SF Group Services Enterprise

SF Group Services Enterprise

Jasa Periklanan

Serpong Utara, Banten 2.090 pengikut

Indonesia Basecamp

Tentang kami

SF Group is a a full service agency with many divisions and projects that all focus on the development of premium niches such as developing gaming graphic quality, inventing a market place for cell-phone recycling industry, fulfilling demands by creating online stores, B2B marketplace platform, etc. Backed by various big-name, multinational brands as our clients. We work with passion and unlimited creativity to deliver golden creative works worth our pride. We develop and maintain 'convenient lifestyle’ workstyl that offer products, social engagement and interactive content for enthusiasts with a variety of interests.

Jasa Periklanan
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Serpong Utara, Banten
Perseroan Tertutup
Tahun Pendirian
Ecommerce, Premium Label Brand, Online Shopping


  • Utama

    Alam Sutera Town Center

    Jl. Jalur Sutera ruko de mansion blok C9

    Serpong Utara, Banten 15143, ID

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Karyawan di SF Group Services Enterprise


  • We are proud to recognize the outstanding contribution of Oktaviani Nur Insan, who has joined as an AI Writer at SF Group Services Enterprise for the past three months. Oktaviani has shown tremendous talent in blending creativity with AI technology, producing content that is not only intelligent but also engaging. During her internship, Oktaviani consistently brings fresh and innovative ideas that enrich our team. Her ability to adapt quickly and her positive spirit have inspired the rest of the team. We are confident that Oktaviani's skills and dedication will lead her to future success. Thank you, Oktaviani, for your valuable contribution. We wish you all the best for your next career journey!

    Lihat profil Oktaviani N I, grafis

    Silent Depth, Resolute Brilliance

    SF Group Services Enterprise Selama tiga bulan terakhir, saya menjalani magang yang luar biasa di SF Group Services Enterprise di bidang AI Digital Marketing. Fokus saya pada AI Writing memberikan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi kecintaan saya pada menulis dengan bantuan teknologi AI yang canggih. Di sini, saya diperkenalkan dengan berbagai teknologi AI dan cara penggunaannya yang efektif, membuat setiap hari menjadi pengalaman belajar yang penuh inspirasi. Di SF Group Services Enterprise, saya tidak hanya belajar tentang teori di balik AI dan pemasaran digital, tetapi juga bagaimana menerapkannya dalam proyek nyata. Dari pembuatan konten otomatis hingga analisis data yang mendalam, setiap tugas yang saya kerjakan membantu memperdalam pemahaman saya tentang AI Writing. Dukungan dari mentor berpengalaman dan kolaborasi dengan tim yang hebat membuat proses belajar menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan bermakna. Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada SF Group Services Enterprise atas pengalaman yang berharga ini. Magang ini tidak hanya memperkaya pengetahuan saya, tetapi juga membangun keterampilan praktis dan kepercayaan diri saya dalam bekerja di industri digital marketing. Saya bangga pernah menjadi bagian dari SF Group Services Enterprise dan siap untuk menerapkan apa yang telah saya pelajari ke dalam karier saya di masa depan!

  • We are proud to share a testimonial from Lambok, an apprentice program alumni who is now a digital marketing leader at SF. His journey proves that with hard work, dedication, and a high spirit of learning, any achievement is possible. Thank you Lambok for your inspiration. Your story is a true testament to our commitment in developing young talents to become future leaders.

    Lihat profil Lambok Enrico Prayoga, grafis

    Mahasiswa Manajemen Pemasaran UNPAR: Telah Belajar Pemasaran selama 4 Tahun dari berbagai macam kasus dan pemecahan solusi

    Grateful for the opportunity to intern as a Team Leader in the AI Social Traffic division at SF Group Services Enterprise. This experience truly enriched my skills and provided deep insights into the world of digital marketing. Thank you to the entire team for supporting my journey @sfbasecamp 👍 👍

  • We are proud to share the internship testimonial of Lovely Margareth Debora Sara Tampubolon, who has taken on the role of Social Traffic Leader at SF Group Services Enterprise. Lovely brings great passion and creativity to our team, and shows great dedication in every task assigned. We are very impressed with Lovely's ability to adapt quickly, generate innovative ideas, and bring positive energy that motivates the entire team. We are confident that Lovely has a bright future ahead of her and will continue to achieve success wherever she ends up. Thank you, Lovely, for your contribution and hard work! 🚀

  • Lihat halaman organisasi SF Group Services Enterprise, grafis

    2.090 pengikut

    We are thrilled to share our experience with Lovely Margareth Debora Sara Tampubolon during her internship as a Leader Social Traffic! Lovely's enthusiasm and ability to quickly adapt to our fast-paced environment truly amazed us. She rapidly grasped new concepts and worked effectively, both independently and as part of a team. Her innovative strategies for addressing challenges highlighted her exceptional analytical abilities. What stood out the most was Lovely's infectious positive energy and her eagerness to embrace change. This enabled her to seamlessly integrate with our team while consistently delivering exceptional results. We have no doubt that her talent and vibrant attitude will propel her to great heights! Lovely is an outstanding individual any organization would be fortunate to have her. https://lnkd.in/gEiwJt92

