🎉 Congratulations Muskaan Mittal on passing the ACCA Performance Management (PM) exam 🎉 We are incredibly proud to witness your perseverance and dedication throughout this journey. The right training leads to success. FPA Edutech can make you next! Contact for Demo Lecture Visit Website: www.fpa.edu.in Call Now: 8080809466 #ACCA #PerformanceManagement #Success #FPA #FPAEdutech #Resilience #Mentorship #ACCAJourney
7/13, One More Step Closer!🥳 I'm thrilled to share that I passed my ACCA Performance Management (PM) exam in December 2024 attempt!✨ To be honest, this paper was a significant challenge for me, both during preparation and while sitting for the exam. Unlike other ACCA papers, this paper leans heavily on interpretation and theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills, which also explains its lower pass rates. Interpretation has always been my weaker area, and I wasn’t sure if I could pull through🥲—but I didn't lose hope and stayed determined and committed to clearing it.✨ Even the day before the exam, I doubted whether I had prepared enough, but I reminded myself to stay ready regardless. On exam day, I got sick🤢 and wasn’t feeling well as I was going to the center, but there was no turning back. Unfortunately, the paper turned out to be as tough as I’d feared. Time felt like an enemy—three hours weren’t nearly enough😭. I tackled the questions as best as I could, relying on my preparation and instincts. By the end, I left the exam hall unsure about how I’d performed, carrying a mix of fear and hope. I just trusted God and told myself, “Sab acha hi hoga.”🥰 When result day arrived, I was a bundle of nerves😵. I couldn’t sleep the night before and, as the clock ticked closer to the result release, my anxiety peaked.😩 Questions raced through my mind: “What if I didn’t pass?” “I don’t want to resit this exam.” “What if all my hard work wasn’t enough?” "I don't wanna fail, I can't fail!" But I kept reminding myself to stay calm and trust the process. I prayed continuously, asking God to let me pass—even if it was just 50 marks, I didn’t care as long as I cleared.🥺🥺 At 5:35 AM, the email landed. My heart raced as I took a deep breath and opened it. And there it was— "I passed!"🥹❤️ I'd be lying if I say I didn't cry😭 (even if for a few seconds), overwhelmed by joy and gratitude. I thanked God with tears in my eyes for helping me achieve this milestone.🥹 This journey wasn’t easy, but it taught me resilience, faith, and the importance of perseverance.✨ One more paper cleared—just six more to go!🥳 I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my mentors Dhaval Pandhi ACCA and Zaheer A Sayed ACCA and the entire staff of FPA Edutech. Their support and guidance were a big help in achieving this.❤️ #ACCAJourney #KeepGoing #accaresult #ACCA #accaexam