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Acqualagna Tartufi

Acqualagna Tartufi

Vendita al dettaglio

Acqualagna, Pesaro e Urbino 687 follower

Sapori & Aromi delle Marche

Chi siamo

Acqualagna Tartufi specializes in the commercialization of fresh truffles and the transformation of these truffles into various long-life food specialties. Our company has more than 60 years of experience in the world of truffles thanks to the collection and marketing carried out by the well-known Marini family in Acqualagna. In 2004 Piergiorgio Marini, with his wife Emanuela Bartolucci, decided to separate from the historical family business to found their own, more innovative, and structured one. The purchase of numerous state-of-the-art machinery has enabled us to process our food products better and extensively. Thanks to the contribution of expert food technologists, we have managed to maintain the traditional recipes and prepare the products artisanally; the company has been able to extend the products' cooking process on a large scale and accelerate and automate the phases of storing, sealing, sterilization, and labeling the stored products. In recent years, the company has restructured itself commercially in a managerial manner to control the domestic market better and compete on a large scale in international markets, where competition for Made in Italy agri-food excellence has become increasingly aggressive. Our mission is now focused on positioning the historic "Acqualagna Tartufi" brand among the first worldwide, aware of the qualitative superiority of the white truffle of Acqualagna and the variety of truffles that its territory can offer all year round.

Vendita al dettaglio
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Acqualagna, Pesaro e Urbino
Ditta individuale
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
tartufi, tartufiesapori, commercio, acqualagnatartufi, truffles, truffle, whitetruffles, tartufobianco, blacktruffle, blacktruffles, tartufonero, tartufo, freshtruffles e freshtruffle


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