Villa Vittoria will open its doors on Saturday, March 22, and Sunday, March 23. This weekend marks the return of the FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (Italian National Trust) Spring Days 2025, an event dedicated to promoting Italy’s cultural heritage, which this year celebrates the 50th anniversary of FAI. Among the sites exceptionally open to the public is Villa Vittoria, the historic home of the Palazzo dei Congressi. Firenze Fiera is delighted to accept the invitation from the FAI Florence Delegation to open the villa—once the residence of the Contini Bonacossi family and, before that, the Strozzi of Mantua—allowing visitors to rediscover its history and charm, where art meets 1930s design. This initiative represents another step forward in Firenze Fiera’s collaboration with key institutional players in the region, reinforcing historical memory and collectively advocating for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage within exhibition and conference venues.
Firenze Fiera S.p.a.
Servizi per eventi
Florence, Tuscany 3.500 follower
Firenze Fiera is a unique congress & exhibition centre in the world, in the heart of Florence.
Chi siamo
Situata nel cuore della città di Firenze, Firenze Fiera SpA è leader tra i poli della Toscana con oltre 100.000 metri quadri di superficie. Ne fanno parte la Fortezza da Basso, il Palazzo dei Congressi e il Palazzo degli Affari. La privilegiata collocazione e il fascino dei suoi spazi, in cui l’architettura storica dialoga perfettamente con la contemporaneità, sono i fattori che ne fanno un unicum nel panorama fieristico-congressuale mondiale. La società vanta annualmente un portfolio di importanti manifestazioni fieristiche (alcune delle quali leader nel business della moda maschile e dell’artigianato d’eccellenza) prestigiosi convegni e congressi nazionali ed internazionali, specie nel settore medico–scientifico e informatico-tecnologico.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Firenze Fiera S.p.a.
- Settore
- Servizi per eventi
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Florence, Tuscany
- Tipo
- Società di persone
- Settori di competenza
- Eventi, Fiere, Congressi, Convegni e convention
1 Piazza Adua
Florence, Tuscany 50123, IT
Dipendenti presso Firenze Fiera S.p.a.
Marina Sablich
Sales Manager
Ilaria Da Frassini
Head of Congress and Convention Department Firenze Fiera Spa
Massimo Seragnoli
Consulente marketing e comunicazione dei territori, software per fiere e centri congressuali, turismo enogastronomico. Marchi collettivi…
Tamara Ermini
Administrator at Firenze Fiera SpA
From yesterday to 23rd March 2025, Florence will host the 42nd edition of the Congress 'Conoscere e Curare il Cuore' (Preventing & Treating Your Heart Condition) at the Fortezza da Basso, organised by Fondazione Onlus Centro per la Lotta contro l'Infarto (Centre for the Fight Against Heart Attack) under the co-ordination of Prof. Francesco Prati, Director of the Cardiology Complex Operating Unit and of the Cardio-Thoraco-Vascular Department of San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital in Rome. With over 1,600 representatives participating, the Congress will be a rich and fully updated programme. For four days, experts from all over Italy will discuss the ongoing advances in cardiovascular disease diagnostics and therapy. From molecular biology to clinical trials, passing through epidemiology and pathophysiology, the most recent research will be central to the debate, contributing to the evolution of cardiology. Find out more about it:
The greatest and most exciting edition ever of Fiera Didacta Italia 2025 has just ended, seeing the participation of over 20,000 visitors and a 15% growth of followers of the digital community. An atmosphere of positive energy and of active participation could be perceived by teachers, school managers, exhibitors, and by all sector professionals amidst the various booths and inside the training rooms. This is further evidence of the effectiveness of the DIDACTA format, and it encourages us to pursue the path we have taken, getting ready for the next spin-off edition – ‘Didacta Italia – Trentino Edition’ - to be held from 22nd to 24th October 2025 in Riva del Garda - and already preparing for the next national edition, once again set to be held here, at the Fortezza da Basso, in Florence, from 11th to 13th March 2026.
