Impianti di trattamento e distribuzione idrica, trattamento delle acque reflue, servizi di distribuzione vapore e aria condizionata

Castano Primo, Lombardy 1.676 follower

Primary Water Treatment Components

Chi siamo

EUROTROL is an Italian company, market leader in the international distribution of a wide range of components and solutions for primary water treatment in residential, commercial and industrial applications. It stands out for its unique know-how, its consolidated experience, offering a flexible, punctual and efficient service. Eurotrol presents a wide range of excellent and innovative products, the result of study and research to guarantee high component quality, and provides a constant and timely technical assistance on all products. The MWG brand distinguishes all the components directly manufactured by Eurotrol. At the heart of Eurotrol lies the customer, to whom we offer the best possible service every day.

Sito Web
Impianti di trattamento e distribuzione idrica, trattamento delle acque reflue, servizi di distribuzione vapore e aria condizionata
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Castano Primo, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Valves Controllers, Softener Cabinets, Pressure vessels, Brine Tanks, U.V. Sterilizers and spare parts, Cartridges and polyphosphates feeders, Ion exchange Resins and Filtering Media, RO Membrane Vessels, Rotary Pumps, RO Vessels, Pressure tank e Water Treatment components


Dipendenti presso EUROTROL S.p.a.


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