Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület - Association for Hungarian Digital Education  Borítókép
Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület - Association for Hungarian Digital Education

Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület - Association for Hungarian Digital Education

Education Administration Programs

Budapest, Budapest 39 követők

Teachers make the differences not the technology


The Association for Hungarian Digital Education/Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület (AHDE) is a leading professional association and knowledge-network of and for the most innovative teachers, pedagogy experts and schools. The members are dedicated to the use of digital and mobile technologies and innovative pedagogy based on gamification, collaborative, active and inquiry learning, especially in STEAM education. Members of AHDE/MDOE: • 1140 teachers from 417 Hungarian public and/or VET schools; • 58 researchers of digital education; • 71 public and VET schools. The main activities of AHDE focus on teachers’ digital competences and school digital readiness development, like: i) runs continuous professional development of math and science (STEAM) elementary, secondary and VET teachers in Hungary to use GeoGebra/digital tools, mobile EdTech in the classroom teaching and Home-learning; ii) builds up capacity of teachers in digital pedagogy, and develop their digital competence; iii) develops and runs a “Community of Practice”: a virtual social network and knowledge sharing community of the STEAM teachers and headmasters; iv) runs OD workshops/training for the headmasters about developing digital learning/teaching culture in the schools; v) supports the schools in digital transformation, managing the change, and development of digital learning/teaching school culture vi) supports development and implementation a DELT (institutional digital enhanced learning and teaching) strategy based on SELFIE (DigCompEdu/DigCompOrg) The AHDE has a national pool of mentors/trainers for (i) building up the capacity of STEAM teachers; (ii) mentoring the implementation of digital educational resources in classroom teaching and home learning. The Association intends on developing partnerships with European organisation (schools, universities, educational providers, research organisations and so on) on the basis of “pedagogy driven digital technology” as a shared value.

Education Administration Programs
Vállalat mérete
2–10 munkavállaló
Budapest, Budapest


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