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Italian Founders Fund

Italian Founders Fund

Mandanti di venture capital e private equity

We back entrepreneurs with Italian roots and global ambitions

Chi siamo

Italian Founders Fund is Italy's first venture capital fund established by founders, for founders. We've united over 100 experienced entrepreneurs to build the premier founder-backed VC community, actively supporting Italy’s next generation of exceptional talent and digital innovation. IFF leads or follows in pre-seed & seed rounds with high conviction, facilitates access to international capital, and invests in later-stage companies looking to expand into Italy. IFF is the founders’ fund that the best Italian entrepreneurs want and deserve. If you’re a visionary founder ready to make a global impact, we want to hear from you!

Sito Web
Mandanti di venture capital e private equity
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso Italian Founders Fund


  • 🔁 Un grande traguardo per BRUM patenti! 🚗 📢 #BRUM chiude un round seed da €3,5M per espandersi in nuove città, potenziare la tecnologia e valorizzare il ruolo degli istruttori. 👏 Congratulazioni a Luca Cozzarini e a tutto il team per questo bellissimo progetto! Siamo felici di averli nel nostro portafoglio e di supportarli in questa rivoluzione della patente. Ora si cambia marcia! 🚀 #BRUM #ItalianFoundersFund #Innovazione #Founders

    Visualizza il profilo di Luca Cozzarini

    Co-Founder @BRUM

    PRONTI A CAMBIARE LE REGOLE DEL GIOCO. Prendere la patente è ancora un percorso lungo, complesso e pieno di ostacoli burocratici. Mentre il resto d’Europa ha già semplificato l’iter e valorizzato il ruolo degli istruttori, in Italia siamo ancorati a un sistema rigido che penalizza studenti e operatori di settore. Sappiamo quanto ottenere la patente sia un momento cruciale nella vita di ogni ragazzo/a. E sappiamo anche quanto gli istruttori siano fondamentali in questo percorso, ma troppo spesso restano vincolati da limiti che riducono le loro opportunità. BRUM patenti nasce per colmare questo divario: vogliamo trasformare l’esperienza di chi prende la patente e mettere al centro il ruolo dell’istruttore. Un anno fa BRUM era solo un’idea su qualche slide. Oggi siamo un team di più di 10 persone e continuiamo a crescere (e io a invecchiare di 10 anni al colpo, ma forse è anche questo il bello). Oggi annunciamo la chiusura di un round seed da €3,5M per espandere il servizio in nuove città, potenziare la nostra tecnologia, rafforzare la rete di istruttori qualificati e rendere questa professione ancora più attrattiva. Felice di condividere questa avventura con Nicoló Martino, istruttore di talento che ha deciso di mettersi in gioco e diventare l’Head of Autoscuola di BRUM. Fiero della community di istruttori che stiamo creando, di poter finalmente dar loro voce, valorizzare il loro ruolo e creare nuove opportunità di lavoro. Orgoglioso di avere al mio fianco Paolo De Nadai, Italian Founders Fund e tutti gli investitori che ogni giorno credono in noi. Ora si cambia marcia: è solo l’inizio, il futuro della patente in Italia inizia ora.

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  • 🚗 We’re thrilled to announce our #latest #investment: BRUM patenti raises €3.5M to revolutionize driver education in Italy! Getting a driver’s license in Italy can be a long and complicated process—for both students and instructors. BRUM is here to change that, introducing a more accessible and digital-first model, already successfully adopted in other European markets. 🔍 Why are we excited about BRUM? 🏎️ A smarter way to get licensed: BRUM streamlines the process for students, offering a more engaging and effective learning experience while ensuring high-quality training. 🚀 An amazing #founding #team & strategic vision: We were immediately impressed by the drive (pun intended!) of Luca Cozzarini and the strategic support of Paolo De Nadai—two visionaries with deep expertise in education and digital transformation. 📈 Massive #market opportunity: The driving education industry is ripe for innovation, and BRUM’s model is set to reshape it—making learning to drive simpler, faster, and more efficient. This €3.5M seed round will help BRUM patenti expand to new cities, enhance its technology, and grow its network of top-tier instructors—making driving education more accessible than ever. We’re proud to back BRUM alongside an incredible group of investors. This is just the beginning—now it’s time to shift gears! 🚀 #BRUM #ItalianFoundersFund #Founders #Innovation #DrivingTheFuture

