Foto di copertina di Proplast


Servizi di ricerca

Alessandria, Piemonte 6.825 follower

Consorzio per la Promozione della Cultura Plastica

Chi siamo

PROPLAST, created in 1998, is a technology center focused on research and innovation in the polymer and composite field and organized as a Cluster (recognized at European level - ESCA silver labelled). Its mission is the creation of a multidisciplinary network, by integrating the industrial and academic worlds and harmonizing their competencies, approaches, and needs. Proplast facilities include pilot lines of the main technologies for polymer production and processing, i.e. extrusion and compounding, injection molding and thermoforming, fiber reinforced composite production. Several pieces of equipment are specifically dedicated to recycling (milling, filter-supported extrusion, filter test, etc.). Moreover, Proplast has an advanced design lab (CAD/CAM, FEM analysis, structural analysis, processing simulation) and material characterization laboratories. Experience, specialized skills, a quality-oriented mindset, versatility, and a collaborative approach allow Proplast to be an important player in the plastics world for all activities - design, research, technical support and training. Our whole team is committed on a daily basis to achieve goals and share with our customers and our cluster’s members. Therefore, Proplast has involved in several collaborative research projects at European (HE, H2020, Life+, FP7, FP6) and national level (Piedmont Region and National calls), and in different collaborative cluster projects at European Level (ERASMUS+, Alpine Space, H2020, Cosme Program). Since 2008, Proplast is recognized as the managing body of the new materials innovation cluster, which since 2016, changed into “CGreen - Green chemistry and advanced materials” in Italian Piedmont region, and currently is part of the Sistema Poli Piemonte, a regional meta-cluster in Italy.

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Alessandria, Piemonte
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Ingegneria di processo dei materiali plastici, Ingegneria di prodotto, Ingegneria dei materiali, Testing e caratterizzazione e Formazione e reclutamento risorse umane


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