For over 60 years, Bottero are the only company in the world that have been world leaders in every sector of the glass industry: hollow glass, special engineering, flat laminated and monolithic glass.
Bottero offers a complete range of solutions in the field of automatic machines for glass processing, thus meeting all your requirements, from standard products for medium-small companies up to designing and construction of entire production lines for large international industrial groups.
Bottero is the only company in the world able to provide experience and high technology in any field of the glass processing industry by supplying proper equipment apt to each specific production, from flat monolithic and laminated glass to the production of bottles and jars, from complete production lines for float and laminated glass sheets to packaging lines.
The clear ambition of the Bottero Group is to be a leading figure in the glass industry. The concrete and reliable nature of the company has generated with time a mixture of competitive peculiarities in technological innovation, in product performance and in the integration of new products and solutions.
This goal is confirmed by the high number of industrial patents in its possession, by its strong expansion and by the appreciation that the market acknowledges it.
Bottero’s capillary network of sales and assistance allows us to fully meet the needs of our customers and to offer them constant assistance during the whole life of the product.
Bottero exports 90% of its production. A position which Bottero has gained thanks to its capacity of knowing how to seize the commercial opportunities offered by various markets as well as opportunities in production, technical and project development, offered by different countries throughout the world. This is why Bottero is present with its sites both on a national and international level, representing a constant reference point for customers, with organised and efficient structures.
Ingegneria meccanica o industriale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cuneo, Italy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
hollow glass production lines, machine for flat laminated and monolithic glass, special engineering for flat glass production, industrial automation e glass processing R & D