
For the past 37 years the School for Peace (SFP) at Neve Shalom – Wahat al-Salam (NSWAS) has been working to promote broad scale change towards peace and more humane, egalitarian and just relations between Palestinians and Jews. The School for Peace works with Jewish and Palestinian professional groups, as well as youth, to create a genuine, egalitarian dialogue between the two people. Through workshops, training programs and special projects, the SFP develops participants’ awareness of the conflict and their role in it, enabling them to take responsibility to change the present relations between Jews and Palestinians. In addition to its programs inside of Israel, the SFP also develops innovative programs in cooperation with Palestinians from the Palestinian Authority, and is currently one of the few peace organizations running joint programs with Palestinian partner organizations. The SFP has developed special programs for environmentalists, journalists, and educators from both sides of the border. It is currently establishing a peace college that will provide an accredited Master’s degree in Conflict Resolution with the University of Massachusetts Boston, USA. To this day, 60,000 Jews and Palestinians have participated in School for Peace programs.

אתר אינטרנט
Higher Education
גודל החברה
2-10 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Wahat Al-Salam ~Neve Shalom


עובדים ב- The School for Peace


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    As part of our annual alumni conference, we screened the film No Other Land, directed by Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, and Rachel Szor. The film follows several years of the struggle of the villages of Masafer Yatta in the southern Hebron Hills against the ethnic cleansing and attacks they face by the Israeli army and settlers. The film’s coverage of events ends before the war, but unfortunately, it is more relevant than ever—since the war began in October, about 20 communities in the West Bank have been expelled by Israeli settlers with the backing of the Israeli army. Among others, you may follow the current struggles of the Qaisieh family from Al-Makhrur to remain on their land and the Zanuta community to return to their land. The School for Peace calls for an end to the expulsions and the immediate cessation of the dispossession of Palestinians from their lands. For more information about the film screening: https://lnkd.in/dVk6pUQ2

    Screening of the Film “No Other Land”

    Screening of the Film “No Other Land”


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    "Seeing all the work done by other alumni has given inspiration and energy for action during a time that threatens to paralyze." As part of the annual alumni conference held in June 2024, 7 alumni from our various courses presented reality-changing projects they are developing. Some have already been realized, such as "Mish ‘Adi," the photography exhibition by the women of Lod, and some are in development, such as "Cultural Action Against the War," by a group of Israeli artists living in Germany. "In September, a hackathon will be held at the School for Peace to further develop the projects, with the goal of continuing to support our alumni in their efforts to promote equality and justice for Palestinians and Jews in their communities." To read the full post about all the alumni projects presented at the conference: https://lnkd.in/dczeZsda

  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    "The Palestinians dared to ask whether they truly want liberation and can take responsibility for managing a liberated society, while Jews grappled with the fear of giving up privileges and the contradiction of demanding nonviolent struggle from Palestinians while insisting on maintaining the Israeli army." In an intensive two-day dialogue process between Palestinians and Jews, all graduates of previous activities of the School for Peace, we talked about the topic of liberation. While usually in our dialogues the group deals with the topic of oppression, this time we advanced to conversations in new realms: conversations about the future, about the day after. We discussed questions about liberation – what will it look like? How does each side perceive liberation? What is our responsibility in promoting liberation? An in-depth read on the dialogue process at the conference here: https://lnkd.in/e5b8cMEY

    A two-day intensive Palestinian-Jewish dialogue on liberation

    A two-day intensive Palestinian-Jewish dialogue on liberation


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    "The Palestinians dared to ask whether they truly want liberation and can take responsibility for managing a liberated society, while Jews grappled with the fear of giving up privileges and the contradiction of demanding nonviolent struggle from Palestinians while insisting on maintaining the Israeli army." In an intensive two-day dialogue process between Palestinians and Jews, all graduates of previous activities of the School for Peace, we talked about the topic of liberation. While usually in our dialogues the group deals with the topic of oppression, this time we advanced to conversations in new realms: conversations about the future, about the day after. We discussed questions about liberation – what will it look like? How does each side perceive liberation? What is our responsibility in promoting liberation? An in-depth read on the dialogue process at the conference here: https://lnkd.in/e5b8cMEY

