A Tudomány Világnapja: A Békéért és a Fejlődésért November 10-én a tudomány világnapját ünnepeljük, melynek központi üzenete a tudomány szerepe a globális béke és fejlődés előmozdításában. A tudományos és technológiai fejlődés nemcsak az ismeretek bővítését szolgálja, hanem képes megoldásokat kínálni a világ legnagyobb kihívásaira, mint az éghajlatváltozás, a globális egészségügyi válságok, vagy az erőforrások fenntartható felhasználása. Az ilyen fejlesztések erősítik a nemzetek közötti együttműködést és segítenek enyhíteni a konfliktusokat. Mint fejlesztő cég, elkötelezettek vagyunk amellett, hogy munkánk nemcsak a technológiai innovációkat célozza, hanem hozzájáruljon a társadalmi és gazdasági fejlődéshez is. A tudományos alapú megoldások, mint a fenntartható energiatermelés, a digitális oktatás és a fejlett egészségügyi technológiák, mind a társadalmi egyenlőség és a béke elősegítését szolgálják. Hiszünk abban, hogy a tudományos fejlődés közvetlenül hozzájárul egy jobb és stabilabb világ megteremtéséhez. A tudomány világnapja emlékeztet minket arra, hogy a technológia ereje nemcsak gazdasági, hanem társadalmi szinten is formálja a jövőt. Mi is ennek szellemében dolgozunk, folyamatosan innovatív, fenntartható megoldásokkal, amelyek nemcsak üzleti célokat, hanem a globális közjót is szolgálnak. A tudomány és technológia kulcsfontosságú a békés és fejlődő társadalmak megteremtésében, és mi is hozzájárulunk ehhez a küldetéshez. https://lnkd.in/eACEM2nr
Fluart Innovative Vaccines
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical firm with 33+ years' expertise in human vaccine production, research, development, and CDMO services.
Fluart Innovative Vaccines Ltd. is an integrated biotechnology company focused on the development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines. Our company is committed to health innovation and contributes to the widespread availability of human vaccines. As a CDMO, we also offer integrated scientific services.
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Külső hivatkozás a következőhöz: Fluart Innovative Vaccines
- Ágazat
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Vállalat mérete
- 51–200 munkavállaló
- Központ
- Pilisborosjenő
- Típus
- Magánkézben lévő
- Alapítva
- 1991
- Szakterületek
Pilisborosjenő, 2097, HU
Alkalmazottak a Fluart Innovative Vaccines
Készüljön fel az influenzaszezonra: ingyenes védőoltás október végétől! A 40. héten elindult a légúti figyelőszolgálat, amely az influenzavírus, a SARS-CoV-2 és az RSV fertőzések nyomon követését szolgálja. Ezzel párhuzamosan megkezdődött a térítésmentes influenzaoltóanyagok kiszállítása a háziorvosi rendelőkbe és foglalkozás-egészségügyi orvosokhoz. Miért érdemes beoltatnia magát? • Védelem a leggyakoribb légúti vírusok ellen: Az oltás segít megelőzni az influenza és más légúti fertőzések okozta megbetegedéseket. • Ingyenes hozzáférés: A 2024/2025-ös szezonra gyártott vakcina október végétől térítésmentesen elérhető az ország egész területén. • Közösségi felelősségvállalás: Az oltással nemcsak saját egészségét védi, hanem hozzájárul a járvány terjedésének megfékezéséhez is. Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőséget! Keresse fel háziorvosát vagy foglalkozás-egészségügyi orvosát, és kérje az ingyenes influenza elleni védőoltást. Védje meg magát és szeretteit az idei influenzaszezonban! https://lnkd.in/eACEM2nr #InfluenzaOltás #Egészség #Megelőzés #FLUART #VACCINE #CDMO
Stay Protected and Healthy This Flu Season As the 2024-2025 flu season begins, the CDC has updated its guidance, noting that all influenza vaccines in the United States will be trivalent this year (CDC). These vaccines are designed to protect against the three primary flu strains expected this season. Getting vaccinated is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your health, and the trivalent vaccine offers targeted protection to help you and your family stay well all season long. Why Get Vaccinated? • Accessible for All: Suitable for individuals of all age groups. • Support for Vulnerable Populations: Provides added protection for young children, seniors, and those with underlying health conditions. https://lnkd.in/e7NpYmHd Protect yourself and those around you by scheduling your flu shot today. Visit your local pharmacy or healthcare provider and help keep your community healthy this flu season. #FluSeason #FluVaccine #StayHealthy #FLUART
