Foto di copertina di Associazione Festival della Filosofia in Magna Grecia
Associazione Festival della Filosofia in Magna Grecia

Associazione Festival della Filosofia in Magna Grecia


Ascea, Salerno 307 follower

Philosophy Festival in Greece and Magna Graecia designed for high school students and teachers.

Chi siamo

Philosophy Festival in Greece® and Philosophy Festival in Magna Graecia® are an interdisciplinary educational programs designed for high school students and teachers organized by Associazione Festival della Filosofia in Magna Grecia. The Festival’s mission is to combine the cultural value of a journey to the places where western Philosophy was born with the rediscover, during low-season periods, of areas of historical and archaeological importance, symbols of the Mediterranean culture: first of all, Greece and Magna Grecia. During the days of the Philosophy Festival, students can achieve new goals in learning thanks to innovative didactic experiences, based on new teaching methodologies: Philosophical dialogues, Philosophical-theatrical walks, workshops, contests and others. Activities for teachers are included too.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Ascea, Salerno
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Philosophy Festival, Education, Philosophical dialogues, Philosophical-theatrical walks, Practical philosophy workshops, Philosophical competitions, Emotional experience, Critical thinking, Innovative learning paths, International cultural events, High school educational programs, Mediterranean culture, Higher learning., γνῶθι σαυτόν, temet nosce e Philosophical Art performances


Dipendenti presso Associazione Festival della Filosofia in Magna Grecia

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