In today's business environment, organizations must constantly change, rapidly respond to threats and exploit opportunities. Expert-It is a platform for organizations to drive change and growth processes based on international knowledge and experience. Expertit team will escort companies bringing the expertise of global research and business creative consultancy to the process. We bring together high-end research and experts from different disciplines to plan and execute the best business decisions for your business. Our team of experts is ready to help you develop strategies for not only surviving but thriving in the future. Contact us today to set up your first consultation.
- תעשייה
- Business Consulting and Services
- גודל החברה
- 2-10 עובדים
- משרדים ראשיים
- Hertzliya Pituach
- סוג
- בבעלות פרטית
- הקמה
- 2020
- התמחויות
Hasadnaot 4
Hertzliya Pituach, IL