Sviluppo di software

Rome, Latium 678 follower

Unlocking nuclear potential for humanity's sake

Chi siamo

Our mission at CAELUS is clear: we're here to enable the nuclear industry to thrive. We believe in the power of technology to streamline processes, enhance safety, and drive efficiency in nuclear operations. By leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI, we're paving the way for a brighter future in nuclear energy. Our flagship product, CAELUS Engine, is a tool designed to streamline the licensing processes of nuclear reactors. Our solution assists nuclear engineers in efficiently drafting licensing documentation while simultaneously working on reactor design. Our solution is an expert system suitable to work with multiple legal frameworks, thus allowing nuclear technologies to be licensed worldwide with ease. Join us in reshaping the nuclear industry and unlock the potential of the cleanest and most abundant energy source.

Sviluppo di software
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Latium
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso CAELUS


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    🚀 Unisciti a noi alla Unicorn Jam Session! 🚀 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la nostra partecipazione alla Unicorn Jam Session, un evento organizzato dal Business Innovation Hub nell’ambito della Rome Future Week. Quale occasione migliore per entrare in contatto con giovani studenti appassionati di innovazione e imprenditorialità! Durante la serata, avrete l’opportunità di ascoltare storie di successo e di resilienza, esplorare l’Area Expo dove presenteremo la nostra idea innovativa, e partecipare a momenti di networking. CAELUS è alla ricerca di ricerca di giovani talenti ambiziosi e curiosi, pronti a mettersi in gioco e a crescere insieme a noi, contribuendo a creare soluzioni all’avanguardia per il futuro. Questo è solo l’inizio di una serie di eventi a cui parteciperemo per conoscere e selezionare studenti motivati e desiderosi di collaborare con noi. Vi aspettiamo il 16 settembre presso la Facoltà di Economia di Sapienza per una serata di speech, sfide, networking e molto altro. Non vediamo l’ora di conoscervi e di condividere la nostra realtà. #UnicornJamSession #Innovazione #Networking #Startup #Deeptech #AI #Nuclear 

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    Startup battle, pitch session, keynote e aperitivo di networking, tutto in una notte. È la #UnicornJamSession, evento serale organizzato dal Business Innovation Hub (BIH) del ImpreSapiens - Centro di Ricerca in collaborazione con Seedble nell'ambito della Rome Future Week per avvicinare student*, imprenditor* e giovani innovator* all’ecosistema startup e al mondo del business, facilitando la contaminazione e il networking con coloro che già operano e fanno innovazione nel mercato. L’evento si terrà il 16 settembre, a partire dalle ore 18, presso il piano terra della Facoltà di Economia Sapienza Università di Roma che, per l’occasione, aprirà le sue porte fino a tarda sera. Sei ancora in tempo per partecipare! Iscriviti gratuitamente a questo link 👉 e compila il form 👉 Chi sarà il prossimo unicorno? Pathfinder Investor, FOOLFARM, One To Media, Mario Calabrese, Francesca Iandolo, Andrea Rocchi, @Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Maria Virginia Sirolli, Francesca Igini,Maria Carmen Di Poce, Alessia Sciarrone, Chiara Scrimieri, Francesco Bellini, Laura Tassinari, Andrea Solimene, Raimondo Anello, Alessio Tola, Marco Camisani-Calzolari, maria claudia lucchetti, Silvia Canino, Roberta Cammarota, Simone Romanelli, Andrea Saccomanno, Ilaria Fava, Paolo Colella, Andrea Cinelli, Antonio Sapone, Michael Cimino, Marco Roncaglio, Rocco Teora, Milco Notaro. #UnicornJamSession #innovation #startup #networking #Seedble #RFW24

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    Nuclear energy is capable of powering entire cities by splitting atoms releasing a tremendous amount of energy. 💥 During the fission of uranium-235, smaller nuclei like barium-141 and krypton-92 are produced, along with additional neutrons and gamma radiation. These byproducts are essential for maintaining the chain reaction within a reactor. 🔄 The energy density of uranium is remarkable—1 gram of uranium-235 can generate the same amount of energy as 3 tons of coal or 14 barrels of oil. This makes nuclear energy one of the most efficient power sources available. 📊⚡ To put it into perspective, 1 kilogram of uranium-235 can produce about 24,000 MWh of electricity. 🌟 Today, nuclear energy provides around 10% of the world’s electricity, playing a significant role in reducing carbon emissions and supporting a cleaner energy future. 🌍✨ Discover the potential of nuclear energy for a sustainable future. Follow us and learn how CAELUS is transforming the industry and paving the way for a greener, more resilient world. #NuclearEnergy #CleanEnergy #SustainableFuture

