Do it right marketing

Do it right marketing

Marketing Services

Unlock your growth potential with on-demand marketing strategy


To us, growth marketing means problem solving. We unlock organizations’ growth potential with on-demand marketing strategy that is personalized to their needs. We support them with a holistic multi-channel approach strongly focused on data-driven decision making and constant optimization. Currently our clients are from software, medical, education technology, manufacturing, IT services, and non-profit industries.

Marketing Services
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  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    It's a New Year! Let me reintroduce myself. I’m Emi, a Global Growth Marketer 👋 with a decade of experience working in startups, midsized companies and large enterprises in San Francisco, London, Paris, and Budapest. I have worked in-house for several global brands, LinkedIn, Orange, and Nokia. Today, I run my own marketing consultancy business, Do it right marketing. I work with clients of all shapes and sizes, across many industries helping them accelerate their growth. I’m more efficient working in English, de beszélek Magyarul is. For regular marketing tips and insights follow this page, as I regularly share my thoughts on marketing strategy foundations. Give it a like or add your thoughts in the comments. Let’s create growth together!  

  • Do it right marketing újraposztolta ezt

    A(z) Startup Hungary  szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    5 584 követő

    Want to master the art of storytelling in your marketing? 🎨 Discover how to evoke emotions and apply behavioural science to your brand for lasting impact. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to create or optimise your brand identity, from visual elements to tone of voice, all led by the experienced Emi Orbán-Agg (Do it right marketing). 👉 Register through our Luma link below.

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  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    Just because technology is evolving super quickly doesn't mean that marketers are becoming any less relevant. 💾 We just need to make sure we're using our skills to work seamlessly with technology. Technology is our tool to efficiency, so don't fight it, embrace it! How have you embraced AI in your day to day marketing processes? 🤔

  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    Did you know that 57% of B2B Sales professionals are not aware of what GDPR is? 🤓 Recently I've been receiving lots of questions about how to outbound, while staying GDPR compliant. This is especially important in the EU, but would recommend everyone to consider as keeping your customers' data safe and only reaching out to people who actually have potential interest is the optimal customer experience. Check out 6 ways of how to outbound with GDPR in mind below 🤔 Source: Steven Macdonald's awesome blogpost:

    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    Marketing your marketing is sometimes more important than your actual marketing work. This is especially true within larger organisations, however, it’s equally important to showcase your work within startups. So why is it so important? 1. It creates cross-functional alignment and can spark ideas that can turn into cool cross-functional initiatives. ✨ 2. Presenting your work and its impact on the organisation will portray you as a thought leader in your field. 🚴♀️ How much time do you spend on marketing your marketing?

  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    *myth buster* The shift from full-time employee to running your own consultancy business means you need to reevaluate your behaviours towards work. I was convinced until very recently that selling all your hours is the way to go to measure success. “If I can sell all my hours, it means I’m as productive as I was when I was working full-time as an employee.” This belief is very false. When you’re a full-time employee it is normal that you’re working 8 hours per day. However, you don’t have tasks related to your job that are ‘unpaid’ that a consultant does. For example; billing, syncing with your assistant or lawyer, setting long term goals for your business, creating content for your personal brand and the list goes on. 🤹♀️ Working non-stop for clients means you end up not having time to think creatively or invest time in learning or attend networking events or meet with potential clients. 🤝 Most importantly, you’re the one responsible for your own self care now. You can’t blame your company for overworking you, you’re the only one who can impact your workload. While working for yourself will mean harder boundary setting, you need to start early otherwise you’ll burn out quickly. 🚒 Ultimately, you shouldn’t aim to sell 40 hours a week to clients as that will mean you don’t have time to focus on your own growth. ☘ What are some myths that you busted since becoming an entrepreneur?

    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    So many of us are so hard on ourselves for days when our productivity or creativity isn't outstanding. I'm one of the many who isn't as gentle with myself as I should be when I don't perform at 100% one day. However, we need to remember we're not machines, we can't be perfect every single day. Most probably your 80% looks like 120% to others - so stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy the journey. Any other entrepreneurs out there giving yourself the worst performance reviews? 🤓

    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    Taking time off work is something many struggle with - maybe more so in the US than in Europe 😉 When I worked in San Francisco I had unlimited paid time off at all the companies I worked for, however, this didn't actually mean I took more time off work than when I had set days off in Europe. What was a true game changer was working at LinkedIn, where the company would shut down twice a year for a full week. That is a true break. You come back to 0 unread emails, as everyone else was also on vacation. I would typically spend the first few hours back in the office at the IT desk, as I would often forget my password to my computer - isn't that the true recharge we all need to be able to do our jobs well? Now that I run my own business, taking time off is even harder than before. It's hard, because I need to set my own boundaries and decide how much time off I need. I need to make the conscious decision that I will not be billing for those days, meaning I'll make less that month. I also need to truly decide to not think about work and my growth plans when sitting on the beach. Did you take proper time off to recharge this summer? If not, it's not too late to take a long weekend before summer is over. ☀ *this is me at Lake Como in July taking a week long break*

    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • A(z) Do it right marketing szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    407 követő

    Why do so many companies put so much money into marketing but don’t care about the customer experience? 💰 Most organisations’ main revenue comes from return customers but if the product or service isn’t good then you’re just wasting your money on bringing in new customers that won’t return / stay. 🏃♀️ 💨 However, the same goes for not investing in customer marketing. Make sure you have marketing activations running along the full customer journey, not just top of funnel. Feeding the growth engine from the top is important, but it’s equally if not more important to keep your existing customers happy and loyal. Turning them into advocates for your brand is the best way to drive new customers. 🥕 Give your customers special attention to ensure they don’t churn! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 👋 I’m a Hungarian American Growth Marketer running my own marketing consultancy business. I have a decade of experience working in startups, midsized companies and large enterprises in San Francisco, London, Paris, and Budapest, I have worked in house for several global brands, such as LinkedIn, Nokia, and Orange. When relocating to Budapest, I recognised the strong need for growth marketing across organisations of all sizes and industries. This is how Do it right marketing was born. Today, I consult with clients of all sizes, across many industries helping them accelerate their growth.

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