Software Development
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb 87 followers
Enabling next level precision and accuracy in high-throughput screening in Pharma R&D and diagnostics.
About us
TINFE is a cutting-edge start-up dedicated to revolutionizing high-throughput analysis through advanced fluorescent spectroscopy. We specialize in developing integrated software and hardware solutions designed to enhance the measurement and processing of fluorescence spectra. Our products serve a wide range of professionals in biomedicine, pharmacy, and research and development. By leveraging innovative techniques and streamlined data processing, we significantly reduce the time from sample collection to results, ensuring resource efficiency and superior performance for our clients.
- Website
External link for TINFE
- Industry
- Software Development
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2024
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb 10000, HR
Employees at TINFE
Today, we're attending the Leaders of Trade conference in Westin Hotel, Zagreb, thanks ZICER - Zagreb Innovation Centre for inviting us 😎 Very excited for the opportunity to connect to industry leaders in trade & retail, as well as potential investors. If you're around, come visit us at the TINFE stand!
TINFE reposted this
Well, that was interesting Zagreb Slush'D! The momentum around Croatian (and 'regional', to be fair) startup scene is certainly (re)building and it's great to have events that recognize and celebrate this. 👏 From the main agenda I enjoyed the bittersweet but ultimately successful exit stories like the one of Gamepires, the one about being stuck in self imposed feature factory for 5 years between wanting to get it 'perfect' and pivoting by Rolla, all the way over to Finland and learning from Peter Vesterbacka about how their startup ecosystem is charging up demographic and economic growth. 👌 Full day event was quite an ambitious undertaking and production was well executed overall, however, there are few areas of improvement that I think could bring more cohesion to future events. 📌 The website and the ticket info were a bit misleading 'by design' as to when exactly the conference begins 📌 The event's 'app' Brella and event's real-time agenda weren't quite synced, making it difficult to schedule meetings between talks. 🫠 📌 The "lunch break" was an unfortunate use of terminology for public agenda, since no lunch or any snacks were offered to the attendees and I noticed audience dissipating after this part. Obviously if you get 'hangry' and have to leave the premises, it's less likely you will return. The open bar at the after party is nice, but some snacks for the full day event would be nicer 😅 📌 The Garage stage was a bit too small for the interest it accumulated in the first half of the program. 📌 Personally I found the startup expo stands not too well positioned/balanced in the already darkened ambient, so it was easy to overlook them. 📌 Minor, but still, the language of the event was unclear, with some talks being in English, some in Croatian Finally, congrats to the winner of the startup pitching contest Arkensight and good luck in Helsinki! The honorable mentions go to very interesting use case for Bidsale by VendueTech, the innovative approach to lab testing by TINFE, the "Notion for data analytics" by Sulie and friendly neighborhood watch by Zuluhood. 👏 #slush #zagreb #startups #product #events
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𝗦𝘃𝗮𝗸𝗶 𝗼𝗱 𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗵 𝗽𝗼𝗺𝗶č𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘂 𝗽𝗼𝗱𝗿𝘂č𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗮 𝘂 𝗸𝗼𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗮 𝗱𝗷𝗲𝗹𝘂𝗷𝘂. 𝗭𝗮𝗵𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗷𝘂𝗷𝘂ć𝗶 𝗡𝘂𝗾𝗹𝗲𝘂𝘀𝘂 𝗼𝘀𝘃𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗷𝘂 𝘁𝗿ž𝗶š𝘁𝗮 U konkurenciji deset timova koji su ušli u drugu fazu Nuqleus programa Startup Builder samo tri nastavljaju dalje – TINFE, RockTech NeXus i Ulpian. Svaki od njih pomiče granice u područjima u kojima djeluju, a program Nuqleus njihova bi rješenja trebao izbrusiti kako bi što brže i uspješnije osvojili tržište. 𝗣𝗿𝗼č𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗷𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗽š𝗶𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗷𝗲 https://lnkd.in/d4MXg35S
Nuqleus Demo day je dan kojeg ćemo dugo pamtiti! Hvala na povjerenju i krećemo zajedno u nove pobjede!