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    CAELUS, startup italiana dedicata alla produzione di software per l’industria nucleare, è il progetto di Alessio Iuvara, ceo e fondatore, che, durante la sua partecipazione all’Us Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp 2022, ha identificato una delle principali inefficienze del settore, che mina gli obiettivi di decarbonizzazione: la lentezza e il rischio finanziario legato all’autorizzazione dei nuovi impianti nucleari, come gli smr (small modular reactor). #caelus #nucleare #alessioiuvara #SmallModularReactors #nuclearinnovationbootcamp #forbesitalia #innovation

    I progetti di Caelus, la startup italiana che vuole semplificare l'industria nucleare

    I progetti di Caelus, la startup italiana che vuole semplificare l'industria nucleare

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    Modern nuclear reactors boast an impressive safety record, with 416 operational reactors worldwide adhering to rigorous safety protocols that ensure incidents remain exceedingly rare. 📉💡 When evaluating energy sources based on fatalities per terawatt-hour (TWh) of electricity produced, nuclear energy ranks among the safest. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified nuclear energy as having one of the lowest death rates per TWh. Nuclear power plants are equipped with multiple layers of protection, including robust containment structures and several backup systems. These measures ensure that even in the unlikely event of a malfunction, radiation remains contained. Continuous improvements and strict regulations, such as those enforced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ensure the ongoing safety and reliability of nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants undergo regular safety evaluations and drills to maintain readiness for any potential scenarios. However, stringent regulations can pose challenges. Lengthy licensing processes often delay projects for years and add significant costs. ⏳💸 💻⚙️ This is where CAELUS comes in. Utilizing Generative AI, CAELUS aims to automate licensing processes, accelerating deployment timelines. By streamlining regulatory procedures, CAELUS seeks to make nuclear energy more accessible and cost-effective while maintaining the highest safety standards. 📲 Share this post to inform your network about the advancements and safety of nuclear energy. #NuclearSafety #EnergySecurity #TechInnovations #GenerativeAI

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    🌐Nuclear Hardships: Recap In our recent series on nuclear licensing, we've delved into the challenges that define the regulatory landscape for nuclear power plants worldwide. From the foundational role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in setting international standards to the varied legal frameworks that govern licensing processes across different states, one thing remains clear: the path to approving nuclear installations is intricate and costly. 🔬IAEA and Global Standards: The IAEA plays a pivotal role in supporting member states with technical guidance and assessments, ensuring nuclear facilities uphold rigorous safety, security, and environmental protocols. 📜Diverse Regulatory Approaches: Each country crafts its unique nuclear laws, creating a tapestry of regulatory hurdles that complicate the export and deployment of nuclear technology. This diversity not only demands substantial time and financial resources but also poses a significant barrier to scaling the nuclear economy. 💻From Challenges to Solutions: We've explored how bureaucratic inefficiencies and stringent requirements can put at risk the deployment of even the most innovative Small Modular Reactors (#SMRs). Despite their promise of scalability and safety enhancements, SMRs face the same regulatory obstacles to those of larger reactors. CAELUS steps in with AI-driven tools designed to ease these challenges, ensuring compliance and efficiency in licensing processes. 💡The AI Revolution in Nuclear: As #AI continues to transform industries, CAELUS is at the forefront, pioneering intelligent document drafting and robust Knowledge Management Systems tailored for the nuclear sector. Join us as we drive forward the evolution of nuclear licensing, making strides towards a safer, more #sustainable future powered by #innovation and #technology.

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    We’re excited to announce that our latest interview has been featured in the August issue of Forbes Italia! 🗞️ It's an honor to be featured in Forbes Italia, an important publication that highlights the most influential and innovative voices in business and technology. This feature is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team. Thank you to #ForbesItalia for this recognition and to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! #Innovation #Leadership #Gratitude

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    Today marks 2 years since the idea behind CAELUS was born. 🎉 It all started during the partecipation of our Founder and CEO Alessio Iuvara to the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp (NIB) 2022 held in Madison, Wisconsin. The NIB is a two-week annual workshop aimed at training students in essential skills to bring innovation in the nuclear energy field. Exactly two years ago, in that occasion, Alessio developed the idea that soon transformed into a group of young enthusiastic professionals with the ambition to revolutionize the nuclear industry. That idea turned into a recognized and enstablished reality - CAELUS - that is today working to bring its products to 🚀 speed-up #NuclearLicensing ➡️ streamline #ReactorDesigning 🆕 modernize #NuclearPowerPlantsManagement 👣 Follow us to know more about our mission to make nuclear technologies #faster and #easier to deploy. Spoiler: it has to do with #GenerativeAI. 💻 #Nuclear #NIB22 #Innovation #TBT

