

Servizi ambientali

Milano, Mi 24.908 follower

Connecting nature and technology for biodiversity preservation

Chi siamo

We are a company that bridges nature with technology. We specialize in the development of sensors, analysis tools, and regenerative activities that help preserve and promote biodiversity. Our mission is to create a world where technology and nature work in harmony, and we strive to achieve this by providing innovative solutions that help protect and restore ecosystems. At 3Bee, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between human activity and the natural world. Our team of experts works tirelessly to develop cutting-edge technology that can monitor, analyze, and promote the health of our environment. We believe that by combining our expertise with a deep respect for the natural world, we can make a positive impact on the planet.

Servizi ambientali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Mi
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Elettronica, Biologia, Informatica, IoT, Big Data, web marketing, Informatica, Agritech, Python, React, Data e Sostenibilità


Dipendenti presso 3Bee


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    📢 Oltre 100 uscite su carta stampata, online e radio! In occasione della scorsa Giornata Mondiale dell'Habitat, 3Bee ha presentato la classifica delle #città più naturali d’Italia. Grazie alla nostra environmental platform di monitoraggio della #biodiversità, abbiamo stilato una graduatoria dei 112 capoluoghi di provincia, basata sul parametro di Abbondanza Media di Specie per uso del suolo (#MSA Land Use). 🏆 Le città più naturali d’Italia? Sul podio troviamo Isernia, Belluno e Savona, con un MSA_LU superiore a 0.9! Queste città si distinguono per la loro ampia copertura vegetale e il basso livello di #antropizzazione, fattori fondamentali per il mantenimento della biodiversità. Vuoi scoprire come monitorare gli impatti e le dipendenze dalla natura della tua impresa grazie alla piattaforma 3Bee? 👉 https://lnkd.in/gfv7VpQ6

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    😏 Someone had to say it!  In response to the growing regulatory and #compliance needs of businesses, 3Bee presents its Environmental Platform: an integrated, science-based #dashboard that enables communities, businesses and nature parks to improve their impact on nature, #biodiversity and climate by monitoring key risk indices. 🌱 With more than 1,000 companies involved, the 3Bee platform has already reached 17,000 monitored sites in 21 countries by aggregating and digitalizing data based on key risk indices. Through continuous monitoring and regular disclosure of aggregated #data, companies can align themselves with international standards and accelerate their journey towards a positive impact on nature, while achieving regulatory compliance. Find out more 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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    🌱 In collaboration with Edison Next, 3Bee has developed a Biodiversity Oasis in Zinasco (PV), a pioneering project combining advanced #technology and #biodiversity regeneration. The Oasis is equipped with two biomonitoring hives using 3Bee Hive-Tech technology, which allows real-time monitoring of bees, vital bio-indicators of environmental health, by measuring key biometric parameters. 💡Zinasco Oasis also has seven shelters for wild #pollinators such as solitary bees, ladybirds, butterflies and bats. In addition, 50 nectar-producing plants and shrubs of five different native species have been planted to restore and enhance the local #ecosystem. An educational pathway has been created within the oasis to open its doors to schools and local communities, raising awareness of biodiversity and creating a deeper connection with the surrounding environment. Located next to facilities that convert biomass into sustainable energy, the Biodiversity Oasis is a living example of how #businesses can integrate biodiversity and sustainability. At 3Bee, our biodiversity regeneration projects follow a scientific and technological methodology that uses advanced IoT sensors and machine learning algorithms to collect and analyse critical data on pollinator populations, habitats and ecosystems 👉 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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    🌱 What is #greenwashing, and why should companies care? Greenwashing has been one of the most debated topics in the communications sector in recent years. 🗣️ The growing public awareness of #sustainability means that consumers are paying more attention to the environmental impact of the products they are considering buying. #Companies must respond to new demands from their customers, not only from the characteristics and price of products but also from the need to minimize their environmental #impact. Curious to learn more about it? Read our newsletter👇

