Sviluppo di software

Milano, Italy 3.050 follower

The #ClusterBusters company, creators of Capsule and Kamaji. Solving the Kubernetes cluster sprawl through Multi-Tenancy

Chi siamo

Clastix is the leader in Kubernetes multi-tenancy solutions. Our products and services help organisations of any size to overcome Cloud Native adoption challenges and confidently design, build, and operate digital infrastructures based on Kubernetes. We are the original creators of Capsule multi-tenancy Operator, an open source solution that helps customers in eliminating the cluster’s sprawl issues with deployment of Kubernetes at scale and radically simplifying operations. In production deployments, the multi-tenancy capabilities offered by Capsule have demonstrated the ability to reduce clusters’ sprawl by +70%.

Sviluppo di software
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Italy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Kubernetes, Cloud Native Computing, Containers, devops, Software Defined, Cloud Computing, Cloud Migration e Digital Transformation



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