Indonesian Business Council

Indonesian Business Council

Jasa Pemikir

South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 1.252 pengikut

Platform penggerak peningkatan daya saing dan kesejahteraan Indonesia Melalui kerjasama publik dan swasta.

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Selamat datang di halaman resmi LinkedIn Indonesian Business Council. Kami didirikan dengan keprihatinan mendalam terhadap kebutuhan untuk memperkuat daya saing dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan Indonesia di tengah perkembangan ekonomi global yang berubah dengan cepat. Tantangan yang dihadapi, seperti teknologi digital, perdagangan internasional, perubahan iklim, dinamika geopolitik, ekonomi terbarukan, dan ESG (Environmental Social and Governance), memerlukan pendekatan kolaboratif. Kami percaya bahwa pelaku usaha swasta dapat menjadi kekuatan besar yang dapat mendorong perubahan positif dan meningkatkan daya saing Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah platform, kami menyatukan perusahaan swasta terkemuka dan mendorong kerjasama dengan sektor publik, dengan visi bersama untuk meningkatkan kemakmuran Indonesia. Misi kami adalah menghubungkan para pemimpin usaha swasta yang memiliki nilai, visi, dan komitmen yang sama. Kami melakukan pengumpulan data, analisis, dan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi dan mempromosikan praktik terbaik dalam manajemen perusahaan, transparansi, dan kebijakan yang menciptakan iklim bisnis yang berkembang dan kondusif. Melalui dialog yang berkesinambungan dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk perwakilan pemerintah, kami berupaya menciptakan iklim kebijakan publik yang baik, transparan, sehat, dan kondusif. Tujuan utama kami adalah secara berkesinambungan memperkuat daya saing Indonesia dalam jangka panjang, sehingga tercipta perekonomian yang kuat dan kesejahteraan yang meningkat bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Bergabunglah dengan jaringan kami untuk terhubung dengan para pemimpin bisnis berpengaruh, mengakses riset terkini, dan berkontribusi dalam membentuk masa depan yang makmur bagi Indonesia. Bersama-sama, mari kita tingkatkan daya saing, mendorong kemakmuran, dan menciptakan dampak yang berlangsung

Jasa Pemikir
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Tahun Pendirian
Research, Policy, Advocacy, Public-Private Partnership


Karyawan di Indonesian Business Council


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    1.252 pengikut

    IBC organized a focus group discussion (FGD) on "Financial Development for Strong and Equitable Growth" with experts and representatives of our members. The discussion explores various policy recommendation to improve and strengthen the depth, access, and efficiency of Indonesian financial sector. Lead by IBC's research team and supported by our experts Kahlil Rowter and Prof. Telisa Falianty, this session was derived from IBC's policy papers on financial product innovation, MSME credit access, banking consolidation and credit rating improvement. The session also aimed to gather insights and inputs from members of IBC. As leaders of the major Indonesian business and industry sectors, our members have provided valuable insight and understanding on the impact of the current state of financial sector towards Indonesian business and competitiveness. This session is part of a research "Financial Development for Strong and Equitable Growth" by IBC to formulate strategic recommendation for the government to strengthen Indonesia's financial sector. #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #FGD #FinancialDevelopment

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Indonesian Business Council, grafis

    1.252 pengikut

    As the new government sets an ambition of 8 percent economic growth in the upcoming years, IBC highlights 15 key strategic areas the government needs to focus on to achieve its ambition.   For each strategic area, IBC maps out the current situations and key challenges – as well as policy framework adopted by previous government to address this. IBC then provides policy recommendations for each area, all summarized in its whitepaper “15 Policy Package Recommendations to Support the Development Agenda of the President and Vice President of Indonesia 2024-2029”.   IBC has presented the recommendation to the expert team of the new President and Vice President Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as tool for the new government to speed up development initiatives and boost economic growth.   Visit the link for a video about IBC’s policy recommendation in “15 Policy Package Recommendations to Support the Development Agenda of the President and Vice President of Indonesia 2024-2029”: #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #15PolicyPackageRecommendations

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Indonesian Business Council, grafis

    1.252 pengikut

    CEO Sofyan Djalil and COO William Sabandar with team made a visit and had a meeting with senior leaderships of Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO) recently to explore potential collaboration between both business associations in research, initiatives to promote ease of doing business, and workforce development topics.   In the discussion lead by Chairman Shinta Kamdani alongside Chair of APINDO’ Panel of Expert Mari Elka Pangestu and Vice Chairman Sanny Iskandar, both associations understand the need for a strong and solid business representatives to work alongside policymakers to advocate for a good public policy for the Indonesian business and economy to strive.   IBC works to bridge dialog between stakeholders and is looking forward to collaboration and shared initiatives with APINDO in many pressing issues in the near future.   #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #APINDO

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    1.252 pengikut

    We are pleased to share that Ibu itje chodidjah, an expert on education and Executive Chair of the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO has joined Indonesian Business Council as member of Panel of Expert. Ibu Itje will work closely with IBC's Board of Trustees and leadership as well as advise IBC’s work in the area of human capital development and education. Ibu Itje's long record and expertise in this topic will strengthen IBC's work and policy recommendation going forward. #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #PanelofExpert

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Indonesian Business Council, grafis