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Italian Founders Fund

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    What a night! 🚀 Thank you to Pietro and Sitar from Connect for joining us and sharing invaluable insights with our #portfolio #founders. Sitting around the table, exchanging ideas, and tackling the challenges of building successful ventures—this is what makes our Italian Founders Fund community special. Key #takeaways from the discussion: 💡 Velocity = Speed x Direction – Moving fast is great, but knowing where you’re headed is key. 🎯 Focus on what moves the needle – Founders should concentrate on making meaningful progress on the critical adoption factors. Prioritize what will have the biggest impact at each execution phase. 🌍 Entrepreneurs compete on a global playing field – There is no purely local market—founders shouldn’t limit their vision to local boundaries but embrace a borderless mindset from day one. What do we bring to our #portfolio? ✅ A close-knit setting where investors and founders engage directly. ✅ A hands-on approach to solving real startup challenges. ✅ A platform that bridges founders, their teams, international peers, and international investors—creating impactful exchanges and unlocking new opportunities. Why does this matter to IFF? Because we’re #founders #backing #founders —building a strong community is the ultimate unfair advantage. 💪 We connect entrepreneurs to #international #capital and #global #opportunities, leveling the playing field with Europe’s best. #ItalianFoundersFund #FoundersSupportingFounders #StartupCommunity #VentureCapital #Entrepreneurship

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  • What a #founders’ night! 🚀   Thank you to all the founders who joined our #SMEs Tech Leaders Event—not only for attending but for bringing your experiences, passion, successes, and even the hard-earned lessons that make the community stronger. It was incredibly inspiring to have you all with us, and we hope the night was as insightful for you as it was for us!   A huge thank you to āltitude - it was an absolute pleasure to host this event together. Your perspective added a new depth to the discussion, and we can’t wait to create more opportunities like this in the future.   And, of course, a special thank you to both the āltitude and Italian Founders Fund  teams for making this night a success!   Here’s to more moments like this. Stay tuned for what’s next! 🚀

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  • 👀 Are you building a killer #digital #solution for #SMEs? Do you want to meet other brilliant #founders who are innovating in the #SMETech space?   🚨 Then this event is for you! 🚨   Join us for an exclusive event hosted by āltitude and Italian Founders Fund, bringing together founders and investors focused on the SME Tech space in Italy and Europe!   🚀 You’ll hear startup #success #stories, with insights on scaling and fundraising, along with practical advice on go-to-market strategies, effective sales techniques, and how to crack the #SME market.   🖥️ We’ll also explore how #technology and #AI are transforming #SMEs, current trends in #SMETech in Italy and Europe, and hiring challenges startups face when building the right team to scale!   Are you a founder in the SMEs Tech space interested in joining the conversation? 👉 Event details:   🔒 Please note that participation is subject to approval.

  • The last few weeks have been #hectic but full of energy and incredible moments! 🚀 From team #gatherings to founder #meetups and now connecting with our LPs, we’ve loved bringing our community together across so many exciting occasions 🌍 • On September 15, we welcomed Irene, our newest Principal and she represented IFF at The Bologna Gathering —what a fantastic opportunity for the team! • At Italian Tech Week, together with Talent Garden, we had the pleasure of hosting our founders as well as some friends from the international VC and startup community for a tea-time on September 26, exchanging stories, challenges, and bold visions for the future ☕️ • This Tuesday, we visited Giampaolo Cagnin in Parma, one of our brilliant LPs and incredible entrepreneur in the food industry. His story of success continues to inspire us all! 🍽️ • Yesterday, our founding partner Lorenzo, was at the Milan Fintech Summit talking about how AI is changing the investment landscape coming together with both the Italian and the international fintech community 🔥 At IFF, we believe deeply in the power of #community and the #ecosystem that nurtures it. These events are just a reminder of how much stronger we are when we come together. Thank you to our #founders, #entrepreneurs, and #partners for making this journey special. Can’t wait to see what we achieve next! 💥 Stay tuned for our next events, we have some some pretty exciting things coming up 👀

