Foto di copertina di AISM Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing
AISM Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing

AISM Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing

Servizi pubblicitari

Milano, Lombardia 4.253 follower

L'associazione che ha contribuito a far conoscere il marketing in Italia.

Chi siamo

AISM, Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing Association is the non-profit organization that for the first in Italy is committed to developing the culture and professionalism of Marketing. Founded in 1954 by Guglielmo Tagliacarne, AISM has become the benchmark for Entrepreneurs, University Teachers, Managers, Consultants and Researchers interested in the marketing profession. AISM is associated with Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, for The ESOMAR World Association of Research Professionals, is a member of the Council for the new jobs created by CNEL and is a founding member of PIU ', Professioni Intellettuali Unite. AISM organizes Training Programs, Seminars and Workshops to upgrade (Conferences and Events, who disclaim the scientific value and contribution to innovation in marketing, extended to different scenarios and in all professional 'outside of Enterprise. Among the members include actors of culture and the national and multinational, in representation of different sectors. The Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing work throughout the country with the support of Regional Delegations. The Board of Directors President: Massimo Giordani Deputy Chairman: Carola Goglio Directors: Andrea Bertinotti, Davide Cavalieri, Raffaele Crispino, Fabio Lazzarini, Alessandro Martemucci, Alberto Pasquini, Massimo Zaninelli Secretary General: Giulia Zaia

Sito Web
Servizi pubblicitari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso AISM Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing


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