Permata Bank dengan bangga memperkenalkan identitas baru. Sebagai bagian dari Bangkok Bank, keselarasan identitas ini akan memperkuat posisi Permata Bank sebagai Bank lokal dengan jaringan global dan visi regional. Growing Together with Permata Bank. ----- Permata Bank proudly introduces its new identity. As part of Bangkok Bank, this identity alignment will strengthen Permata Bank's position as a local bank with a global network and regional vision. Growing Together with Permata Bank. #GrowingTogether #PermataBank #DenganHati
Permata Bank
Growing Together with Permata Bank as One Family, One Team
Tentang kami
We are one of the top 10 biggest banks in terms of assets in Indonesia and listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, that offer banking products and services that help people and companies to succeed, creating wealth and growth through our Retail Banking, SME and Wholesale businesses. In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a massive transformation process within the organization. Furthermore, as a form of its commitment to PermataBank, the combined ownership of these major shareholders increased to 89.01% in 2006. After a long but smooth process, PermataBank made a new history in May 2020 through an acquisition transaction conducted by Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited ("Bangkok Bank"). Bangkok Bank officially became the controlling shareholder of PermataBank after taking over 89.12% of PermataBank's shares from the total number of shares that have been issued and paid up by Standard Chartered Bank and Astra International. Followed by the Mandatory Tender Offer process in 2020, as of 2021 and 2022 Bangkok Bank owned 98.71% We offer complete suite of banking products and services including current and savings accounts, time deposits, mutual funds, bonds, personal loans, credit card and mortgage for Retail customers, available in Conventional and Sharia. We also offer working capital loans, dealer finance, join finance, transaction banking, trade finance, foreign exchange, as well as securities and agencies services for our SME and Wholesale business. PT Bank Permata Tbk obtained the license as the commercial bank under The Decree of Minister of Finance Number 1937/U.M.II dated 19 February 1957.
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Link eksternal untuk Permata Bank
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- 5.001-10.000 karyawan
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- Banking
World Trade Center II
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31
Jakarta, 12920, ID
PermataBank Tower III
Jl. MH Thamrin Blok B1 No. 1
Bintaro Jaya Sector VII, Tangerang 15224, ID
Karyawan di Permata Bank
With the spirit of International Women's Day, Permata Bank and IBI proudly presents DEI Women's Talk: Embracing Menopause as a Woman's Journey. Featuring dr. Sarah Akbari & Diwien Hartono, the session successfully raised awareness around premenopausal journey, and was joined via offline and online by our female employees, nationwide.
Recently, Permata Bank and Indonesian Banker Association (IBI) hosted an insightful event for women bankers, addressing an often-overlooked topic: menopause as a natural part of a woman’s journey. We explored how women leaders can navigate this stage with confidence and support, fostering an inclusive workplace that empowers women at every stage of life and career. A special thank you to Dr. Sarah Akbari for sharing your expertise and Ibu Diwien Hartono for leading a meaningful meditation session. On International Women’s Day, this conversation is more relevant than ever. Equity means ensuring women feel seen, supported, and valued. Let’s continue creating spaces where women thrive—your resilience and leadership inspire us all! #PermataBank #DenganHati #InternationalWomensDay #WomenInBanking #WomenEmpowerment #InclusiveWorkplace #Leadership #SupportWomen #DiversityAndInclusion #MindfulLeadership #WomenWhoLead
Indonesia and Thailand share deep historical, cultural, and artistic ties—along with a shared commitment to driving economic and social progress. Today marks the 75th year of diplomatic relations of both nations. Bangkok Bank was among the first Thai businesses to enter Indonesia in 1968, fostering trade and financial connections between the two countries. In 2020, Permata Bank joined the Bangkok Bank network, strengthening our ability to support Thai businesses while helping Indonesian enterprises expand into Thailand and beyond. Together, we continue to serve as trusted partners, growing alongside our customers and helping them navigate new opportunities across the region and the world. Our commitment remains the same: to serve our customers with heart, to stay close to them and support their aspirations with deep understanding #WithHeart. Happy 75th anniversary to the enduring partnership between Indonesia and Thailand! ---- Indonesia dan Thailand memiliki ikatan sejarah, budaya, dan seni yang mendalam—termasuk komitmen bersama untuk mendorong kemajuan ekonomi dan sosial. Hari ini menandai 75 tahun hubungan diplomatik antara kedua negara kita. Bangkok Bank merupakan salah satu usaha asal Thailand pertama yang memasuki Indonesia pada tahun 1968, yang mendorong hubungan perdagangan dan keuangan antara kedua negara. Pada 2020, Permata Bank bergabung dengan jaringan mereka, memperkuat kemampuan kami untuk mendukung perusahaan Thailand sekaligus membantu perusahaan Indonesia berekspansi ke Thailand dan sekitarnya. Bersama, kami terus melayani sebagai mitra tepercaya, tumbuh bersama pelanggan kami, dan membantu mereka menemukan peluang baru di seluruh kawasan dan dunia. Komitmen kami tetap sama: melayani nasabah dengan sepenuh hati, tetap dekat dengan mereka, dan mendukung aspirasi nasabah dengan pemahaman yang mendalam dan #DenganHati. Selamat atas 75 tahun hubungan bilateral Indonesia dan Thailand! #75YearsIndonesiaThailand #IndonesiainBangkok #INAxTH75 #GrowingTogether #TrustedPartner #PermataBank #BangkokBank
Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional! Perempuan adalah inspirasi dan penggerak perubahan. Teruslah berjuang, bersuara, dan melangkah maju untuk dunia yang lebih adil dan setara. __ Happy International Women's Day! Women inspire and ignite change. Keep striving, raising your voice, and pushing forward toward a more just and equal world.
