🇮🇹 Oggi vi presentiamo Romano, Responsabile dei Sistemi Informativi di Filtrec, con noi da ben 32 anni. La sua carriera è un esempio di versatilità e crescita professionale all'interno dell'azienda: partito come progettista meccanico, ha ricoperto ruoli chiave nella produzione, negli acquisti e ora nel coordinamento della comunicazione e dello scambio di informazioni tra l’ufficio tecnico della casa madre e quello della filiale indiana. Con il tempo, ha contribuito all'implementazione di processi informatici avanzati, come il nostro ERP, che supporta la gestione di tutte le attività aziendali. La sua esperienza e conoscenza profonda dei processi ci ha permesso di modernizzare l'azienda, estendendo queste soluzioni innovative anche alle nostre filiali internazionali. 🇺🇸 Today we introduce you to Romano, Head of Information Systems at Filtrec, who has been with us for 32 years. His career is an example of versatility and professional growth within the company: starting as a mechanical designer, he has held key roles in production, purchasing and now in the coordination of communication and information exchange between the technical office of the parent company and that of the Indian branch. Over time, he has contributed to the implementation of advanced IT processes, such as our ERP, which supports the management of all company activities. His experience and in-depth knowledge of the processes has allowed us to modernize the company, extending these innovative solutions to our international branches as well.
Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
Telgate, Lombardia 5.212 follower
Chi siamo
FILTREC started in 1991 in design and manufacturing of filtration products, a state of the art custom tailored production facility and a continuous benchmark activity vs main competitors keeps our manufacturing capabilities continuously updated at the highest level. FILTREC headquarters and main production facilities are located in Italy. FILTREC branches are present in most areas of the industrial world to effectively serve the local markets and their specific requirements. R&D has a key role within our organization; supported by our fully equipped laboratory with all the test rigs required to meet the latest international specifications. Run by a team of experienced and enthusiastic engineers that are also active members of the ISO filtration committee. Our qualified and experienced Customer service personnel are always pleased to support any commercial or technical request and listen to any comment and suggestion; a hearty dialogue with our customers keeps alive our knowledge of the market’s developments and requirements. FILTRATION EFFICIENCY . . . simply say FILTREC.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per FILTREC S.p.A.
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Telgate, Lombardia
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1991
Via dei Morenghi, 1
Telgate, Lombardia 24060, IT
Dipendenti presso FILTREC S.p.A.
We’re thrilled to unveil the DOX 1012, the next-generation process filter with enhanced efficiency and durability. • Higher Flow Capacity – Meets the latest API 614 standards • Increased Operating Pressure – Now up to 40 bar (previously 16 bar) • Innovative Design – More compact, robust, and aesthetic • Integrated Balancing Valve – Now seamlessly embedded • Flexible Mounting Options – SAE 3000 flange connections • Advanced Monitoring Compatibility – Supports visual & electrical DP indicators The new OX1012 filter elements offer 20% more filtration surface for an extended lifespan, with multiple media and seal options. Setting a new benchmark in industrial filtration! Get in touch for more details.
A new milestone for FILTREC! 🚀 We are thrilled to celebrate this important step for FILTREC-Filtertechnik GmbH and congratulate Andreas Incorvaia on this well-deserved achievement! His passion, vision, and leadership, together with the outstanding work of Dirk Römmeling in the BENELUX market, will undoubtedly drive the FILTREC brand to new heights in Germany and beyond. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to this success—our partners, colleagues, and the entire FILTREC and ELSÄSSER Filtertechnik GmbH teams. This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter! 🔵 Onward and upward with FILTREC! 🔵
Als Vertriebsleiter beim Marktführer im Filterhandel löse ich Deine Beschaffungsprobleme - schnell und unkompliziert!
„Next Chapter“ oder: „Ci sono, Filtrec!“ Nachdem im Juni letzten Jahres, im Rahmen des 4️⃣5️⃣-jährigen Jubiläums der Elsässer Filtertechnik, vor knapp 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Gästen, die frohe Botschaft offiziell verkündet wurde, durfte ich gestern den persönlich nächsten Meilenstein ✅, meiner beruflichen Karriere, erleben. Ich war zum Notar geladen, um meine Bestellung zum Geschäftsführer der FILTREC-Filtertechnik GmbH zu unterschreiben. FILTREC-Filtertechnik GmbH ist die deutsche Vertriebsniederlassung unseres größten Partnerherstellers im Hydraulikfilterbereich FILTREC S.p.A. und durch ein Joint Venture gleichzeitig ein Schwesterunternehmen der ELSÄSSER Filtertechnik GmbH. Meine bestehende Position bei EFT, als Vertriebsleiter Aftermarket (IAM), habe ich weiterhin schwerpunktmäßig inne. Und trotzdem freue ich mich darauf die Marke Filtrec ab dem 1. März 2025 ganz offiziell und juristisch legitimiert (😜) als CEO weiter nach vorne zu bringen! Unterstützung für dieses Vorhaben finde ich weiterhin in meinem Mitarbeiter Dirk Römmeling, der die letzten Jahre Herausragendes geleistet hat im Zielmarkt BENELUX! 📈📈📈 Wer mich kennt weiß, es mangelt nicht an Ideen, Strategien und ambitionierten Zielen. Ich hab Bock hier etwas Großes mit Filtrec zu erreichen! 💪🏽🔥 Ich möchte die Gelegenheit hier aber selbstverständlich auch nutzen und mich bei Frank Elsässer und Luca Elsäßer (Gesellschafter der Patronus Holding), sowie bei der FILTREC S.p.A. für dieses entgegengebrachte Vertrauen bedanken. Es ist eine Ehre für mich diese Verantwortung tragen zu dürfen und eine Freude noch enger mit euch als Joint Venture Partner zusammenarbeiten zu können - auch um meine Italienischkenntnisse wieder aufzufrischen! 🇮🇹 Danke 🙏🏼 Grazie 😇 Let‘s Rock! 🥳
