1-Week Hands-on Workshop on Human/Cancer Cell Culture Techniques & MTT Assay, Delhi. Next: 24-30 March, 12-18 May 2025, click on https://lnkd.in/gaz6ihGC to apply. Following techniques will be done hands-on by each candidate using Human Embryonic Kidney-293T and Jurkat cell lines: 1. MTT Assay for cell proliferation/cytotoxicity 2. Cell culture techniques, passaging and maintenance of human cancer cell lines 3. Media preparation and counting of cells 4. Cryopreservation: Freezing & thawing of human cancer cell lines 5. Genomic DNA isolation from cancer cell lines, 6. Genomic DNA estimation 7. Genomic DNA agarose gel electrophoresis 8. Total RNA extraction from human cancer cell lines 9. cDNA synthesis from RNA (Reverse Transcription), 10. Polymerase Chain Reaction from cDNA (Reverse Transcription-PCR) 11. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR product 12. Total protein extraction from human cancer cell lines 13. Protein estimation 14. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of extracted proteins 15. Coomassie blue staining of protein gel This workshop is designed for beginners of all ages who wants to become confidant in lab techniques. This is a practical hands-on workshop to train the candidates in animal cell culture, molecular biology techniques and MTT assay using the human embryonic and cancer cell lines for various experiments. It is supported by lectures on cell culture techniques, molecular biology assays, MTT assay, gene/protein expression/interaction networks in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and cancer cells. Dr. Sheo Mohan Singh #Biotechnology #Bioinformatics #MolecularBiology #CellBiology #CancerBiology #Biochemistry #Chemistry #StemCells #MolecularMedicine #Genetics #BiomedicalEngineering #Nanotechnology #VeterinaryScience #MedicalScience #Pharmacy #zoology #botany #lifesciences #biology #biologylab #agriculture #pathology #pathologylab #diagnostics #cancer #STEM #workshop #summertraining #protein #transcriptomics #genetherapy #Vaccines #science #scientists #DBT #CSIR #scienceandtechnology #icsccb #sheomohan #delhi #newdelhi #india #medicine #medicalsciences #health #training #stemcellresearch #stemcellbanking #cancerresearch #cancerawareness #handsonworkshop #stemcells #stemcelltherapy #celltherapy #cellandgenetherapy #moleculardiagnostics #biomedicalscience #biomedicalresearch #drugdiscovery #drugdevelopment