🚀 Pharmaceutical innovation is evolving rapidly, and the key to success is often choosing the right partner. 🌟 Fluart's CDMO services represent industry-leading standards that help our clients turn their ideas into reality and gain a competitive edge in the market. 🔬 What do we offer? Personalised development solutions 🧪 Full manufacturing services 🏭: We ensure product reliability and consistency through stringent quality control and efficient manufacturing processes. 🔧 Why choose Fluart? Over 33 years of experience 🗓️: Our extensive industry knowledge ensures your projects run smoothly. Innovative solutions 💡: We are constantly seeking new ways to optimize your development and production processes. High quality 🏆: We adhere to the highest quality standards to ensure you are always satisfied with the result. 🔍 To find out more about how we can support you with your innovation processes and manufacturing challenges, visit our website or contact us directly. 👉 Find out more about Fluart's CDMO services here https://lnkd.in/e6BeVrHw #CDMO #PharmaManufacturing #ContractManufacturing #DrugDevelopment #EUGMP #GMP #Fluart #FluartResearch #FluartVaccines #Vaccines #FluartCDMO #Pharmaceuticals #APImanufacturing #PharmaAPI #DrugManufacturing #Biopharma #PharmaTech #PharmaceuticalIndustry #APIProduction #PharmaceuticalScience #DrugDevelopment #PharmaInnovation #PharmaManufacturing #Biotechnology #PharmaQuality #PharmaResearchanddevelopement #PharmaceuticalTechnology #PharmaceuticalResearch #APIQuality #Cdmo #Bulkdrugs #intermediates #Activepharmaceuticaligredients #API
Contract Development and Manufacturing - Fluart Innovative Vaccines
Did you know? Biological CDMOs are like the “ghostwriters” of the biotech world! 🧬✨ They help biotech companies develop and produce biological drugs—such as vaccines, antibodies, and cell therapies—without ever putting their name on the final product. Their expertise in scaling up production, maintaining quality, and ensuring regulatory compliance allows biotech firms to focus on innovation and research. So, the next time you get a life-saving vaccine or cutting-edge biologic therapy, there’s a good chance a CDMO quietly played a big role behind the scenes! 💉🔬 https://fluart.hu/ #BiotechInnovation #CDMO #LifeSciences #Biologics #BehindTheScenesScience #PharmaSolutions #Fluart #Vaccine #DrugDevelopment #HealthInnovation 🌱💡
Homepage - Fluart Innovative Vaccines
🧠 Is Brain Fog Holding You Back? Let’s Dive into the Science Behind It! 🧠 Ever had that feeling where your mind is just… foggy? Well, Long COVID might be crossing more boundaries than we thought—specifically, your blood-brain barrier! Think of this barrier as your brain’s VIP security line, only letting the good stuff in. But with Long COVID, researchers suspect this line could be compromised, allowing unwanted substances to mess with your mental clarity, memory, and focus. 😵💫 The good news? Scientists are actively researching how to restore this critical defense system. From inflammation to immune responses, understanding what’s happening could open doors to new treatments that help clear the fog once and for all. 💡✨ So next time your brain feels like it’s buffering, remember—it’s not just in your head! Stay sharp and keep your mind’s gates strong. 🧬🔍 https://fluart.hu/ #BrainHealth #LongCovid #ScienceIsAwesome #StayInformed #CDMO #FLUART
Homepage - Fluart Innovative Vaccines
🌍💊 Fluart Shines at the 35th CPHI in Milan! 💊🌍 Fluart was proud to participate in the 35th CPHI, held this year in the vibrant city of Milan. This global event highlighted the critical role of CDMO services in driving pharmaceutical innovation. The groundbreaking advancements showcased at CPHI reinforced a key takeaway: the pharma industry’s rapid innovation wouldn’t be possible without the support and expertise provided by CDMOs like Fluart. 🚀 From cutting-edge drug development to seamless manufacturing solutions, CDMOs are essential in ensuring that life-changing medicines reach the market efficiently and safely. We’re excited to continue leading the charge in this evolving landscape, bringing top-tier solutions to our partners around the world. https://lnkd.in/e6BeVrHw Let’s shape the future of healthcare together! 🏥💡 #Fluart #CPHI2024 #PharmaInnovation #CDMOServices #DrugDevelopment #PharmaceuticalExcellence #HealthcareInnovation #Biotech #PharmaManufacturing #LifeSciences #GlobalPharma
