Mectronic Medicale ha diffuso questo post
🐕Unlock the potential of Tecar therapy in your veterinary practice with Doctor Tecar Plus VET, employing SWING technology and a broad frequency range for precise, rapid recovery in both acute and chronic phases. This system ensures treatments are customized to each patient’s needs, offering: ✅ SWING System: Target different tissues with adaptable frequencies, optimizing recovery. ✅ Adjustable Frequencies: From 300kHz to 1,5MHz fine-tune treatments from deep to superficial tissue layers, addressing a wide array of conditions. ✅ Customizable Therapy: Tailor every session to the specific needs of your patients, ensuring both comfort and effectiveness. #mectronic #mectronicmedicale #mectronicVET #discoverourdevices #vet #veterinary #animalhealth #VETline #animalcare #animalhealth #petshealth #petsrecovery #TECAR #TECARtherapy #CRET #DoctorTecarPLUS #doctortecarplusvet #vet #veterinary #pet #pets #animal #dog #cat #animallovers #animalcare #animalhealth #health #vethealth #animalphysiotherapy #DrugFreeHealing #PainManagement #tecarvet