I failed in almost everything I tried my hands on.
IITs, My first startup, my relationships, my first job, my Stanford MBA interview. The list is endless.
Sadly, most youngsters in their 20s do not embrace failure. This should change. In the long run, people who have experienced heart-crushing failures will be the ones who will be respected the most.
In the age of Instagram feeds and LinkedIn Top Voices - influencers only share the best, selected, well-edited parts of their lives. But real life is raw and unfiltered.
If you had a terrible 2023, you are not alone. This year my heartbreaks knew no limits - the boy whose education I funded for years died a few months ago.
One of my students lost both his parents, and many are navigating depression, anxiety low confidence daily.
Please don't compare your lives with your favorite YouTubers. They all are as clueless about life as the people who gawk at them and follow/pay them for advice. They are merely riding the wave for as long as they can.
All of this “every person can be extraordinary and achieve greatness” stuff is basically just jerking off your ego. You can’t be amazing all the time. Don’t let these “new age influencers” decide what is great for you.
They are milking millions off your insecurities. Real-life is normal and average. And it is absolutely fine and beautiful.
Here's my open letter if you think you have lost hope in life.