🧬 Investigating Coronaviruses in Berlin’s Rat Population 🧬 A recent study in Berlin has shed light on the presence of coronaviruses in the city’s Norway rat population. Researchers tested 130 rats to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses were circulating among these urban rodents. Interestingly, while no evidence of widespread SARS-CoV-2 was found, one rat tested positive for antibodies to the Omicron variant, indicating a possible isolated spillover from humans. However, several rats were found to carry alphacoronaviruses, highlighting the need for continued monitoring of rodent populations. These findings underscore the importance of studying animals like rats, as they may play a role in the transmission and evolution of viruses with zoonotic potential. The study emphasizes the value of proactive surveillance in understanding virus dynamics in urban wildlife and informing public health strategies. https://lnkd.in/e6BeVrHw Key Insight: While SARS-CoV-2 does not appear to be circulating in Berlin’s rats, other coronaviruses are present, warranting ongoing research to mitigate future zoonotic risks. 🐀🔬 #PharmaManufacturing #BiotechSolutions #CDMOServices #ContractManufacturing #DrugDevelopment #PharmaceuticalInnovation #Biopharma #ClinicalDevelopment #BiotechManufacturing #HealthcareSolutions #LifeSciences #PharmaContracting #CDMOExperts #RegulatoryCompliance #PharmaOutsourcing #CDMOInnovation #DrugProduction #PharmaTech #BiotechPartnership #ContractResearch
Contract Development and Manufacturing - Fluart Innovative Vaccines
Protect yourself! 😊 https://fluart.hu/ #CDMOSolutions #BiopharmaExcellence #ManufacturingInnovation #BiotechAdvancement #PharmaPartnership #CDMOExperts #BiologicsManufacturing #PharmaceuticalDevelopment #GlobalCDMOServices #ContractManufacturing #FluVaccine #InfluenzaProtection #FightTheFlu #FluPrevention #VaccineInnovation #FluSeasonReady #StayFluSafe #VaccineDevelopment #FluShot #PublicHealthProtection #CDMOForVaccines #InnovatingFluVaccines #VaccineManufacturing #FluVaccineProduction #PartnerInFluProtection #VaccineCDMOServices #ScalingVaccineSolutions #CDMOHealthInnovation #LeadingVaccineDevelopment #CDMOFluVaccineSolutions
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a pressing global health crisis that challenges both medicine and public health like never before. According to the WHO’s 2023 report, over 700,000 people die annually due to AMR, and if urgent action is not taken, this number could rise to 10 million per year by 2050 📈 [1]. #AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites become resistant to the medications used to treat infections. This resistance reduces the effectiveness of standard antibiotics and antivirals, dramatically increasing treatment costs and mortality rates 💸 [2]. #Bacteriophages 🦠✨ One of the most promising solutions to the AMR problem is the use of bacteriophages. These viruses are specific to bacteria and research indicates that bacteriophage therapy could be an effective alternative for cases resistant to antibiotics. Studies published in 2023 suggest that bacteriophages can reduce the need for antibiotics and treat bacteria that are resistant to conventional drugs 🔬 [3]. Facts and Projections 📊 700,000 people die annually due to AMR (WHO, 2023) [1]. 10 million deaths are expected annually by 2050 if no change occurs (Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, 2014) [4]. At Fluart, we have developed innovative phage preparations against Salmonella that have shown promising results in preventing and treating infections. We are also pioneering treatments against Staphylococcus aureus, which are vital for both human health and veterinary applications. Join us in paving the way towards a safer, healthier future! 🌟🧪 For more information, visit our website: 👉https://lnkd.in/dbjdNHGQ #AMR #AntibioticResistance #BacteriophageResearch #HealthInnovation #Fluart #FluartResearch #FluartVaccines #FluartCDMO #Bacteriophage #PhageTherapy #VirusAgainstBacteria #PhageBiology #BacterialInfection #PhageTreatment #MicrobialControl #Antibacterial #BacteriophageResearch #PhageTherapeutics #Microbiology #InfectiousDisease Sources: World Health Organization (WHO). "Antimicrobial resistance: Key facts." WHO, 2023. https://lnkd.in/f8AXVGX Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance." CDC, 2023. https://lnkd.in/efdDvAP Phage therapy: An alternative to antibiotics in the age of multi-drug resistance Derek M Lin, Britt Koskella, Henry C Lin,Lin DM, Koskella B, Lin HC. Phage therapy: An alternative to antibiotics in the age of multi-drug resistance. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther 2017; 8(3): 162-173 [PMID: 28828194 DOI: 10.4292/wjgpt.v8.i3.162] Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. "Tackling drug-resistant infections globally: Final report and recommendations." 2014. https://lnkd.in/dR-K-9HG
Antimicrobial resistance