Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile

Messina, Italia/Messina 909 follower

Tecnologie energetiche per una società sostenibile

Chi siamo

ITAE sviluppa e promuove tecnologie energetiche innovative in grado di coniugare la profonda conoscenza dei processi elettrochimici, catalitici e di adsorbimento con la capacità di progettare materiali, componenti e sistemi energetici. Le tecnologie energetiche basate sulle fonti rinnovabili giocano un ruolo centrale nel nuovo scenario dei sistemi energetici, in cui la generazione distribuita sarà supportata da azioni di miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica, sfruttando anche le sinergie con le tecnologie dell'informazione e delle telecomunicazioni (ITC).

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Messina, Italia/Messina
Ente governativo
Settori di competenza
renewable energy, energy, energy storage, CCUS, energy systems, fuel cells, hydrogen, bio-fuels e electrolysis


Dipendenti presso CNR ITAE


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    MOBILITA’ SOSTENIBILE - Bando per Assegno di Ricerca di 1 anno presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia (CNR ITAE) – Messina - ITAE.47.2024.ME REQUISITI: Laurea Magistrale SCADENZA: 7 Novembre 2024 PROGETTO: Progetto MH2 - Material Handler – H2 fuel cell power train. Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) Missione 2 Componente 2 Investimento 3.5 - CUP: F89J22003520004. Il progetto MH2 è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un nuovo sistema FC alimentato da idrogeno puro per applicazioni NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery). E' previsto lo sviluppo di un Material Handler e la dimostrazione in ambiente industriale/portuale Tutti i dettagli sono disponibili al seguente link: #young #researcher #energy #hydrogen #sustainable #transport #mobility #messina #hiring #JobOpportunity #CareerOpportunity #recruiting #WorkWithUs #GiuseppeNapoli ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY - I am glad to share the Call for 1-year Research Grant at the National Research Council of Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy (CNR ITAE) – Messina - ITAE.47.2024.ME REQUIREMENTS: Master's Degree DEADLINE: November 7, 2024 PROJECT: Project MH2 - Material Handler – H2 fuel cell power train. Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) Missione 2 Componente 2 Investimento 3.5 CUP: F89J22003520004. The MH2 Project is aimed at developing a new FC system powered by pure hydrogen for NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery) applications. The development of a Material handler and demonstration in an industrial/port environment are planned All details are available at the following link: #young #researcher #energy #hydrogen #sustainable #transport #mobility #messina #hiring #JobOpportunity #CareerOpportunity #recruiting #WorkWithUs #GiuseppeNapoli

    Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.47.2024.ME

    Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.47.2024.ME

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    909 follower

    MOBILITA’ SOSTENIBILE - Bando per Assegno di Ricerca di 1 anno presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia (CNR ITAE) – Messina - ITAE.47.2024.ME REQUISITI: Laurea Magistrale SCADENZA: 7 Novembre 2024 PROGETTO: Progetto MH2 - Material Handler – H2 fuel cell power train. Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) Missione 2 Componente 2 Investimento 3.5 - CUP: F89J22003520004. Il progetto MH2 è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un nuovo sistema FC alimentato da idrogeno puro per applicazioni NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery). E' previsto lo sviluppo di un Material Handler e la dimostrazione in ambiente industriale/portuale Tutti i dettagli sono disponibili al seguente link: #young #researcher #energy #hydrogen #sustainable #transport #mobility #messina #hiring #JobOpportunity #CareerOpportunity #recruiting #WorkWithUs #GiuseppeNapoli ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY - I am glad to share the Call for 1-year Research Grant at the National Research Council of Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy (CNR ITAE) – Messina - ITAE.47.2024.ME REQUIREMENTS: Master's Degree DEADLINE: November 7, 2024 PROJECT: Project MH2 - Material Handler – H2 fuel cell power train. Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) Missione 2 Componente 2 Investimento 3.5 CUP: F89J22003520004. The MH2 Project is aimed at developing a new FC system powered by pure hydrogen for NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery) applications. The development of a Material handler and demonstration in an industrial/port environment are planned All details are available at the following link: #young #researcher #energy #hydrogen #sustainable #transport #mobility #messina #hiring #JobOpportunity #CareerOpportunity #recruiting #WorkWithUs #GiuseppeNapoli

    Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.47.2024.ME

    Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.47.2024.ME

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    🤗 Meet our Researchers! Among CNR ITAE team there is a young and passionate researcher, MINJU THOMAS who is a post-doctoral fellow in Fuel Processing Materials and Technologies group (FPMAT). She obtained her Ph.D. in 2019 in Chemical Science from Academy of Scientific and Innovative research (AcSIR), India and then carried out the research under UGC-Junior Research Fellowship in Chemical Science at CSIR-National institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Kerala. During her PhD, she studied porous materials from MOFs and graphitic carbons for energy generation and storage applications. In 2019, she joined at University of Calabria as a Research Fellow, where she explored the possibility of storing hydrogen in porous graphitic carbon nitrides and high surface area mesoporous materials. And in 2022, she joined at CNR-ITAE as a postdoctoral fellow and has been active in developing electrode materials and prototypes of flexible supercapacitors. Her research interests include the molecular-level modification of catalytic materials for energy generation and storage applications. In 2023, she began working with FPMAT group in ANDREAH project. She is developing structured catalysts using Triply Periodic Minimal surface (TPMS) Ni-alloy supports for ammonia decomposition reaction and make them suitable in membrane-based reactors for long-term hydrogen generation. She is also involved in synthesis of new catalyst formulations and their kinetic modelling to better understand the reaction mechanisms at low temperatures. #meettheresearchers #highlights #teamgroup #andreahproject #ammonia #cracking #membranereactors #horizoneu Clean Hydrogen Partnership

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    7 ITAE Researchers in the Top 2% World Scientists (2024) The World's Top 2% Scientist, the global ranking of the scientists with the highest level of scientific productivity, selected from a pool of around 9 million researchers globally, compiled by Stanford University, features several researchers from the Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies 'Nicola Giordano' (ITAE) of the National Research Council (CNR). 7 researchers were included in the list relating to the impact of citations in the last year (single-author ranking): Antonino Salvatore Aricò (ITAE Director, Research Manager), Francesco Frusteri (Research Manager), Vincenzo Baglio (Research Manager), Stefania Siracusano (Senior Researcher), Giuseppe Bonura (Senior Researcher), Antonio Vita (Senior Researcher), Gianluca Leonardi (Researcher).   On the other hand, as regards the ranking over the entire career, always calculated until the end of 2023, ITAE is present with 9 Researchers:  Vincenzo Antonucci (Dirigente di ricerca), Salvatore Freni (Dirigente di ricerca), Enza Passalacqua (Dirigente di ricerca), Pietro Staiti (Primo ricercatore), as well as Antonino Salvatore Aricò, Francesco Frusteri, Vincenzo Baglio, Vincenzo Antonucci, Pietro Staiti, Antonio Vita, and Gianluca Leonardi. The World's Top 2% Scientists, created by a working group coordinated by Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University in cooperation with Elsevier and Scopus, provides an open public database of the most cited scholars, classified in 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields, based on standardised indicators (citations, h-index, hm-index corrected for co-p authorship, citations in articles in different authorship positions and composite c-score indicator). This award confirms the high quality of scientific research carried out at ITAE. For info visit:

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    📢 Announcement of ECCSELLENT Transnational Access call 2024 📢 The Italian National Node, in the framework of the #ECCSELLENT (Development of ECCSEL-R.I. Italian facilities: user access, services and long-term sustainability) project launched a call for proposals for transnational access in May 2024. The call funds access to Italian facilities that are part of ECCSEL ERIC and is open to applications from European industry, SMEs, Universities, and Research Institutes. The aim of the #ECCSELLENT project is to upgrade most of the Italian facilities of ECCSEL ERIC and to expand the Italian Node to promote the development and internationalisation of Italian research in the full chain of #CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation, transport, and storage). As part of the ECCSELLENT project, the Italian Node will launch a Transnational Access call aims to improve access, visibility, sustainability and continuous expansion of services provided by Italian ECCSEL facilities. The call will follow ECCSEL ERIC access rules. Further details, including a list of available facilities, will be available at the opening of the call in May 2024. Each project will be reviewed by a panel formed by the Italian National Node.

