If your password: ✅ Is easy to remember ✅ Includes your pet’s name ✅ Is reused across multiple platforms …it’s probably time to switch to passkeys! Read our software engineer Nikola's blog, where he explores the benefits of this powerful security tool!
IT Services and IT Consulting
Split, Split-Dalmatia 2,225 followers
Expert team of digital marketers, engineers and data professionals specialized in data-driven marketing solutions.
About us
We’re your digital partner—a team of professionals specialized in data-driven marketing. We offer a wide range of services and solutions to companies worldwide. Some of SeekandHit's achievements and awards: 🥇 The First Google Certified Partner in Croatia (2008) 🏅 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA Winner (2018) 🥇 IAB MIXX Award—Best Search Campaign (2018) 🥇Golden Balance Sheet Award—Best Company by Credit Rating in Croatia: chosen as the overall winner from 142,000 nominated companies (2022) 🥇 IAB MIXX Award—Best Direct Response & Lead Generation Campaign (2023) 🥇 SoMo Borac Awards—Best Global Campaign and Best In Show Award (2023) 🏅 Deloitte Fast 50 CE Impact Stars Laureate (2023) 🏅 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Nominee (2023) 🥇 IAB MIXX Award—Best in Show: the first time in IAB MIXX Croatia Award history that a data-driven marketing project won the show (2024) 🏅 Luppa Top Workplace Award (2024) Digital strategy Advertising Campaign Automation Tracking implementation User & Site Analysis Professional Data Services Software development consulting Ad tech solutions Development of robust software solutions High availability systems Founded back in 2007, we’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with amazing companies such as Kiwi.com, Socialbakers, HBO, Valamar, Emmezeta, Podravka etc. With experience collecting and enriching over 1 billion dollars of ad investment data, our team is passionate about providing brands and agencies with analytics, data & marketing solutions that help them improve their businesses.
- Website
External link for SeekandHit
- Industry
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Split, Split-Dalmatia
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2007
- Specialties
- adwords, internet marketing, facebook ads, ppc, pay per click, seo, twitter ads, performance marketing, analytics, google premier partner, development, martech, data, and analytics
Put Brodarice 6
Split, Split-Dalmatia 21000, HR
Prhovine 2
Vinišće, Dalmatia 21226, HR
Employees at SeekandHit
This week, we're visiting our Dall Int. - Digital Alliance International partners at Web2Media in Denmark! 🇩🇰 As part of the newly launched Employee Exchange Program, we're spending a few days exchanging insights, knowledge, and best practices with their performance team. A great opportunity to learn, collaborate, and strengthen our international network! #DallAlliance #EmployeeExchangeProgramme #PerformanceMarketing
Vidimo se u subotu 8. veljače na Global Leadership Summit Split, gdje će Mario Francesevic i kolege iz tehnološke zajednice dijeliti iskustva o uspjesima i neuspjesima u poslovanju te kako ih prevladati🚀 Još se stignete prijaviti: https://lnkd.in/dnj5KaE5
Uskoro počinje period stručnih praksi u SeekandHitu! Prošlog tjedna naše kolegice Ivona Iva S. i Petra Babić, ujedno i bivše studentice Ekonomskog fakulteta u Splitu, podijelile su sa studentima vrijedne informacije o digitalnom marketingu i radu kod nas. 🔍✨ Ako ste spremni za prve korake u svijetu digitalnog marketinga, pratite nas! 👀
U četvrtak 16.01. smo imali iznimno zadovoljstvo ugostiti naše bivše studentice, sada specijalistice za digitalni marketing Ivona Iva Santic i Petra Babić iz agencije SeekandHit. Kroz dinamičnu prezentaciju, sudionici predavanja su se upoznali s praksom oglašavanja putem Meta platforme i integracijom umjetne inteligencije u oglašivačku praksu. Predavanje, održano u sklopu kolegija E-marketing, pružilo je studentima vrijedne uvide u praksu digitalnog marketinga. Zahvaljujemo se kolegicama na odvojenom vremenu i trudu te se veselimo budućim suradnjama! 👋
SeekandHit reposted this
Što se događa kad spojimo najbolje iz digitalnog svijeta na jednom mjestu? Dobijemo MIXX & Mingle, gdje smo uronili u priče o najuspješnijim digitalnim projektima, saznali što nas čeka u budućnosti digitalnog marketinga i zavirili iza kulisa MIXX žiriranja 🌟 Hvala svima koji su nam se pridružili na ovom inspirativnom druženju, a evo što smo sve saznali u prostoru Uranije: 📝 uvjete prijave i natjecateljske kategorije približile su nam predsjednica MIXX žirija Nela Fegić Moguljak (Imago) i voditeljica natjecanja Eva Trstenjak (IAB Croatia), 🤫 tajne uspjeha dosadašnjih dobitnika MIXX statua otkrili su nam Mario Francesevic (SeekandHit), Tomislav Kučina (Boiler — Powered by Degordian), Tomislav Bader (Minus Minus Agency) pod moderatorskom palicom Saša Škorić (Lauris), 🚀 digitalne trendove koji će obilježiti naš svakodnevni rad objasnili su nam Lucija Potočnik (Sonda) i Gjuro Korać (NIVAS), uz Nebojša Grbačić (Cvoke) u duhu, 🎭 dobili smo behind-the-scenes pogled iza procesa žiriranja uz Nelu Fegić Moguljak, Sašu Škorića, Đuru Koraća i Marija Frančeševića te moderatoricu Dunja Ivana Ballon (IAB Croatia). Pratite naše kanale jer u mjesecu MIXX-a donosimo pregršt korisnih podataka, zanimljivosti i savjeta o MIXX-u u sklopu IAB Discovery: The Month of MIXX 🔍 #iabcroatia #iabdiscovery #mixx #mixxawards
SeekandHit reposted this
[RETROSPEKTIVA] "HURA za moju agenciju predstavlja puls tržišta i mogućnost razmjene iskustava sa kolegama iz struke, a sve to uz kvalitetnu podršku profesionalnog tima koji Udruga ima", osvrnuo se na ulogu HURA-e član Uprave Mario Francesevic (SeekandHit). Najviše ga je u prvoj godini njegova mandata impresionirala slojevitost Udruge te broj projekata koji su u stvaranju i provedbi: "Kao članu teško je uočiti sve ono čime se HURA bavi; tek sudjelovanjem u Upravi stekao sam pravi dojam o obujmu posla, incijativama i projektima koje Udruga sa svojim timom i članicama kroz radne skupine postiže."
We’re happy to have supported the #HealthtechAdriaConference this year as partners, backing Croatia’s first event focused on exploring the latest innovations in digital healthcare, medical technologies, and biopharmaceuticals. Congratulations to NetHub - health innovation, Vrh komunikacije and Hipermedia on organizing such an exceptional event – we’re already looking forward to next year's one!
Thank you all! 🩵 See you next year at #HealthtechAdriaConference University of Split University of Split School of Medicine Vrh komunikacije Hipermedia SeekandHit
“December is already here, and if you haven’t thought about your holiday campaigns—or think you might be a little late—trust us when we say: IT’S NEVER TOO LATE, and it’s never been easier to get started.” Read our tips to maximize your Meta campaigns on small budgets and tight timelines, that our Ivona Iva S. wrote!
The future of marketing is bold, balanced, and human—and we’re here for it! 🎯 Our performance marketers, Ivona and Marja returned from Web Summit Lisbon with powerful insights that will shape 2025. Here’s a quick look at their key takeaways — read the full blog for actionable tips and inspiring examples. 👉🏼 https://lnkd.in/dWDYhGPW