Foto di copertina di DehaloCon III
DehaloCon III

DehaloCon III

Ricerca biotecnologica

Third International Conference on Anaerobic Dehalogenation

Chi siamo

The international conference DehaloCon III will be held in Rome, September 27 – 30, 2021. The conference will provide a great opportunity for in-person and virtual session attendees to hear and discuss new advances in the field of anaerobic biological dehalogenation, stimulate your future research, and network with other specialists and researchers. We are preparing a challenging program covering a wide range of biological aspects related to microorganisms performing reductive dehalogenation including biochemistry, ecophysiology and ecology, omics and meta-omics. The conference will also address most recent technological innovations for the bioremediation of contaminated sites and current field scale applications. Top-notch plenary speakers will present emerging topics, new challenges, future trends and directions. We are aiming for a conference with a broad range of academic and professional backgrounds and a wide participation of young and senior scientists and professionals from across the world.

Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Settori di competenza
Bioremediation, Biological processes, Anaerobic dechlorination, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Contaminated environments, Bioelectrochemistry, Genomics, Metagenomics e Microorganisms


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