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    🌍 On July 28th, we celebrate World Conservation Day, highlighting the importance of protecting our environment and wildlife. It's a reminder of our duty and collective responsibility to preserve biodiversity, protect habitats, and ensure sustainable practices to ensure a healthy planet for future generations. Nuclear energy can play a key role in this mission. Let’s discover how: 💧 Water Conservation Nuclear power supports desalination, converting seawater into fresh water to address global water scarcity. 🌲 Forest Protection Being an abundant source of clean and reliable energy, nuclear power reduces the need for deforestation caused by biomass fuel collection. 🦋 Biodiversity With a smaller land footprint compared to other energy sources, nuclear energy minimizes habitat disruption and supports biodiversity. 🌱 Sustainable Agriculture Nuclear energy provides consistent, carbon-free power, for the production of fertilizers and promotes sustainable but energy-intensive practices like vertical farming. At CAELUS, we're leading the way in nuclear technology with our innovative AI-powered solution to help engineers get new nuclear technologies approved faster by making the licensing process easier. This means making it quicker and simpler to bring small modular reactors (SMRs) into use, which is a big step forward in clean energy innovation. Discover the potential of nuclear energy for a sustainable future. Follow us and learn how CAELUS Nuclear is transforming the industry and paving the way for a greener, more resilient world. #WorldConservationDay #NuclearEnergy #SustainableEnergy

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    🌍France's Nuclear Revolution: A Case Study in Carbon Emission Reduction🌍 In the late 20th century, France made a monumental decision that would shape its energy future and significantly reduce its carbon footprint: the large-scale adoption of #NuclearPower. 🛢️🚫 In response to the oil crises of the 1970s, France sought a more #sustainable and #secure energy source. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Pierre Messmer, France embarked on an ambitious path to expand its nuclear energy capabilities. This strategic move aimed to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, stabilize energy prices, and ensure a steady electricity supply. By 1979, the first wave of new nuclear reactors came online. Over the following decade, France quickly became a global leader in nuclear energy, generating around 75% of the country's electricity. 🌱⚛️ Thanks to the country’s nuclear fleet expansion, France achieved a dramatic decrease in CO2 emissions from the electricity sector, reducing emissions by approximately 80% in less than two decades. Nuclear is already the fastest path toward decarbonization, but at CAELUS we want it to become even faster! 🚀 That’s why we are removing obstacles in #NuclearLicensing and #NuclearSiteManagement through powerful tools powered by #GenerativeAI and giving them right in the hands of nuclear engineers. 📣 Follow us and discover how we do it!

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    Nuclear Energy for Healthcare: radioisotopes production ⚛️⚕️ Nuclear energy is not only a clean and reliable source of power, it also plays a crucial role in various fields, particularly in #medicine, by producing vital #radioisotopes for medical purposes such as: 🩻Cancer Treatment 🧴Medical Sterilization 🔬Imaging and diagnosis The most important radioisotopes are: 🔹Technetium-99m is the most widely used radioisotope in medical imaging. It emits gamma rays that can be detected by imaging devices, providing detailed images of internal organs. 🔹Cobalt-60 is a high-energy gamma-ray emitter with a half-life of 5.27 years, used in cancer treatment and medical sterilization. 🔹Iodine-131 is an beta emitter used in treating thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism, with a half-life of 8 days. 🔹Cesium-137 is a beta and gamma emitter used in cancer treatment and industrial radiography, with a half-life of about 30 years. 🔹Strontium-89 is a beta emitter used for pain relief in bone cancer patients, with a half-life of 50 days. 🔹Lutetium-177 is a beta emitter used in targeted radionuclide therapy for certain cancers, such as neuroendocrine tumors, with a half-life of about 6.7 days. 🔹Actinium-225 is an alpha emitter used in targeted alpha therapy (TAT) for cancer treatment, offering high precision in destroying cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue, with a half-life of about 10 days. CAELUS understands the importance of nuclear for medical purposes, our committment to making nuclear technologies more accessible and widely deployed is growing stronger each day. 📣 Share to raise awareness about nuclear energy for healthcare. Follow us to know more about our mission to make nuclear technologies #faster and #easier to deploy. Spoiler: it has to do with #GenerativeAI. 💻 #NuclearEnergy #Healthcare #Radioisotopes

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