    1.252 pengikut

    IBC organized our latest “IBC Business Talks” in collaboration with Bain & Company in Jakarta, Thursday (11/10/2024). In this opportunity, Global Head of Carbon Markets/Co-director of Bain's Global Sustainability Innovation Center Dale Hardcastle presented Bain & Company’s latest report “Southeast Asia’s Green Economy 2024: Moving the Needle”. Southeast Asia plays a crucial role in the global fight against climate change, as it is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But the region also offers plenty of opportunities for effective decarbonization. In fact, green investments in the region rose by 20% from 2022 to 2023, with the top three areas of investment being solar and wind energy. Yet, the region faces challenges such as balancing economic growth with energy transition, a legacy of fossil fuel dependency (with nearly 35% of the economy relying on these resources), a gap between renewable energy potential and market access, limited regional cooperation, insufficient incentives for carbon reduction, and inadequate access to finance. As the association of Indonesia’s CEOs and business leaders, IBC supports corporate initiatives and collaboration in climate action and green transition as part of the nation’s commitment to decarbonization. This session helps members of IBC and audiences of private sector leaders in identifying impactful decarbonization strategies and investments that can be addressed in the near term, securing effective financing mechanisms and steering policies with incentives to drive corporate and investor growth in green investments. #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #IBCBusinessTalks #SoutheastAsiaGreenEconomy2024

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Indonesian Business Council, grafis

    1.252 pengikut

    In our whitepaper "15 Policy Package Recommendations to Support the Development Agenda of the President and Vice President of Indonesia 2024-2029", IBC included affordable housing for all as one of 15 key policies that must be adopted to achieve high economic growth.   It just happens that many challenges and solutions to housing are not about housing itself. One of the challenges of providing housing relates to land constraints in urban areas. High levels of urbanization and physical development occurred with lack of spatial planning processes for urban development.   That’s why one of IBC recommendations for housing policy is to improve spatial planning, land use, while at the same time providing easy licensing for housing development. It is equally important to look into policies of financing to ensure housing is not only available, but also affordable.   Visit the link to get some insight into IBC’s policy recommendation on affordable housing and increase home ownership, developed in collaboration with Katadata Insight Center:   #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #AffordableHousing #PolicyRecommendation

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    1.252 pengikut

    IBC welcomed Professor of Law at the University of Indonesia Hikmahanto Juwana and Dispute Resolution & Litigation Partner at Assegaf Hamzah and Partner Eri Hertiawan for a focus group discussion (FGD) on “Developing an Effective Special Economic Zones” with our esteemed members.   Through the discussion, IBC is looking to obtain insights from experts and explore actionable recommendations for the upcoming Indonesian government to transform potential areas into an investment-friendly zone to attract FDI and spur economic development. IBC also expressed huge thank you to Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs 2009-2014 Marty Hasan Natalegawa and Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore Tommy Suryopratomo who also joined the session online and shared incredible insights on the topic. #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #SpecialEconomicZone #KEK

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    1.252 pengikut

    IBC presented its research on financial development with Director of Financial Sector Policy Center at the Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal - Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia) Dr.Adi Budiarso, FCPA and his team recently. In this meeting, IBC proposed the need for an institution or a unit that is responsible for overseeing the development of the Indonesian financial sector, with KPIs including increasing sovereign credit rating and NPL management, among others.   IBC is pleased to be able to share this proposition, which has been developed through research on "Financial Development for Strong and Equitable Growth" – and engaged in discussion to find strategic approach to strengthen Indonesia’s financial sector. IBC believes a dedicated unit is crucial to address challenges, such as the lack of effective governance, financial stability, and enforcement mechanisms.   Visit our website to learn more about IBC’s research and policy proposals. #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #MinistryofFinance #FiscalPolicyAgency

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    Lihat profil Thomas Noto Suoneto, grafis

    Global Strategist - International Political Economist- Founder and Host of Foreign Policy Talks

    Sharing with you the glimpse of our Indonesia Economic Summit on 3-4 December 2024 with some confirmed speakers of prominent world figures and economic practitioners hereby below. We anticipate more than 1.000 stakeholders of Indonesia’s future economic development to join us in Shangrila Jakarta and engaged in a constructive partnership and dialogue for the betterment of 🇮🇩 growth. Key topics include green growth, energy transition and security, industrialization policy, trade diversification strategy, human talent development, global south partnership, good neighbor policy etc. Can’t wait to see you all. Register here: More speakers to be announced soon! Arsjad Rasjid Diana Permana Felix Patrick Indonesian Business Council

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Indonesian Business Council, grafis

    1.252 pengikut

    With 69.25% of the total population in the productive age (15-64 years), Indonesia is strategically in a "demographic bonus" momentum. However, among this population only 10.15% had been enjoying higher education, while 30.22% are high school educated. The rest, or more than half, unfortunately have only afforded secondary and lower education. With the majority of the population at their productive era, the country is eager to seize this momentum and use it as propulsion to escape the middle-income trap. But the statistics are not very promising. It seems that human capital development is serious challenge, a situation the business communities have seen and been trying to gauge for years. IBC highlights this topic again in its key policy outline proposed to the upcoming government as presented in "15 Policy Package Recommendations to Support the Development Agenda of the President and Vice President of Indonesia 2024-2029" – as the only way to utilize the current demographic bonus. Read the infographic extracted from the policy recommendation and as visualized by Katadata through link: #IndonesianBusinessCouncil #IBC #DemographicBonus #PolicyRecommendation #HumanCapitalDevelopment

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