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  • 🚨 Founders at #ITW, this one’s for you! 🚨   Join us for Tea Time for Founders, by Founders, a relaxed afternoon designed to bring together founders over tea, cookies, and conversations in the #Mezzanino of OGR🍪☕. Hosted by Italian Founders Fund & Talent Garden, this is your opportunity to connect, share stories, and build a supportive community focused on growth and wellbeing 💬.   ⏰ Please register by 7pm today to secure your spot — as space is limited, we’ll be approving registrations to ensure a founders-only crowd!   🗓️ Event details & RSVP here:   See you there!

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  • 🚀 Proud to celebrate an important milestone with Jet HR! After just one year in the market, they’ve secured a €12M seed round to continue revolutionizing payroll and HR management in Italy. 💼💸   This success is a testament to their relentless focus on solving a critical issue for businesses and employees, reflected in their growing waitlist of companies eager to get onboard.   We’re honored to have backed Jet HR alongside Picus Capital, Exor N.V., 2100 Ventures and a stellar lineup of Italian founders and investors.   Congratulations to the Jet HR team for their vision and relentless drive. Exciting times ahead as they bring us closer to their ambitious goal: making sure 1 in 5 employees in Italy is paid through their platform.   Onwards and upwards! 🚀

    Visualizza il profilo di Marco Ogliengo

    Founder @ Jet HR. Previously founded ProntoPro

    Ogni 6 mesi ci guardiamo in faccia e diciamo "non basta - dobbiamo raddoppiare il team tech". Al terzo raddoppio, inizia a diventare un investimento grosso 😬 Oggi quindi annunciamo che dopo solo un anno abbiamo raccolto 12 milioni, per raddoppiare nuovamente il team tech. Alla base di quello che facciamo c'è un prodotto estremamente complesso. Abbiamo la lista d'attesa di aziende frustrate che aspettano di entrare in Jet HR: sicuramente c'è del merito nostro nell'aver lavorato bene, ma alla base abbiamo scelto il problema giusto da risolvere. Siamo partiti poco più di un anno fa dicendo che l’obiettivo di Jet era far sì che 1 dipendente su 5 in Italia venisse pagato tramite la nostra piattaforma. Era e rimane un obiettivo gigante. Piano piano però possiamo dire che sta diventando sempre più vero e sempre più vicino. Grazie a Picus Capital, che dopo aver investito in vari unicorni HR e Payroll nel mondo, ha deciso anche di puntare su di noi. Siamo fieri di lavorare con loro e imparare dalla loro esperienza. Grazie anche a Exor N.V., Italian Founders Fund, 2100 Ventures, Proximity Capital e tanti altri investitori per la riconfermata fiducia. Ci hanno aiutato ad arrivare fin qui. Non è vero che i fondi portano solo capitale. Thank you Robin Godenrath and Michael Lavner for joining our board. We worked together over the last months, and i'm looking forward to more of this. Siamo particolarmente fieri di avere tra i soci i migliori founder italiani come Luca Ferrari di Bending Spoons e Alberto Dalmasso di Satispay e tanti altri che mi hanno aiutato in questo anno; di avere Diego Piacentini, che ha guidato un enorme sforzo di digitalizzazione del governo italiano; di avere David Clarke, che è stato CTO della più grande azienda HR-tech al mondo; e di avere ora Felix Blossier, founder di un unicorno nel mondo della contabilità francese, che sta combattendo una battaglia simile alla nostra. Da tutti voi ho imparato tanto.

