Does the iPhone have a future?

There’s no escaping it; smartphones have become part of our lives. From the Nokia 6110 to smart watches and augmented reality glasses, how far has the smartphone come? How will it evolve even further?

There’s no escaping it; smartphones have become part of our lives. From the Nokia 6110 to smart watches and augmented reality glasses, how far has the smartphone come? How will it evolve even further?

Wherever you go these days, you’ll find people on their phones, talking, texting, messaging and even playing games. It’s the one device you never leave home without. If you’ve ever tried living without your phone for a day – it’s pretty much impossible.

In 1997, Swedish maker Ericsson coined the term’ smartphone’ for its GS88 model. In addition to functioning as a phone, the new devices were a platform for playing games. The developers at Nokia put the first phone game, Snake, on its 6110 handset. Little did they know it would spawn a mobile gaming industry worth more than a hundred and fifty billion dollars today.

Thanks to Apple and Samsung, the smartphone became a mini-computer that fits in our pocket. They became powerful multimedia devices capable of capturing high-quality photos and videos, play music, stream videos, and several evoltions of AI.

At this point, you can see the future of smartphones may no longer be in the handheld devices we have come to rely on over the past quarter of a century. While we hold smartphones, the next generation of devices may be more wearable.

From smartwatches, to augmented reality glasses, to perhaps even brain-computer interfaces. The future is full of potential, and only time will tell what our next smartphone evolution will be.

