Foto di copertina di AMMO Imaging
AMMO Imaging

AMMO Imaging

Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici

For Future Perspectives

Chi siamo

With more than 20 years of industry experience, we provide world-class manufacturing solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Recognizing the rapid progress in technology and the continuous evolution of radiopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical products, we are committed to improving and expanding the facilities with which we collaborate. This focus enables us to achieve superior reliability and quality while maintaining the highest standards of compliance and productivity. At AMMO Imaging, we are consistently involved in projects designed to bring forward innovative products and solutions tailored to the radiopharmaceutical industry’s needs.

Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Radiopharma, Nuclear Medicine e Pharmaceutical


Dipendenti presso AMMO Imaging


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