🇮🇹 Maria Lucia è parte integrante del team Filtrec da 25 anni, oggi nel ruolo di Responsabile di Linea. Dopo un percorso di crescita interna, in cui ha acquisito competenze trasversali in vari reparti, ha accettato la sfida di coordinare le linee. Il suo impegno quotidiano consiste nel gestire le operazioni, risolvere problemi organizzativi e garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di produzione. La sua esperienza riflette l’ambiente stimolante di Filtrec, dove la crescita professionale è sostenuta da un forte spirito di collaborazione e dalla costante attenzione alla qualità! 🇺🇸 Maria Lucia has been an integral part of the Filtrec team for 25 years, today in the role of Line Manager. After an internal growth path, in which she acquired transversal skills in various departments, she accepted the challenge of coordinating the lines. Her daily commitment consists in managing operations, solving organizational problems and ensuring the achievement of production objectives. Her experience reflects the stimulating environment of Filtrec, where professional growth is supported by a strong spirit of collaboration and constant attention to quality!
🇮🇹 Vi presentiamo Luigi, nuovo membro del team Filtrec, che porta con sé un’esperienza di oltre 27 anni nel settore della filtrazione. Oggi si occupa di ricerca e sviluppo nel nostro laboratorio, dove coordina test e analisi su elementi filtranti e fluidi. La sua passione per l’innovazione lo guida nella creazione di soluzioni su misura per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti: questo rende il suo lavoro in Filtrec più stimolante e dinamico. Scoprite di più in questo video! 🇺🇸 Meet Luigi, a new member of the Filtrec team, who brings with him over 27 years of experience in the filtration sector. Today, he works in research and development in our laboratory, where he coordinates tests and analyses on filter elements and fluids. His passion for innovation drives him to create tailor-made solutions to meet customer needs: this makes his work at Filtrec more stimulating and dynamic. Find out more in this video!
We’re proud to introduce the Filtrec KRT series, a highly adaptable return filter kit designed for tank mounting. As always, our Research and Development Team, in collaboration with the Technical Department, is dedicated to enhancing our product range and meeting market demands with innovative solutions. Highlights of the KRT Series The KRT series is a versatile and space-saving return filter kit that offers exceptional performance and adaptability: • Flow Rates: Handles up to 900 l/min, making it suitable for high-demand systems. •Space Efficiency: Can be integrated directly into molded reservoirs in an immersed or semi-immersed position, optimizing tank space. https://lnkd.in/dAXh_s9B
FILTREC S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post
Dear Customers and Partners, We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the fruitful collaboration we have enjoyed this year and eagerly anticipate enhancing it in the coming year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
🇮🇹 Vi presentiamo Chiara, parte del nostro team da sette anni, attualmente impegnata nell’ufficio spedizioni. Con un background in ragioneria e lingue estere, ha avuto l'opportunità di crescere professionalmente in Filtrec, passando dal ruolo di receptionist al coordinamento delle attività logistiche. Oggi si occupa di import-export, gestendo spedizioni internazionali e affrontando le sfide legate alle normative doganali di diversi Paesi. Grazie alla formazione continua, tra cui un corso di specializzazione doganale, mantiene sempre aggiornate le sue competenze. Scoprite di più su di lei in questo video! 🇺🇸 Meet Chiara, part of our team for seven years, currently working in the shipping office. With a background in accounting and foreign languages, she had the opportunity to grow professionally in Filtrec, moving from the role of receptionist to coordinating logistics activities. Today she deals with import-export, managing international shipments and facing the challenges related to the customs regulations of different countries. Thanks to continuous training, including a customs specialization course, she always keeps her skills up to date. Find out more in her video!
🚨 Introducing the Filtrec F035 Series! 🚨 We're excited to unveil the F035 in-line medium-pressure filter, a cutting-edge solution for modern hydraulic systems! At Filtrec, we’re committed to continuously improving our products to meet the evolving needs of the market and our customers. Here’s why the F035 Series stands out: 30 bar operating pressure for medium-pressure applications. Flow rates up to 400 l/min for efficient performance. Perfect for suction, return, or low-pressure lines. Available in three sizes: 0014, 0029, and 0044 to meet various system requirements. Unique 5 G 1/8" indicator ports (3 for suction side and 2 for return side). The F035 Series also offers a variety of filter media options, including glass fiber, paper, wire mesh, and synthetic materials, with multiple filtration grades to keep your systems running at their best. 🛠️ Detailed specs and configurations are available in our catalogue, ready for download on our website. At Filtrec, we’re all about innovation and quality. Stay connected with us for more updates and insights—follow us here on LinkedIn or on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok! #Filtrec #FiltrationSolutions #F035Series
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