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  • Welcome, Irene! 👋🏻 We’re very pleased to announce the arrival of our newest team member: after 10+ years in Silicon Valley, Irene Mingozzi has now joined us as a #Principal! 🚀 With both C-level startup experience and a decade of investing activity, mainly in seed and pre-seed, Irene brings the knowledge that can help founders accelerate growth. Her time in the Bay Area also helped demonstrate the importance of community and connections, which at the early stage can make all the difference. We can’t wait to see how she’ll contribute to our growing community of Italian founders — so benvenuta, Irene! ✨

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  • We are very excited to announce a new IFF investment! Skillvue raises €2.5M to defeat the global skills gap 💪 The Skills Gap Crisis is a monumental #challenge: the World Economic Forum estimates it could cost the world $11.5 trillion in potential GDP growth over the next decade. Some big companies are trying to adopt skills-based approaches to tackle this issue, but their efforts are fragmented and limited. That’s why we were so excited to meet Nicolo Mazzocchi and Simone Patera, founders of Milan-based Skillvue. #Skillvue helps companies evaluate both candidates and existing employees in a fast, objective, and scalable manner. By leveraging proprietary AI, Skillvue enhances recruitment, talent development, and internal mobility, helping organizations adopt a skills-based approach. 🔍 What makes #Skillvue stand out? 🛞 A recruitment revolution: Asynchronous interviews powered by AI assess skills and motivation, making it easier to identify high-potential candidates. This method improves the ability to predict job performance by up to 5x, a game-changer for hiring junior candidates or roles where traditional resumes fall short. 🧑💼 Strategic talent management: Post-hiring, Skillvue helps HR departments analyze workforce skills at scale, enabling better talent placement, improved retention, and more effective career paths. Skillvue’s approach is already showing that it increases the likelihood of successful placements by 107% compared to traditional methods. They’ve already convinced industry giants like Carrefour, Credem, and Acquedotto Pugliese, and that’s just the start. We’re convinced that #Skillvue will keep leading the charge in transforming how businesses manage talent 🌟 #HRTech #AI #TalentManagement #Recruitment #Innovation

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Skillvue

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    🎉𝗦𝗶𝗮𝗺𝗼 𝗳𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶 𝗱𝗶 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘂𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗱𝗶 𝘂𝗻 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗲-𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗱𝗮 𝟮,𝟱 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶 𝗱𝗶 𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗼! Un ringraziamento speciale ai nostri lead investor Italian Founders Fund - Lorenzo Franzi, Ascanio Orombelli - e 14Peaks Capital - Edoardo E. Ermotti, Emanuele Larocca -, che hanno creduto in noi insieme a Kfund, Ithaca 3, Orbita Verticale e i nostri Business Angel. La somma raccolta sarà fondamentale per far sì che il nostro team e la nostra tecnologia possano crescere di pari passo con il sempre più vasto portfolio di aziende che supportiamo nell’adozione di un approccio #skillsbased nei processi di #recruitment, internal hiring e talent development. Ma non è finita qui: da oggi Algo AI diventa #Skillvue, suggellando il nostro impegno per garantire una gestione delle competenze più chiara, trasparente ed efficace alle aziende! Leggi tutti i dettagli nell’articolo: *** ENG version: We are happy to announce the closing of a €2.5 M ($2.8 M) pre-seed round! Special thanks to our lead investors IFF - Lorenzo Franzi, Ascanio Orombelli - and 14Peaks - Edoardo Ermotti, Emanuele Larocca -, who believed in us together with Kfund, Ithaca 3, Orbita Verticale and our Business Angels. The sum raised will be fundamental in ensuring that our team and our technology can grow together with the ever-growing portfolio of companies we support in adopting a skills-based approach in their recruitment, internal hiring and talent development processes. But that's not all: as of today Algo AI becomes Skillvue, marking our commitment to provide clearer, more transparent and effective skills management for companies! Read all details in the article: Nicolo Mazzocchi Simone Patera

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