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    Si è svolto dal 17 al 19 settembre il corso specialistico rivolto all'utilizzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione SEM FIB Helios5 UC acquisito nell'ambito del progetto #ECCSELLENT di cui è responsabile Giuseppe Bonura. Durante le giornate formative, i colleghi hanno approfondito le caratteristiche tecniche del microscopio a doppia colonna elettronica-ionica, con particolare attenzione alle sue applicazioni innovative e all'ottimizzazione delle tecniche di analisi morfologico-analitiche (imaging, mappature elementari, milling e Pt deposition). Un ringraziamento allo specialist Tatti Francesco (Thermo Fisher Scientific) per l'impegno e la professionalità dimostrata.

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    Ricercatore senior presso CNR ITAE

    The maturity of #CCUS as a driver of innovation and progress. This was the theme of the workshop held in September 18th in the beautiful Aeolian location of #Panarea as part of the PNRR #ECCSELLENT project, funded by MUR NextGeneration EU, M4C2-I3.1. It was a great privilege to attend the event as the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche project leader with a topic contribution in front of members of the ECCSEL ERIC board, local representatives, colleagues from Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and young students. Truly stimulating also the open discussion on the most innovative approaches on the road to decarbonization and the challenges still to be faced to complete the energy transition. The warmest congratulations to Cinzia De Vittor, Valentina Volpi and Alessandro Laudicella from OGS for organizing such an extraordinary event immersed in the air, colors and flavors of an enchanting landscape.

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    CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE - CNR ITAE Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.31.2024.ME PUBBLICA SELEZIONE PER IL CONFERIMENTO DI N° 2 “Assegno Professionalizzante” PER LO SVOLGIMENTO DI ATTIVITÀ DI RICERCA NELL’AMBITO DEL PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA “Unione Europea - NextGeneration EU dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica POR H2 AdP MMES/ENEA con il coinvolgimento di CNR e RSE, PNRR - Missione 2, Componente 2, Investimento 3.5 "Ricerca e sviluppo sull’ idrogeno”, CUP: B93C22000630006 LA 3.1.7 THE RESEARCH PROJECT The LA 3.1.7 "Sviluppo di nuove architetture di stack di celle a combustibile di tipo PEM ed AEM con elevata modularità" of POR_H2 project is addressed to developing a new architectural configuration of the PEM fuel cell stack; particularly to new designs of bipolar plates. QUALIFICATION Master's degree in engineering DEADLINE August 31, 2024 DETAILS



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    909 follower

    CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE - CNR ITAE Avviso di selezione n° ITAE.32.2024.ME PUBBLICA SELEZIONE PER IL CONFERIMENTO DI N° 2 “Assegno Professionalizzante” PER LO SVOLGIMENTO DI ATTIVITÀ DI RICERCA NELL’AMBITO DEL PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA “Unione Europea - NextGeneration EU dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica POR H2 AdP MMES/ENEA con il coinvolgimento di CNR e RSE, PNRR - Missione 2, Componente 2, Investimento 3.5 "Ricerca e sviluppo sull’ idrogeno”, CUP: B93C22000630006 LA 3.1.7 THE RESEARCH PROJECT The LA 3.1.7 "Sviluppo di nuove architetture di stack di celle a combustibile di tipo PEM ed AEM con elevata modularità" of POR_H2 project is addressed to developing a new architectural configuration of the PEM fuel cell stack; particularly to new designs of bipolar plates.   QUALIFICATION Master's Degree in Economics and Political Science DEADLINE August 31, 2024 DETAILS



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