Deep-Tech Showcase

Deep-Tech Showcase

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

Jerusalem עוקבים, Israel 6,769

Federally Funded Startups meet Investors, Federal agency reps, and corporate tech scouts to make deep-tech possible.


Investors, Federal agencies, and large corporations are the primary actors moving deep technologies forward through funding and initiatives. On the other side are deep-tech focused startups, who are the primary innovators pioneering advanced tech. At Deep-Tech Showcase the catalysts and innovators meet and meaningful results follow. Deep-Tech Showcase is a platform for deep-tech startups who have recently received funding from Federal agency programs such as the SBIR program, BAAs, CSOs, OTAs, etc. These companies gain exposure and connect with dedicated investors, corporate representatives, and stakeholders from Federal agencies who are willing to consider pilot contracts, investments, and strategic partnerships. Deep-Tech Showcase is a members-only community. Anchoring the Showcase are 4 annual gatherings, ongoing matchmaking, pitch events, and focus groups around critical subject matter solved by pioneer tech.

אתר אינטרנט
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
גודל החברה
2-10 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Jerusalem, Israel
בבעלות פרטית


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