CEEweb for Biodiversity

CEEweb for Biodiversity

Environmental Services

CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe working for the conservation of biodiversity.


CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of environmental NGOs working for the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development. Since 1994, we have worked in over 20 countries identifying and changing the drivers behind biodiversity loss; forming common policies and actions for the enhancement of biodiversity in Central and Eastern Europe; and promoting the enforcement of international conventions for nature and biodiversity conservation.

Environmental Services
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    Mystical Danube preserves local heritage and traditions from being lost, and helps to generate regional economic growth. Local stories 📣, legends and traditional knowledge 📗 are a cornerstone of cultural heritage. The Börzsöny Hills ⛰️ and Ipoly Valley are regions rich with stories and culture. ➡️ Giants have been said to inhabit the Börzsöny Hills. According to the legend, these giants were benevolent beings who protected the local villagers. They were often depicted as powerful and wise, with their presence believed to bring good fortune. ➡️ A common myth in the Ipoly Valley is about a lost village that was swallowed by the river. According to the story, the village was once prosperous but was cursed or destroyed by a supernatural event. Some locals believe that the village's ruins occasionally resurface during times of great flooding. Stories and myths teach us about our relationship with the natural world, each other, and our shared history. Preserving local legends and celebrating oral culture is one aspect of the Mystical Danube project. 🇭🇺 A Mystical Danube projektünk célja a helyi örökség és a hagyományok megóvása az eltűnéstől, valamint a regionális gazdasági növekedéshez való hozzájárulás. A helyi történetek 📣, legendák és hagyományos ismeretek 📗 a kulturális örökség sarokkövei. Mintaterületünk, a Börzsöny-hegység ⛰️ és az Ipoly-völgy történetekben és kultúrában gazdag régiók. ➡️ A Börzsöny hegységben állítólag óriások laktak. A legenda szerint ezek az óriások jóindulatú lények voltak, akik megvédték a helyi falusiakat. Gyakran hatalmasnak és bölcsnek ábrázolták őket, jelenlétükről úgy vélték, hogy szerencsét hoz. ➡️ Az Ipoly-völgyben elterjedt mítosz egy elveszett faluról szól, amelyet elnyelt a folyó. A történet szerint a falu egykor virágzó volt, de egy természetfeletti esemény elátkozta vagy elpusztította. Egyes helyiek úgy vélik, hogy a falu romjai időnként nagy áradások idején újra felbukkannak. A történetek és mítoszok a természeti világgal, egymással és közös történelmünkkel való kapcsolatunkról tanítanak minket. A helyi legendák és a szájhagyomány útján terjedő történetek megőrzése a Mystical Danube projektünk egyik fontos eleme. #MysticalDanube #Interreg #DanubeRegion #RuralDevelopment #GreenDanube #StorytellingRoute #culturalheritagepreservation #Ipolyvalley #Börzsöny #Hungary #economicdevelopment #socialinclusion #mythsandlegends 📸 Ipoly Valley / Ipoly-völgy, 🇭🇺

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    Organic Farms in Poland teach people about agroecology! 🧑🌾 🌱 As part of the Reboot project 🔄, we are researching ways to increase a sense of mutual responsibility for a safe and sustainable food supply 🥗. Juchowo Farm and the ZIARNO Ecological and Cultural Association help to popularise organic farming by providing agroecological training, increasing the ease by which growers and farmers can get involved with agroecology. 🚜 Juchowo Farm is a centre for the development of environmental agriculture🌿. It maintains itself in a closed cycle with the cows eating food grown on the farm, their manure composted, and that compost fertilising the fields🐄. They have also created a Vocational Development Centre to train people in their methods. At ZIARNO, young people 🧒 can learn about the functions of an organic farm, and aspects of their cultural heritage, with teaching from local folk artists about regional practices and traditions. 🎨 Are you interested in the topic of food sovereignty? Check out our article 👉https://lght.ly/gl2fi0n Related links: 👉 https://lght.ly/j8ffe3o 👉 https://lght.ly/92mi84 #DEAR #Reboot #Rebootingthefoodsystem #Youthforfood #organicfarm #eatorganic #Agroecology #Poland #ClosedCycle #OrganicEducation #Tradition 📷 Joao Jesus on Pexels