☀ Dok se polako pakirate za zasluženi godišnji odmor (ili ste već tamo😎), donosimo vam sjajnu vijest koju smo obećali! Drugi Nuqleus Demo Day je okupio više od 150 predstavnika👥 deep-tech scene, donio panel rasprave i razgovore🗣️ s renomiranim poduzetnicima i investitorima, a na njemu se predstavilo i 10 startup timova iz druge faze Nuqleus programa! 🌋 Atmosferu s događaja pogledajte u videu⬇, a s ponosom dijelimo vijest kako su u treću fazu Nuqleusovog Startup Buildera prošla 3 startup tima: 🔸TINFE – softverska i hardverska rješenja za optimizaciju mjerenja i obrade fluorescencijskih spektara 🔸Ulpian AI – alat za pretraživanje pravnih izvora temeljen na umjetnoj inteligenciji 🔸RockTech NeXus – digitalna platforma za inženjering podzemlja Čestitamo ovim sjajnim timovima koje očekuje uzbudljiva završna faza programa u kojoj će dobiti priliku za individualni rad s Nuqleusovim stručnjacima i mentorima s ciljem razvoja poslovanja i osiguravanja investicija!🧡 Više informacija o Demo Dayu pročitajte u blog postu 🔗https://lnkd.in/dmJiec_i #nuqleus #startups #venturebuilder #deeptech
🌋 Fantastični timovi našeg Startup Buildera: VirusHunter, PreferAI, Bypack, NanoWeaver, RockTechNeXus, Crobotic Solutions, TINFE, RNDM.company, LATOM i Ulpian su predstavili svoja inovativna rješenja pred više od 150 predstavnika regionalnog startup ekosustava! 💬 Uz njhove prezentacije, održala se izvrsna panel rasprava na temu “Unlocking Potential: VC Approaches to Deep Tech Innovation” s Tunya Irkad (500 Emerging Europe), Joško Bobanović (Sofinnova Partners), Bence Banhalmi (PortfoLion Capital Partners), Željka Idžan (HBOR - Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak) i Ante Magzan (afekt). Uskoro ćemo objaviti više informacija i koji startupi prolaze u treću, završnu fazu Nuqleusovog Startup Buildera, a dotad vam donosimo 🌋 atmosferu s Demo Daya! 🎉📸 FER Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla #nuqleus #startups #venturebuilder #deeptech #appliedscience
Say hello to the future of fluorescent spectroscopy!
🥁 Odbrojavamo dane do Nuqleusovog Demo Daya 🙌, a danas vam predstavljamo posljednji startup tim druge generacije Startup Buildera: TINFE! 🥁 TINFE predstavlja revolucionarni pristup visokoprotočnoj analizi korištenjem napredne fluorescencijske spektroskopije. Tim razvija integrirana softverska i hardverska rješenja koja optimiziraju mjerenje i obradu fluorescencijskih spektara. Namijenjena su širokom spektru stručnjaka u biomedicini, farmaciji, prehrambenoj industriji te istraživanju i razvoju. Implementacijom inovativnih tehnika i strukturiranom obradom podataka, TINFE optimizira resurse i osigurava vrhunske performanse za klijente, znatno smanjujući vrijeme potrebno od uzorkovanja do dobivanja konačnih rezultata. 🔬 👩🔬 Upoznajte tim s dugogodišnjim iskustvom na Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji stoji iza TINFE-a: Tin Weitner i Davor Šakić. Pročitajte više o njihovom inovativnom rješenju u našem blog postu ili ih upoznajte uživo na Nuqleusovom Demo Dayu! Prijave za Demo Day, koji se održava 4. srpnja u HUB385, još uvijek su otvorene, a prijaviti se možete putem 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dYKJGcB7! #nuqleus #startups #venturebuilder #deeptech #appliedscience