RTL Hrvatska’s cover photo
RTL Hrvatska

RTL Hrvatska

Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

We create emotions: on air, online and on stage

About us

RTL Hrvatska is owned by CME Media Enterprises B.V. As a commercial television, RTL started broadcasting in Croatia in 2004, while today it has three main national channels (RTL, RTL2 and RTL Kockica), four IPTV channels (RTL Living, RTL Passion, RTL Crime and RTL Adria) and a channel for diaspora - RTL Croatia World. In addition to the production of television programs, RTL Croatia, as the largest media group, owns several web portals: Net.hr, RTL.hr and Žena.hr, but also the online video platform VOYO. RTL Hrvatska is well known for its socially responsible business, primarily through the association "RTL helps children". In Croatia, the association has directly helped over 800 000 children and it still continues to do so. RTL Hrvatska u vlasništvu je CME Media Enterprises B.V. grupe. RTL kao komercijalna televizija s emitiranjem je u Hrvatskoj počela 2004. godine, a danas ima tri glavna nacionalna kanala (RTL, RTL2 i RTL Kockicu), četiri IPTV kanala (RTL Living, RTL Passion, RTL Crime te RTL Adria) te kanal za dijasporu RTL Croatia World. Osim proizvodnjom televizijskog programa, RTL Hrvatska, kao najveća medijska grupacija, u svom vlasništvu ima nekoliko web portala: Net.hr, RTL.hr i Žena.hr, ali i online videoplatformu VOYO. Svojim društveno odgovornim poslovanjem, primarno putem udruge „RTL pomaže djeci“, pomogla je preko 800 tisuća djece direktnih korisnika diljem Hrvatske, a nastavlja to činiti.

Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Company size
201-500 employees
Public Company
Television, Internet, Mobile, Entertainment


Employees at RTL Hrvatska


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