Banche d'investimento

Milan, Lombardy 1.581 follower

Working with YOU to CREATE VALUE

Chi siamo

GP LAMBERT is an independent strategic finance advisory firm. We are a cross-industry, cross-border, cross-product advisor with expertise in many different areas of intervention. GP LAMBERT provides its clients with the best available insightful advice in: - Strategic Finance & Management, we assist customers with shareholders' value strategy, corporate/business finance strategy, and strategic financial management by defining appropriate strategies, tailored action plans, and effective execution based on customers' specific needs, situations, and market momentum; - Corporate Finance, we provide a comprehensive range of advisory services including (1) sell&buy side M&A, spin-offs, joint ventures, and valuations as well as (2) debt and financial advisory on acquisitions, organic growth, financing, refinancing, and recapitalization and (3) we provide our assistance in projects of equity and debt fundraising, including IPOs, delistings, rights and bonds issue, throughout both public and private placements. In the last 20+ years, GP LAMBERT professionals have successfully been involved in a huge number of projects and transactions, always being able to deliver value-added and tailored solutions to Companies, Business Families, Entrepreneurs, Top Managers, and Investors. We put our entrepreneurial spirit, vision, and dedication at the service of our customers with the aim of creating value by leveraging also on your accumulated experience, expertise as well as wide local and international network. For further information, please contact:

Banche d'investimento
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso GP LAMBERT


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Generational change…what a ride…6 months long project…and yet still there helping out! In the end, we assist shareholders, managers, and families in business to focus on value: to create it, to pass it on, or to monetize it!! This time we helped the current generation to pass on the family business to the new one…by identifying the more suitable legal instrument to make it happen, analyzing and reviewing the governance system, ...and many, many more... ...and from now on, we will assist them to be ready for the new role, and with the implementation…we will stay alongside the company and the new generation… ...value creation!!! #valuecreation #generationalchange #familybusiness #financeforcompanies #financeforfamilies #financeforreal #domore #strategiccorporatefinance

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Il debito finanziario non solo deve essere conveniente…e ben investito/utilizzato…ma anche sostenibile. Necessario pensarci prima di contrarlo! ...Difficile fare previsioni, soprattutto se riguardano il futuro!! Però un BPlan ben fatto e gli opportuni 'stress test' sono essenziali!!! Meglio arrossire prima che impallidire dopo… Più spesso di quanto non si pensi si tende a non applicare tutto o parte di questi semplici quanto fondamentali concetti 🤷♂️ ⁉ #debtcapacity #goodcommonsense #BPlan #appliedcorporatefinance #experience #knowledgesharing

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Oltre alle ‘pillole di knowledge’ che già condividiamo periodicamente, inizieremo a breve a condividere anche degli aforismi… ...frasi brevi, volutamente stringate e asciutte, veloci e sferzanti, derivanti da anni di esperienza o semplicemente da antica saggezza popolare… evocative di concetti importanti o fondamentali e, ciononostante, molte volte trascurati o non tenuti nella dovuta considerazione, in vari contesti...anche in quelli aziendali/manageriali/imprenditoriali! Buona lettura!! #sharingknowledge #experience

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

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    Evaluating a company, or a business, is much more similar to an art than to a pure science…a combination of sound technical skills, creativity, and experience are required…at the very least! Getting to know the value of a company is a piece of key information for any decision-maker within the company…both in the ordinary course of business and specific circumstances…to stimulate value creation, identify which are the most important drivers to make it happen, work relentlessly on points of strength and of weakness…and many more and more!! At GP LAMBERT we are constantly asked to perform company evaluations for several different reasons, just to name a few: M&A (at large), generational change, value tracking and its evolution measurement, and many more!!! Here attached is a quick view of some - amongst the many - of the more commonly used methodologies of evaluation. Enjoy the reading and contact us in case you desire to know more!👍 #value #companyvalues #companysuccess #appliedcorporatefinance #mergersandacquisitions

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Creating (real) value sustainably and robustly in the medium and long run is of pivotal importance for companies! To target such a goal, it is essential to identify and then focus on the key drivers to make it happen!! Just to name a few – amongst the many – a couple of macro elements might be summarised in the quantity and quality of cash flows and cost of capital. At GP LAMBERT we are constantly asked to assist entrepreneurs, companies, and management in identifying ‘the current status’ and then ‘the way forward’ to make it happen: maximizing value sustainably!!! Here is a very quick view about maximizing cash flow and minimizing the cost of capital. Enjoy the reading and contact us in case you desire to know more👍 #valuecreation #shareholders #companies #managers #corporatefinance #corporatestrategy #execution #executionmatters

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Several different instruments might be used to finance the company expansion, to facilitate generational change or simply to bring the company to the next level! We on a regular basis assist families/entrepreneurs/managers in considering which alternatives are the most suitable given the specific circumstances. There is not a right or wrong instrument a priori and any instrument has its positive and negative effects! So, the appropriate decision should depend very much on whether the instrument considered really fits the specific needs, on a case-by-case basis! One of these possible instruments – amongst the many – is Private Equity! Here is a quick view of who’s who in the Private Equity arena in Italy…and apologies go to whom we might have unintentionally forgotten! Enjoy the reading and contact us in case you desire to know more! 👍 #generationalchange #privateequity #entrepreneurship #financeforcompanies #expansion #growth

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di GP LAMBERT, immagine

    1.581 follower

    Several instruments might be used to finance a company or a project… The decision about the more appropriate instrument should be taken after having appropriately considered - including but not limited to - the company&shareholders objectives (in the short, medium, and long run), the company strategy, the soundness of BPlan outcomes, the expected cash flow profile, the debt capacity, …and many others on a case-by-case basis! We have assisted many entrepreneurs in considering which alternatives are the more suitable given the specific circumstances. One of these possible instruments – amongst the many – is Private Debt! Here is a quick view of who’s who in the Private Debt arena in Italy……and apologies go to whom we might have involuntarily forgotten! Enjoy the reading and contact us in case you desire to know more! 👍

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