Emir Overseas reposted this
"Everybody thinks us study-abroad guys are scammers. I get it. Every time a parent or student asks, 'You won’t cheat, right?' It feels like a slap to the face. Look, I get it. There are the ‘big names’ sending thousands of students to Canada and leaving them to rot in the cold. Then there are the ones pushing Lithuania, Latvia, and Malta as the 'next big things' in Europe, where job opportunities are as real as unicorns or mermaids.. And don’t get me started on the experts who confuse 'University of Birmingham' with 'Birmingham City University' (1000 ranks between them, folks... not the same thing). So yeah, I understand why people think we’re scammers, but here’s the real issue: it’s an insult to those of us who give 100% to our work, with heart and sincerity. To the students who've been scammed: part of the blame falls on you too. A quick Google search would’ve shown you that Latvia isn’t Silicon Valley and ‘Birmingham’ isn’t just ‘Birmingham.’ Wake Up. And to the agents who think selling dreams to students for a quick commission is okay: your day’s coming. The industry won’t forgive you. That’s why at Emir Overseas, we don’t play that game. We’ve got two rules: 1. No ties with low-tier universities. Period. 2. To be Kerala’s first and only Tier-1 university consultant. Because you deserve the best. So, next time someone calls us scammers, let them know we’re just out here working hard. The real scam? The ones selling half-baked dreams.