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Set to be held at the Fortezza da Basso from 12th to 14th March 2025, the 11th edition of Didacta Italia is going to start in seven days. This year, the fair will celebrate the 100th anniversary of INDIRE - Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa, a reference institute for educational research in Italy since 1925, organising the event together with Firenze Fiera and the Italian Ministry of Education. INDIRE has been promoting change in school for 100 years, experimenting new teaching models, integrating technologies within training paths, and redefining learning spaces and times. It is also the Italian Agency for the Erasmus+ programme, supporting growth for students and teachers at international level. 🚀 We look forward to welcoming you for three days of meetings, innovation, and training. Discover the programme on Fiera Didacta Italia. Discover more:
The 23rd European Congress of Internal Medicine #ECIM2025 is taking place in Palazzo dei Congressi and Palazzo degli Affari! This is one of the most prestigious scientific events in this field, featuring professionals from around the world for a program full of keynote lectures, round tables, workshops, and networking moments. From March 5th to 8th, it is a unique opportunity to showcase research and engage in discussions in the extraordinary city of Florence. Plus, the warm and sunny weather is providing participants with pleasant outdoor moments in the garden of Villa Vittoria, which is the perfect place for a break to enjoy the Florentine spring. The European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM)
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🌍 Crafts are a journey without boundaries, a bridge between cultures and traditions uniting the world. The Florence Crafts Fair was the first internationally-oriented fair to offer Italian small craft businesses an opportunity to open to new markets. Do not miss the chance to exhibit your art at Mostra Internazionale dell'Artigianato, and to showcase your talent to a global audience. Find out about our rates and save the dates – we look forward to welcoming you at the Fortezza da Basso, from 25th April to 1st May 2025! Discover more:
🌸 March brings springtime, along with a rich programme of events at Firenze Fiera. Among the main events to be held, anticipation is building for Fiera Didacta Italia, animating the Fortezza da Basso with ideas and projects to build the school of future. Discover all the events taking place inside our venues: 📍 Palazzo degli Affari 📍 Palazzo dei Congressi 📍 Fortezza da Basso The events’ programme is updated in real time:
Introducing Castanea Expo 2025! 🌰 Firenze Fiera launches a new event - Castanea Expo 2025, the first national fair dedicated to chestnut growing, to be held at the Fortezza da Basso, in Florence from 12th to 14th December 2025. Thanks to Castanea Expo, the portfolio of fairs directly organized by Firenze Fiera gets richer, while once again, the Fortezza da Basso proves to be an excellent stage to enhance a strategic supply chain for this territory, and for the Italian agri-food sector. This new challenge will cover the whole chestnut sector – cultivation, transforming chestnuts and marroni into gluten free flours, up to their use in bakery, catering and craft beers. There will also be a space dedicated to chestnut wood, appreciated for its qualities in furniture and building. Find out more about it and become a protagonist of this great event:
Tourisma 2025 was a record edition, attracting over 13,000 participants from all over Italy. The event saw an extraordinary attendance of families, enthusiasts, scholars, and travellers who animated the Florence event. The exhibition offered an incredibly rich programme, including 350 speakers, and featuring conferences, exhibitions, educational workshops, film screenings, and “archeo-gastronomic” tasting. One of the most popular attractions was an immersive reconstruction of Nefertari’s tomb, that transported visitors to the banks of the Nile, showing how technology can enhance cultural heritage while respecting sustainable tourism. Archeologia Viva - GIUNTI EDITORE S.P.A. has already confirmed the next edition in 2026. Browse the gallery to relive some moments from #tourisma2025.
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TOURISMA 2025 - Spectacular Archaeology is back at Palazzo dei Congressi! Taking place from 21st to 23rd February 2025, the 11th edition of the Archaeology and Cultural Tourism Exhibition, organized by Archeologia Viva (GIUNTI EDITORE S.P.A.), offers an opportunity to discuss and enhance the Ancient World. Three full days will offer special events, tasting, workshops, virtual reality, round table meetings, and book presentations. Many visitors are expected at the Fair, along with internationally renowned guests such as Alberto Angela, Guido Barbujani, Paolo Giulierini, Cristoforo Gorno, Angelo Panebianco, Vittorio Sgarbi, Mario Tozzi, and Syusy Blady. Debates will deal with sustainable tourism, cultural policies, and archaeology discoveries. Do not miss a special preview - visiting Nefertari’s tomb through a multisensory itinerary on Ancient Egypt. 📍 Free admission, 9:00-18:00. View the full programme: