#BSP #Event #4thNovelConjugates #Summit2025 of #Boston We are very happy to attend next 4thNovelConjugates #Summit2025 of #Boston, organized by Hanson Wade BSP's team looks forward to meeting You at our booth in the Exhibithor area with ours: giorgio salciarini Cristina Martino Fabrizia Minandri, PMP® Save the Date!!! Thursday, 27th of March, giorgio salciarini, will present its #speech "Supporting novel Bioconjugates from IND to Commercial supply" during the Conference #Day2, starting from 9:45 AM. To request a meeting, please send an e-mail to Business.Development@Bsppharmaceuticals.com
BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.
Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici
Latina Scalo, Italia/ Latina 66.911 follower
A valuable and trusted neighbor in the oncology community
Chi siamo
BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.a is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO). The BSP campus hosts 2 segregated facilities to serve the clients with development from pre-clinical GLP to cGMP manufacturing for clinical and commercial supply of Cytotoxic and High Potent Oncology drugs and Non-Cytotoxic, innovative compounds for Immunotherapy and other therapeutics applications. Facilities designed to handle small and large molecules as ADCs (conjugation and fill finish), Peptides, Proteins, Oligonucleotides and Nano Medicines. BSP is technologically developed to meet the needs of innovators, with its High Containment Facility designed to offer a full range of integrated services aimed to support the entire life cycle of a product, from the formulation and process development/optimization, through scale up/scale down studies. OUR MISSION The fight against cancer is ours too
- Sito Web
Link esterno per BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 1001 - 5000 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Latina Scalo, Italia/ Latina
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2006
- Settori di competenza
- Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Anticancer, ADC e Immunotherapic
Via Appia Km 65.561
Latina Scalo, Italia/ Latina 04100, IT
100 Overlook center, suite 200
Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, US
Dipendenti presso BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.
Andrea Mariani
Production Manager at BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.
Anna Maria Braca
General Counsel & Vice President Strategic Business Development | Executive MBA at SDA Bocconi
Roberto Marvulli
Logistic Compliance Manager at Bsp Pharmaceuticals S.p.A
Nicola Catani
Digital & Communication Strategist
🌟 COSA RENDE L’AMBIENTE DI LAVORO STIMOLANTE? Un clima organizzativo positivo favorisce benessere, collaborazione e produttività. Quali elementi contribuiscono maggiormente a creare un ambiente di lavoro sereno e motivante? 👉 Vota e condividi nei commenti la tua esperienza! 📩 #Survey #AmbienteDiLavoro #BenessereSulLavoro #Motivazione #Leadership #WeAreBSP
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🎓 DALL’UNIVERSITÀ ALL’AZIENDA: UN PONTE PER IL FUTURO 🚀 📅 Il 14 marzo abbiamo avuto come ospiti presso il nostro Campus gli studenti dell'Università di Chieti, che dopo una presentazione aziendale hanno avuto modo di visitare alcuni dei nostri reparti. 🔹 BSP è da sempre al fianco delle nuove generazioni, supportando la loro formazione e orientandoli nel mercato del lavoro. 👏 Un sentito ringraziamento agli studenti per l’interesse e la partecipazione, e ai nostri colleghi per il loro prezioso contributo in questa giornata di condivisione e crescita! #WeAreBSP #MeetYourFuture #Innovation
#BSP #Event #15thWorldADC #Summit2025 of #London We were very happy to live the experience of ##15thWorldADC #Summit2025 of #London with you. Thanks for visiting us. See you soon.
#BSP #Event #DCATWeek2025 We will be at #DCATWeek2025 of New York, organized by DCAT (Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association). BSP's team looks forward to meeting You To request a meeting, please send an e-mail to Business.Development@Bsppharmaceuticals.com
Let’s share the fourth episode of our project “In My Shoes”, short interviews to better undestand our activities and our processes, in one word: #BSPCulture. 💖 🔹 Passion and willpower to create a welcoming environment where everyone feel part of a team in a continuous growth. ✨ 🔹 Take a look at the following interview by Luigi Buonanno - Plant Engineering Head - who will introduce you to part of our Engineering Department. 🚀 👇 Take this opportunity to learn more about us and the job opportunities we offer! Click on the following link: https://lnkd.in/dnzXcdDx #WeAreBSP #MeetYourFuture #OurPeople #InMyShoes
Per rispondere alla forte espansione che stiamo vivendo, ricerchiamo i migliori talenti per unirsi a questo straordinario progetto! 🚀 Insieme nella lotta contro il cancro. Un’opportunità unica in un impianto all'avanguardia. 💡 Cerchiamo, per la nostra sede di Latina : 👉 Qualification Specialist: https://lnkd.in/ds9YEud9 👉 Qualification Supervisor: https://lnkd.in/dncBwtGR 👉 QAC Specialist: https://lnkd.in/djJnw3tS 🔹 Perché mandare la tua candidatura? ✅ Lavorerai in un impianto con tecnologie avanzate ✅ Farai parte di una realtà in continua espansione! ✅ Avrai l’opportunità di lavorare in un ambiente con personale altamente qualificato Se sei interessatə clicca sui link sopra indicati ed inviaci la tua candidatura: non vediamo l'ora di conoscerti! #WeAreBSP #TogetherAgainstCancer
🌍 TODAY IS WORLD OBESITY DAY! 🔹 Obesity is a complex and chronic disease, as well as a key driver of other serious conditions. Taking action on obesity is a critical step in reducing the global burden of other chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 🔹 BSP Pharmaceuticals stands alongside the scientific community, supporting research and innovation to advance solutions for a healthier world. 👉 Together, we can take meaningful action and drive real change! #WeAreBSP #WorldObesityDay #Prevention #GlobalHealth #Awareness #Wellbeing
#BSP #Event #15thWorldADC2025 #Summit of #London We are very happy to attend next #15thWorldADC2025 Summit of #London, organized by Hanson Wade Group BSP's team looks forward to meeting You at our booth #9 in the Exhibitor Area Save the Date!!! Next Tuesday 4th March, 2025 giorgio salciarini, will present its #speech "Our History to Serve the Innovators: A Step Ahead Against the Challenges of the Bioconjugates" during the Scientifc Program #Day1, starting from 16:30 PM To request a meeting, please send an e-mail to Business.Development@Bsppharmaceuticals.com
🚀 BSP DIGITAL ACADEMY: FORMAZIONE E CRESCITA CONTINUA! L’apprendimento è la chiave per l’innovazione e la crescita professionale. Per questo, abbiamo creato la BSP Digital Academy, la nostra piattaforma e-learning aziendale, progettata per valorizzare e condividere il know-how interno. 📌 Technical Academy – Un’area pensata per rafforzare le competenze tecniche e specialistiche, grazie a contenuti mirati e aggiornati. 📌 Soft-Skills Academy – Uno spazio dedicato allo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali, essenziali per affrontare le sfide del mondo del lavoro. 👏 Un grande ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito con impegno e competenza a rendere questo progetto una realtà. 👉 Restate connessi per scoprire tutte le novità! #WeAreBSP #DigitalAcademy #Formazione #CrescitaProfessionale #Innovazione #LearningAndDevelopment