Foto di copertina di Arma dei Carabinieri
Arma dei Carabinieri

Arma dei Carabinieri

Forze dell’ordine

Roma, RM 44.197 follower

Pagina ufficiale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - #PossiamoAiutarvi

Chi siamo

The Carabinieri Corps is an armed Force permanently enforcing public security. It fully contributes to the "external defense" and "internal security" systems of Italy. As an armed force, it participates in international peacekeeping and security missions and carries out military police functions within the Italian armed forces. As a police force, it carries out all activities to maintain public order and security: territorial control, public order services, judicial police functions; protection of public health; forestry, environmental and agri-food safeguarding; labor and social legislation uhpolding; national archaeological, historical, artistic and cultural heritage protection. Moreover, in the case of public disasters, the Carabinieri guarantee order and security services and rescuing activities, as a national civil protection operative structure. The Carabinieri have accompanied the history of Italy and its people since 1814, preserving the symbiotic connection between the territory and its communities. The Carabinieri are widespread throughout the territory and provide security “at hand”, so they represent not only the physical proximity of patrols and barracks, but the ability to live and understand people’s everyday life, providing concrete answers to the needs of the different territories of jurisdiction. This ability to "be among the people" marks the identity of the Carabiniere serviceman with a distinctive trait that has long gone beyond the borders of Italy, in support of peoples needing stability, with the consideration that protection and respect for legality are the foundation of quality of life anywhere in the world.

Sito Web
Forze dell’ordine
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Roma, RM
Ente governativo
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Military, Homeland Security, Investigations, Counter Terrorism e Police


Dipendenti presso Arma dei Carabinieri


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