Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1446 H! Dengan memanjatkan rasa syukur dan kebahagiaan, PT. Premier Investama Bersama akan memasuki masa libur lebaran Idul Fitri 1446 H. Jadwal Libur - Tanggal: 28 Maret 2025 - 7 April 2025 - Kegiatan operasional kantor akan ditutup selama masa libur ini. Kami Berharap Libur lebaran ini menjadi kesempatan bagi kita semua untuk berkumpul dengan keluarga, memperkuat silaturahmi, dan memperbarui semangat kita. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerja sama dan dukungan Anda selama ini. Kami berharap dapat terus bekerja sama dan membangun kesuksesan bersama. #LiburLebaran #IdulFitri1446H #PTPremierInvestamaBersama #SelamatHariRaya #Silaturahmi #KerjaSama #KesuksesanBersama #BrokerPremier
Tentang kami
PT. Premier Investama Bersama has been established since 2 September 2010. By conducting reformation to meet the holistically-observed market needs. PT. Premier Investama Bersama is a facilitator between our client wanting to satisfy their needs and our reliable, trustworthy insurance partner in order to make our client choosing the offered insurance products smartly. By having expert personnel experienced and dedicated in satisfying our client’s needs, and our membership in APPARINDO (Insurance and Reinsurance Broker Company Association of Indonesia) since February 2011, we are professionally here to answer all your needs of risk insurance.
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Link eksternal untuk PT. Premier Investama Bersama
- Industri
- Asuransi
- Ukuran perusahaan
- 11-50 karyawan
- Kantor Pusat
- Jakarta
- Jenis
- Kemitraan
- Tahun Pendirian
- 2010
Jakarta, ID
Karyawan di PT. Premier Investama Bersama
Thank you, PT. MULTIPILAR ENERGI, for a wonderful breaking fast event at Dapur Rempah Herb and Spices Grand Galaxy City yesterday! We appreciate your partnership and trust. Wishing you continued success and prosperity. #Multipilarenergi #BreakingFast #PremierBroker #DapurRempahHerbandSpices #GrandGalaxyCity #brokerpremier #bukber
Thank you, PT Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa, for hosting PT. Premier Investama Bersama to a wonderful breaking-fast event at Kenanga Restaurant Bidakara Hotel Jakarta! We appreciate your hospitality and look forward to continued collaboration. #AsuransiRama #BreakingFast #BrokerPremier #KenangaRestaurant #Bidakara #Bukber
Thank you, Adonai Pialang Reasuransi, for hosting PT. Premier Investama Bersama and to a wonderful breaking-fast event at @warung tekko Warung Tekko Kota Bintang! We appreciate your hospitality and look forward to continued collaboration. #APIRE #BreakingFast #BrokerPremier #REYID #WarungTekko #KotaBintang #Bukber
PT. Premier Investama Bersama membagikan ini
Thank you, PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia , for a wonderful breaking fast event at Dapur Rempah Grand Galaxy City yesterday! We appreciate your partnership and trust. Wishing you continued success and prosperity. #AsuransiJasaIndonesia #BreakingFast #PremierBroker #GrandGalaxyCity #brokerpremier #bukber
Thank you, PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia , for a wonderful breaking fast event at Dapur Rempah Grand Galaxy City yesterday! We appreciate your partnership and trust. Wishing you continued success and prosperity. #AsuransiJasaIndonesia #BreakingFast #PremierBroker #GrandGalaxyCity #brokerpremier #bukber
Warmest wishes to our esteemed Director of Operations, Mr. Tito Henrandi , on his special day! May this birthday bring you joy, success, and good health. We appreciate your visionary leadership, expertise, and dedication to PT. Premier Investama Bersama . Your guidance and inspiration have been instrumental in driving our company's growth and progress. We are grateful for your tireless efforts and commitment to excellence. Here's to another year of achieving greatness together! May your birthday be filled with love, laughter, and celebration. Happy birthday, Mr. Tito! #HappyBirthday #DirectorOfOperations #DirekturOperasional #COO #Leadership #BusinessLeaders #Success #Inspiration #PTPremierInvestamaBersama #PremierBroker
Thank you to Asuransi Candi Utama for hosting a wonderful breaking fast event today at Dapur Rempah Herbs & Spices Bekasi ! We truly appreciate the partnership and trust that has been given to us as a PT. Premier Investama Bersama . May this event strengthen our bond and bring blessings to us all. #CandiInsurance #AsuransiCandiUtama #BrokerPremier #BreakingFast #PremierBroker #Dapurrempahbekasi #Bukber
Thank you to PT Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance for hosting a wonderful breaking fast event today at Morrissey Hotel Jakarta ! We truly appreciate the partnership and trust that has been given to us as a PT. Premier Investama Bersama . May this event strengthen our bond and bring blessings to us all. #MalaccaInsurance #AsuransiMalacca #BrokerPremier #BreakingFast #PremierBroker #HotelMorrissey #Bukber