thought with 500 participants on Masters of Building Fair in beautiful Rovinj. Let us know if you wish to get the full presentation on your email.

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  • Partnership with YOURWAY brought PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe ability to expand its delivey network of most sensitive and urgent life sciences & pharma products to USA and many other markets, whilst Yourway got itself covered in SE Europe region by most renowned pharma logistics partner. #pharmalogistics #GDP #quality #logistics #airfreight

    View profile for Hussein Pirbhai

    Global Operations Director at Yourway, overseeing the end-to-end supply chain, in other words you want something somewhere and quick time then I’m that guy.

    Great first day at CPHI - met up with lots of familiar faces and some of those that have only spoke to by phone or email before. It’s always better in person and allows you to connect in a more personable way. 🤝 Highlight of the day was trying all the different free coffees on offer at every stand! ☕️ #CPHI #MILAN #BIOPHARMA #CLINICALPACKAGING #DEPOTNETWORK #UK #IRELAND #USA

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  • Among very rear GDP Pharma certified transportation companies in Southeast Europe, and the only one in Croatia… 34 years of quality continues…

    We continue to maintain and improve our Quality System not only on annual basis, but also on daily basis. Self-critical approach towards our own services can detect weak aspects and strong ones. Goal is to detect a weakness and transform it into strength. Everything for the end user (consumer) of pharmaceutical products & materials, with special care and commitment to safety, security, hygiene and temperature requirements. Additional 19 new semi-trailers, specialized specifically for transportation of pharmaceutical products along with additional 4 new express vans, total of 100+ vehicles, with qualified and trained people behind the scene, we continue to create a positive impact and maintain stable supply chain all over Europe. A very important confirmation for continuous improvement is cGDP re-certification which we have successfully completed in June 2024 and is valid for following 3 years. For good health, for the people and for the future. PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe

  • We continue to maintain and improve our Quality System not only on annual basis, but also on daily basis. Self-critical approach towards our own services can detect weak aspects and strong ones. Goal is to detect a weakness and transform it into strength. Everything for the end user (consumer) of pharmaceutical products & materials, with special care and commitment to safety, security, hygiene and temperature requirements. Additional 19 new semi-trailers, specialized specifically for transportation of pharmaceutical products along with additional 4 new express vans, total of 100+ vehicles, with qualified and trained people behind the scene, we continue to create a positive impact and maintain stable supply chain all over Europe. A very important confirmation for continuous improvement is cGDP re-certification which we have successfully completed in June 2024 and is valid for following 3 years. For good health, for the people and for the future. PRIMACO - Logistics - SE Europe

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