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  • Hallo, Kak Lovely! Terima kasih sudah berbagi pengalaman magangmu di SF Group Services Enterprise. Sangat inspiratif mendengar perjalananmu sebagai AI Social Trafficker selama 3 bulan. Semoga semakin banyak teman-teman yang tertarik dan terinspirasi untuk mengikuti jejakmu di bidang AI Digital Marketing. Terus semangat dan sukses selalu! 🥳

    Lihat profil Lovely Tampubolon, grafis

    Digital Marketing Learning Enthusiast

    Selamat siang, teman - teman semua. Perkenalkan saya Lovely, seorang alumni intern AI Social Trafficker di SF Group selama 3 bulan. Kali ini saya akan memberikan gambaran singkat terhadap pengalaman saya selama magang di SF Group Services Enterprise @sfbasecamp . Bagi yang tertarik untuk magang di bidang AI Digital Marketing, mari disimak 🥳!

  • Rafianto Tri Aushaf adalah contoh mahasiswa dengan semangat belajar yang tinggi! 🌟 Keahlian dalam content development dan digital marketing, ditambah kemampuan programming, membuatnya jadi talenta berharga. 🚀 #FutureLeader #DigitalMarketing #Informatics" https://lnkd.in/giRmF2UT

    Lihat profil Rafianto Tri Aushaf, grafis

    Undergraduate Informatics Student at Telkom University | Content Development | Digital Marketing Enthusiast | Social Media Admin | Social Media Specialist | C++, Go, Javascript, Python

    Halo semuanya perkenalkan saya Rafianto Tri Aushaf mahasiswa S1 Informatika dari Telkom University. Saya merasa senang karena telah mendapatkan banyak ilmu dari SF Basecamp, selama saya menjalani bootcamp saya belajar banyak hal terutama dalam bidang AI dan Social Media. Saya harap ilmu dan pengalaman yang saya dapat selama menjalani bootcamp selama 4 bulan dapat membantu saya di masa depan nanti. Terimakasih banyak. SF Group Services Enterprise @sfbasecamp

  • We’re delighted to spotlight our AI Social Traffic Intern, William Adriano Tegun Bo. William’s understanding of AI in digital marketing has significantly impacted our strategies. He’s a team player fostering positive discussions. We’re excited for his future contributions and he has our highest recommendation. https://lnkd.in/gwChS-4U

  • Ada satu nama yang selalu muncul ketika kita bicara tentang SEO writingdi SF Group, yaitu Nico Akbar Kurniawan. 🚀 Sebagai AI Writer, Nico telah membuktikan bahwa dia bukan hanya sekedar 'spesialis'. Dia adalah pionir, seorang inovator yang mampu membawa SF Group ke tingkat yang baru dalam menaikkan performa SEO kamu. Nico adalah contoh nyata dari dedikasi dan profesionalisme. Dia tidak hanya memahami AI, dia menjadikannya sebagai bagian dari kerja sehari-hari. Dia adalah bukti bahwa dengan kerja keras dan dedikasi, kita bisa mencapai hal-hal yang luar biasa. Terima kasih, Nico! Kamu adalah inspirasi bagi kita semua! #SFGroup #AI #Writing https://lnkd.in/gk-CfDYN

    Nico Akbar Kurniawan - SF Group Services Enterprise | LinkedIn

    Nico Akbar Kurniawan - SF Group Services Enterprise | LinkedIn


  • We can't say enough about Daffa's internship with us as an AI Social Traffic Specialist! His drive and ability to hit the ground running really impressed. Daffa picked up instructions quickly and worked efficiently, both solo and in a team. His fresh ideas for tackling challenges showcased his sharp analytical skills. What struck us most though was Daffa's infectious positive energy and eagerness to adapt. This allowed him to bond seamlessly with the crew while producing outstanding results. We have no doubt his talents and upbeat attitude will take him far! Daffa's a real gem - any organization would be lucky to have him. Success to you, Daffa! https://lnkd.in/gZjaAkhM

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  • Enjoy this free custom GPT prompt

    Lihat profil Nell VH, grafis

    Entrepreneur | Founder | CEO | Business Development

    After months of perfecting my prompt, I'm thrilled to announce my Custom GPT SEO Intro Builder - proven to grow my sites to 10K+ visits in under a year. It also includes EEAT, HCU, & Readability Score Reports. Just search "SEO Intro Builder" in your GPT or DM me for the link

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