

Biotechnology Research

Beer Sheva עוקבים, israel 1,269

Harnessing the natural potential of insects and cutting-edge genetic technologies to produce novel bio-based solutions


The global climate crisis, together with the population overload and depletion of natural resources, faces extreme challenges for humanity. Black-Soldier-Fly (BSF) is the hero of our story. BSF is a harmless insect considered as one of the most effective and sustainable bioreactor systems to upcycle organic waste of nearly any origin, into high-value products. BSF larvae contain high-quality protein and oil, are sold for farm animals, aquaculture, and pet feed, and generate unique fertilizers for agriculture. BugEra is an Israeli/USA insect biotechnology company, a global leader in cutting-edge insect genetic technologies developing novel BSF strains. Using our technologies we enhance the BSF traits and optimize its characteristics to maximize the business and sustainable potential of the BSF industry. BugEra enables the creation of novel value chains, solutions for industry needs, and the ability to use BSF in unmet industries based on innovative circular economy principles. Our flagship product, named BSFx2, is a novel BSF strain that elevates the BSF oil volume, unlocking the economic barriers for the BSF industry to provide a much-needed, premium and the most sustainable lipid to biofuel, (biodiesel, renewable diesel, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel). In addition, we offer a service of development of tailor-made strains designed for customer-specific needs – Strain as a Service (StaaS). • BSFx2 - Novel BSF strain for sustainable oil to Biofuel. • StaaS - Strain as a Service, tailor-made BSF strains. BugEra is backed by a US-based, global leader in oil and biofuel production as a strategic investor, three global biotech/climate VCs, and the Israeli Innovation Authority, and takes part in the Israeli BSF consortium. Visit our website (link) to learn more about how BugEra's technologies take the BSF industry to the next level. Welcome to the Bug - Era. *contact@bugera-bio.tech*

אתר אינטרנט
Biotechnology Research
גודל החברה
2-10 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Beer Sheva, israel
בבעלות פרטית


עובדים ב- BugEra


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