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    Check out the video recordings of the valuable presentations held at CEEweb’s workshop: Peatlands as key habitats in climate mitigation efforts 👉 https://lght.ly/dabhan5 Watch 👀 if you’d like to find out more about these topics connected to peatlands like related policies in Poland, restoration efforts, climate change projections for Hungary, expected impacts of climate change, groundwater flow systems, carbon maps of organic soils in Hanság, Hungary, raised bogs in Hungary, paludiculture, ecosystem services and stakeholder engagement. Peatlands must be wet! 💦 🇭🇺 Elérhetőek a „Tőzeglápok, mint a klímaváltozás mérséklésének kulcsszereplői” c. műhelymunka tartalmas előadásai. 👉 https://lght.ly/dabhan5 Nézze meg 👀, ha érdeklik a tőzeglápok és sok más kötődő téma, mint a kapcsolódó szakpolitikák Lengyelországban, élőhely-helyreállítás, a klímaváltozás várható hatása Magyarországon, a felszín alatti vízáramlások, tőzegtalajok a Hanságban, dagadólápok az Alföldön, paludikultúra, az ökoszisztéma szolgáltatások és az érdekelt felek bevonása. A tőzeglápok maradjanak nedvesek! 💦 #climatechangemitigation #peatlands #rewetting #paludiculture #restoration #carbonstorage #ceewebworkshop @EUKI project

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    TÁRSASJÁTÉKTERVEZÉS-TENDER ☝️ / BOARD GAME DESIGN CALL ☝️ 🇭🇺 Profi társasjátéktervező vagy? Mindig is érdekelt, hogyan tudnád bemutatni az élelmiszerrendszer fenntarthatóvá tételét egy társasjáték keretében? 🎲 Akkor most tied a pálya! A Rebooting the Food System EU pályázat keretében kiírtunk egy nyílt pályázatot 📣, aminek keretében bárki bemutathatja hogyan tudja elképzelni 💡 azt, hogy a jelenlegi fenntarthatatlan élelmiszerrendszerből miként lehet átkerülni egy jobb, mind a bolygónak, mind az emberiségnek hasznosabb, fenntartható rendszerbe. 💚 Legyen szó felelős gyártásról, forgalmazásról, fogyasztásról. Gyere velünk, nézd meg a kiírást 👉 https://lght.ly/lll272h és jelentkezz az ötleteiddel. Itt az idő, hogy együtt érjünk el változást! 🔋 #tarsasjatek #fenntarthatoelelmiszerrendszer 🇬🇧 Are you a professional board game designer? Ever wondered how you could show how to make the food system sustainable in a board game? 🎲 Then now is your chance! As part of the Rebooting the Food System EU program, we've launched an open call 📣 for anyone to show 💡 how we could move from the current unsustainable food system to a better, more sustainable system that benefits both the planet and humanity. 💚 This includes responsible production, distribution and consumption. Join us! Check out the call 👉 https://lght.ly/3hhoe0g and submit your ideas. Now is the time to make a difference together! 🔋 #DEAR #Reboot #Rebootingthefoodsystem #Youthforfood #boardgame #sustainablefoodsystem

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    TÁRSASJÁTÉKTERVEZÉS-TENDER ☝️ / BOARD GAME DESIGN CALL ☝️ 🇭🇺 Profi társasjátéktervező vagy? Mindig is érdekelt, hogyan tudnád bemutatni az élelmiszerrendszer fenntarthatóvá tételét egy társasjáték keretében? 🎲 Akkor most tied a pálya! A Rebooting the Food System EU pályázat keretében kiírtunk egy nyílt pályázatot 📣, aminek keretében bárki bemutathatja hogyan tudja elképzelni 💡 azt, hogy a jelenlegi fenntarthatatlan élelmiszerrendszerből miként lehet átkerülni egy jobb, mind a bolygónak, mind az emberiségnek hasznosabb, fenntartható rendszerbe. 💚 Legyen szó felelős gyártásról, forgalmazásról, fogyasztásról. Gyere velünk, nézd meg a kiírást 👉 https://lght.ly/lll272h és jelentkezz az ötleteiddel. Itt az idő, hogy együtt érjünk el változást! 🔋 #tarsasjatek #fenntarthatoelelmiszerrendszer 🇬🇧 Are you a professional board game designer? Ever wondered how you could show how to make the food system sustainable in a board game? 🎲 Then now is your chance! As part of the Rebooting the Food System EU program, we've launched an open call 📣 for anyone to show 💡 how we could move from the current unsustainable food system to a better, more sustainable system that benefits both the planet and humanity. 💚 This includes responsible production, distribution and consumption. Join us! Check out the call 👉 https://lght.ly/3hhoe0g and submit your ideas. Now is the time to make a difference together! 🔋 #DEAR #Reboot #Rebootingthefoodsystem #Youthforfood #boardgame #sustainablefoodsystem