    Greenwashing: key insights from the new EU Directive

    Greenwashing: key insights from the new EU Directive

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    ✨ These days, we are at Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale with two biodiversity pathways created to raise awareness of the need to adopt ad hoc #climate and #biodiversity strategies, starting with a data-driven approach. 💡In addition, our COO Simone Mazzola and Head of Sustainability & Advocacy Virginia Castellucci yesterday took part in two #panels, respectively "Urban regeneration, a possible challenge" and "Biodiversity, a delicate balance between business and the environment" to talk about the importance of #monitoring and protecting biodiversity. To learn more about our regeneration projects, discover our 3Bee Environmental Platform 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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    📊 According to the World Economic Forum's 2023 Global Risks Report, #biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are among the top five long-term risks for #businesses worldwide. In addition, the IPCC highlights that more than 50% of the global economy is heavily or moderately dependent on nature and its ecosystem services. These facts underline the urgent need for companies to rethink their strategies and integrate biodiversity, nature and climate into their decision-making. 💡This is where the 3Bee Enrivornmental Platform comes in. Using cutting-edge #technology, 3Bee combines satellite data, in-field technology and public databases to provide an accurate and timely assessment of both impacts and dependencies on ecosystems. In as little as 15 minutes, #companies can get a clear snapshot of the current state of an ecosystem and pinpoint the most critical areas that need immediate attention. This speed is critical to managing resources efficiently and responding quickly to environmental needs. At 3Bee, we empower businesses to make informed, data-driven decisions that align with sustainability goals and help mitigate biodiversity and climate-related risks 👉 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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    📅 Durante lo scorso Webinar dall'Oasi tenutosi il 25 settembre dal titolo "CSRD in Italia: la nuova figura del Revisore di Sostenibilità" abbiamo affrontato principali aggiornamenti relativi alla normativa sulla #rendicontazione di #sostenibilità insieme alla Professoressa Paola Vola e al Professor Lorenzo Gelmini dell'Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.    🌱 Insieme abbiamo esplorato il recentissimo tema della ricezione della #CSRD in Italia, le #sanzioni per le aziende che non sottostanno all'obbligo di rendicontazione e la differenza tra il revisore di sostenibilità dal revisore finanziario. I Webinar dall'Oasi non finiscono qui: il prossimo 22 ottobre alle ore 12, infatti, insieme a Virginia Castellucci e Federica Nova parleremo di come misurare la performance di sostenibilità. Iscrivetevi al webinar 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/evhGD-KM

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    🗣️ Yesterday, Martina Costantino, International Partnership Developer at 3Bee, represented us at the World Living Soils Forum, co-organized by Moët Hennessy and ChangeNOW, at LUMA Arles. 🌱 This forum provided a unique opportunity to highlight 3Bee’s commitment to protecting, regenerating, and monitoring #biodiversity through our advanced #technology solutions. Martina Costantino presented how our environmental #platform enable businesses, municipalities and natural parks to track biodiversity health, assess risks, and implement regeneration strategies, helping to safeguard vital ecosystems. Find out more about our 3Bee platform 👉 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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    🏆 Yesterday Virginia Castellucci and Federica Nova attended the ESG Excellence Awards at Castello di Casiglio to share insights on how 3Bee is actively involved in protecting, monitoring, and regenerating #biodiversity through our cutting-edge #technologies. 💡The event, promoted by CONFINDUSTRIA COMO and CONFINDUSTRIA LECCO E SONDRIO, showcased the outstanding #ESG efforts of various companies. The winners will now have the opportunity to partecipate the "3Bee: A School of Biodiversity" project, where they will partner with a local primary #school to promote biodiversity education as part of their broader sustainability initiatives. The event was a great opportunity to celebrate innovation and corporate responsibility, and to promote a more sustainable development model for the future. Find out about our projects with schools 👉 https://lnkd.in/dU_RkRzJ

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    📺 Yesterday, on the occasion of World Habitat Day, our COO, Simone Mazzola, had the honour of being a guest on RAI International, where he presented 3Bee's ranking of the 112 most natural Italian provincial capitals. This ranking is based on the MSA Land Use (Mean Species Abundance), a key indicator of local #biodiversity integrity used to assess the impact of human activities on natural environments. Biodiversity is fundamental to the health and resilience of #ecosystems, providing essential services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. 💡Loss of biodiversity can disrupt these processes, leading to weakened ecosystems that are less able to support life—including human life. During the interview, Simone Mazzola highlighted how 3Bee contributes to #monitoring, protecting, and regenerating biodiversity. Through innovative technologies, 3Bee helps companies, municipalities and natural parks measure the health of biodiversity and mitigate their impact. By protecting biodiversity, we ensure the long-term stability of our natural resources 👉 https://lnkd.in/eRwBY9uG

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