iLogistic Kft.  Borítókép
iLogistic Kft.

iLogistic Kft.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

Biatorbágy, Pest 212 követők

Mi azért dolgozunk, hogy Te több időt tölthess szeretteiddel, aggodalmak nélkül nyaralhass, piacvezető lehess.


The packaging, sorting and shipping of your orderable products in your webshop isdone by iLogistic's youthful team All you need to do is focus on developing your sales activities, getting new customers and customers, while keeping the entire logistics background in safe hands. If you use our service, we undertake the inspection and storage of the delivered goods. We handle orders received through the webshop. We collect, package, deliver and handle cash on delivery. You can keep track of all this through our 24-hour online inventory and order management system. You don't need extra infrastructure, expensive warehouse management software. We do all the processes in one package for you. All you need to do is focus on developing your sales activities, getting new customers and customers, while keeping the entire logistics background in safe hands.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Vállalat mérete
51–200 munkavállaló
Biatorbágy, Pest
Public Company


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    Verebély László utca


    Biatorbágy, Pest 2051, HU

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