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    Yesterday, the Nature Restoration Law entered into force and we're here for it! 🤩 It’s a truly historic moment as the law sets legally-binding targets for Member States to restore 20% of land areas and 20% of seas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. This day follows years of advocacy and campaigning from the #RestoreNature movement which to get the Nature Restoration Law across the finish line. As part of #RestoreNature movement, CEEweb has been advocating for this regulation in the CEE region. 📽️ Watch the video recap of the campaign and let’s work together to our rivers, forests, seas, wetlands & green our cities all around Europe 🦋

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    Guerilla gardening creates a community centre! ❤️🌷 As part of the Reboot project 🔄, we are looking at schemes that tackle inequalities that limit access to healthy, ecological food 🥗. Creating safe green spaces in cities where people can be empowered to grow food organically helps combat the economic barriers to sustainable food supplies. 🌱 💰 In 2010, in Nitra, Slovakia, a group of students used guerilla gardening to create an informal allotment site out of unused land, eventually creating a community centre called Hidepark. 🐝 Koza Garden, a permaculture garden in Hidepark, offers educational schemes about ecological gardening, tips on planting, and practical workshops. 💐 ➡️ https://lght.ly/ibigh7k Hidepark has become a hub for creativity, self-expression, and sports. Individuals there can learn valuable ecological skills; the space hosts concerts, performances, literary readings, and lectures. 📚 Are you interested in the topic of food sovereignty? Check out our article 👉 https://lght.ly/9l0n3lc #DEAR #Reboot #Rebootingthefoodsystem #Youthforfood #organicfarm #eatorganic #Agroecology #Hidepark #Slovakia #Permaculture #GuerillaGardening #CommunityGarden #Allotment 📷 David Clode on Unsplash

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    What is the importance of preserving natural and cultural heritage? 🤔 Mystical Danube preserves local heritage and traditions from being lost. Natural and cultural heritage is a way of connecting with the local community, and the rich history of a region. These are assets that can contribute to regional economic development, 📈 social inclusion, and community well-being. ✅ We hope that our project will bring together a range of different stakeholders, from local to international – strengthening the connections between heritage projects across Eastern Europe 🇪🇺 and generating income for areas in need of economic development. Through collaboration with local organizations, businesses, and communities, 👥 we are working towards a project that will directly benefit locals and generate grassroots growth. #MysticalDanube #Interreg #DanubeRegion #RuralDevelopment #GreenDanube #StorytellingRoute #culturalheritagepreservation #Ipolyvalley #Börzsöny #Hungary #economicdevelopment #socialinclusion #communitywellbeing

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    Soil erosion monitoring at Slovakia’s Malá Fatra National Park A team of researchers 🔬 from the University of Žilina and park rangers from the Malá Fatra National Park recently conducted a field expedition to Veľký Rozsutec mountain. They were joined by a Slovak zoology student from the University of Bristol, currently interning with us at CEEWeb 💚, working with our team on the HUMANITA project. Together, they photo-documented soil erosion on and around the tourist trails. This erosion, caused by increased tourism and extreme weather, leads to trail degradation and formation of unofficial shortcuts. The team’s photographic 📸 evidence aims to assess the trails' current condition and develop better management strategies to prevent further erosion. In addition to studying soil erosion, the team collected geological samples from recent landslides and rock ⛰️ falls following severe storms. This will help identify causes and preventive measures. For our intern, this experience was educational 🏫 and enriching, offering insight into conservation efforts within the national park. The team’s interdisciplinary approach highlights the importance of combining academic expertise 📖, practical ranger knowledge, and fresh student perspectives to address ecological challenges. For more information about this expedition go to 👉 https://lght.ly/ehniai #HUMANITA #InteregCentralEurope #soilerosion #tourism 📸 Emilia Filt

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    Estonian Webpage Helps Consumers to Eat Organic! 🥕 Within the Reboot project 🔄, we are thinking about safe and sustainable food supply and production, and how agroecological methods can tackle inequalities. 🍇 ❤️ Widening the accessibility of organic food is crucial to creating an inclusive, greener society. The online platform https://lght.ly/hn9ol6d supports this aim, as it offers free advice on recognising authentically organic products, and emphasises the diversity and opportunities of agroecological products in contrast to mass-produced commercial food. 🍏 Talutoit sets up food markets, like the ‘Land Comes to City’ food far in Tartu, supporting independent farmers and short supply chains. 🚜 They also run an annual Best Farm Food competition, empowering organic farmers, with categories like Best Farm Cheese 🧀, Best Meat Product 🥩, and Best New Addition to the Market 🏆. Are you interested in the topic of food sovereignty? Check out our article 👉 https://lght.ly/61ogbfo #DEAR #Reboot #Rebootingthefoodsystem #YouthforFood #EatOrganic #OrganicFarm #Estonia #Agroecology #FoodMarket 📷 Rasa Kasparaviciene on Unsplash

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