Menjaga sikap positif tidak hanya membuat hari kita lebih baik, tapi juga menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih nyaman dan mendukung! 🌟 Yuk, tebarkan semangat dan energi positif setiap hari! 💙 #TumbuhkanKebaikan #PermataBank #DenganHati __ Our positive attitude makes the day better and helps create a supportive work environment! 🌟 Let’s spread good energy and positivity every day! 💙 #TumbuhkanKebaikan #PermataBank #DenganHati
Selamat menyambut datangnya bulan suci Ramadan. Mari bersama #TumbuhkanKebaikan di bulan penuh berkah. Semoga amal ibadah puasa kita dilancarkan dan diterima oleh Allah SWT. ---- Happy welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. Let’s #GrowKindness together in this blessed month. May our fasting and worship be smooth and accepted by Allah SWT.
Good news! Untuk teman-teman yang memiliki skill dan ketertarikan sebagai Facilities Management Officer 🏢 dan IT Project Advisory Specialist 💻, yuk jadi bagian dari Permata Bank! Cek informasi di atas untuk detail selengkapnya! #PermataBank #DenganHati __ Good news! If you have the skills and passion for a career as a Facilities Management Officer 🏢 or an IT Project Advisory Specialist 💻, this is your chance to join Permata Bank! Check out the details below for more information! #PermataBank #DenganHati
Road to Mangkunegaran Run 2025 Event Recap! 🏃♀️✨ Luar biasa energi dari para runners dan komunitas lari di Jakarta yang sudah ikut pre-event Mangkunegaran Run 2025 akhir pekan kemarin! Terima kasih untuk semua yang sudah ikut meramaikan—dari start hingga finish. Sampai ketemu di Mangkunegaran Run 2025! 🏁 Buat kalian yang ikutan, gimana pengalaman kemarin? Yuk, share di kolom komentar! #PermataBank #DenganHati ___ Road to Mangkunegaran Run 2025 Event Recap! 🏃♀️✨ Amazing enthusiasm and energy at the Road to Mangkunegaran Run 2025 event last weekend! Huge thanks to everyone who joined and made it an unforgettable experience. See you at Mangkunegaran Run 2025! 🏁 For those who were there, how was your experience? Share in the comments! 👇 #PermataBank #DenganHati
Bulan Ramadan sudah di depan mata! ✨ yuk, kita tanamkan kebiasaan #TumbuhkanKebaikan setiap minggunya! Untuk minggu ini, kita mulai dengan memberikan apresiasi untuk rekan kerja kita 💙 #PermataBank #DenganHati __ Ramadan is just around the corner! ✨ Let's nurture the habit of #TumbuhkanKebaikan every week! This week, let's start by showing appreciation to our colleagues. 💙 #PermataBank #DenganHati
Apakah kamu seseorang dengan: ✅ Strong networking & relationship-building skills ✅ Berpengalaman di bidang perbankan atau financial services ✅ Growth mindset & customer-centric attitude We're looking for you! Bergabung dengan Permata Bank dan mari tumbuh bersama #DenganHati. Klik link yang tertera untuk info lebih lanjut! #PermataBank #LowonganKerja #LowonganBank #LokerBank #InfoLowongan #InfoLoker __ Are you someone with: ✅ Strong networking & relationship-building skills ✅ Experience in banking or financial services ✅ Growth mindset & customer-centric attitude We're looking for you! Join us at Permata Bank and grow with us #DenganHati. Head to the link for more details! #PermataBank #LowonganKerja #LowonganBank #LokerBank #InfoLowongan #InfoLoker