Foto di copertina di Latitudo 40
Latitudo 40

Latitudo 40

Fabbricazione di componenti per il settore aeronautico e aerospaziale

Napoli, Campania 4.002 follower

A Techstars Portfolio Company - AI, machine learning, and Big Data analysis applied to Earth Observation Images

Chi siamo

Latitudo 40, a Techstars Portfolio Company, is an innovative start-up company that combines the skills and expertise of a large company with the passion and ability to innovate a user-centered design lean organization. Enhancing the 20 years of experience of its founders in ICT, Latitudo 40 has created the easiest and fastest platform to turn satellite imagery into geospatial information to support everyday decisions. For the first time in one platform all the features to automatically search, process and elaborate the images produced by Earth observation satellites and transform them into information to simplify business processes with powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

Fabbricazione di componenti per il settore aeronautico e aerospaziale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Napoli, Campania
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
earth observation, artificial intelligence, geoinformation, big data, urban analytics, farm analytics, geo analytics, computer vision, image processing, infrastructure monitoring, startup e innovation in space


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Raccolta fondi

Latitudo 40 7 round in totale

Ultimo round


784.268,00 USD

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