    A two-day intensive Palestinian-Jewish dialogue on liberation

    A two-day intensive Palestinian-Jewish dialogue on liberation


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    A Position Paper for Environmental Justice and Ending the War Five graduates of our Environmental Justice course, which ended in April 2024, drafted a position paper addressed to Israeli environmental organizations, calling for them to take responsibility and make the necessary connection between environmental justice and the immense damage caused by the war. From this perspective, they urge action to stop the war in Gaza. The group presented the position paper at the annual alumni conference on May 31, 2024. Despite the group's efforts, it seems that Israeli environmental organizations are avoiding a stance that connects environmental justice with social justice for all human beings. They are not taking steps in the appropriate direction to make a resolute call to stop the war from the perspective of environmental justice and the damages caused by the war. The School for Peace supports the urgent and immediate call to end the war on Gaza, for reasons of social and political justice, basic humanism and also for reasons of environmental and climate justice, as detailed in the letter. Read the full letter here: https://lnkd.in/dFUs2Avc לקריאת המכתב המלא: https://lnkd.in/diAvg6eS لقراءة الرسالة الكاملة: https://lnkd.in/dzdGb29R

  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    This year, amidst all its hardships, preparing the annual report proved to be particularly challenging. Yet, for the very same reasons, its completion and publication are exceptionally satisfying. You are most welcome to read (or, let's be real, skim😉) our complete annual report for the eventful 2023, available here: https://lnkd.in/gYuxcRmx

    The School for Peace Annual Report for 2023

    The School for Peace Annual Report for 2023


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    *فتح التسجيل لدورة ارشاد وتوجيه حوار فلسطيني-اسرائيلي بطريقة عمل مدرسة السلام!* ٩ لقائات شامل نهاية اسبوعين | الافتتاحية: 24/5/2024 | نهايه: 27/7/2024 تفاصيل وتسجيل هنا: https://lnkd.in/dM7mPV3E *נפתחה ההרשמה לקורס הנחית דיאלוג פלסטיני-יהודי בגישת בית הספר לשלום!* 9 מפגשים כולל 2 סופי שבוע | התחלה: 24/5/2024 | סיום: 27/7/2024 פרטים והרשמה כאן: https://lnkd.in/dDkmJSk7

    دورة تأهيل مرشدين في موضوع الصراع العربي- اليهودي 2024

    دورة تأهيل مرشدين في موضوع الصراع العربي- اليهودي 2024


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    "The School for Peace is an educational organization that promotes peace. It has been offering courses integrating Palestinian-Jewish dialogue in universities since 1990. Recently, and following the universities’ request, we held roundtable talks for faculty on the topic of democracy, as well as a preparation workshop around the beginning of the school year amid the war. We believe the academic space should foster change and social influence, and believe academia plays a crucial role in leading society. In these times, it is academia’s duty to raise a clear voice against war crimes; a voice for peace, democracy for all, and human rights." This is a part of what we wrote in a letter to the Hebrew University following the suspension of Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. For the full letter: https://lnkd.in/dMwwiFsw We are happy her suspension was lifted and hope for strong voices from the universities calling for upholding human rights and promoting peace. For more information on her suspension please see: https://lnkd.in/dBVphnx7

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של The School for Peace, גרפיקה

    718 עוקבים

    The School for Peace is running a dialogue program in Israeli universities for Jewish and Palestinian students that started at 1990. Since the beginning of the war, the universities in Israel have become a central arena for the persecution and silencing of Palestinian students alongside professors who have criticized the war. Nonetheless, we opened the 33rd cycle of our course "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - a Theoretical and Experience Based Lens" at Tel Aviv University, and in addition 4 similar courses will be initiated in different academic institutions across the country next semester. Read more about the courses in the universities: https://lnkd.in/d_-j2TVi In the photo: Tel Aviv University Dialogue Course, January 2024

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו

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