EDGE touch is a pixel art editor only for 256 colors developed to draw the pixel art with iPhone/iPod touch.
The pixel can be drawn directly by doing the tap, and it comes to be able to enjoy the pixel art easily anytime and anywhere.
The main function and the feature are as follows.
- Supports from 1x1 to 320x480 pixels
- Basic drawing functions like freehand, straight line, square, ellipse, etc
- Tap & hold to copy colors like an eyedropper tool
- Cancel actions by tapping with a second finger while drawing
- Undo and Redo
- Grid display (configurable)
- Adjustable RGB and HLS color space in the color palette
- Layers
- Layer groups, for editing two or more layers at the same time (move, copy, paste, etc. within the range of selection)
- Two views at the same time: one actual size, the other zoomed in
- Tracing
- Animation
- Onionskin
- Export to Camera Roll
- Mail attachment (PNG / Animated GIF / JPG)