Foto di copertina di Uncem


Uffici di politica pubblica

Rome, Rome 1.277 follower

Viviamo per lo sviluppo della Montagna

Chi siamo

UNCEM, the National Union of Mountain Municipalities, Communities and Authorities, is the national organization which groups together and represents the Municipalities entirely or partially mountainous and the 180 mountain communities, and in addition it also includes some administrations and authorities (provinces, consortia, chambers of commerce) that operate in mountain districts. It covers 54% the entire area of Italy (10 million people). UNCEM was established on 20 November 1952, immediately after the adoption of the first act on mountains (n. 991 of 25 July 1952). UNCEM was created as a non-profit association, on a voluntary basis, acquiring progressively more institutional significance, like ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) and UPI (Union of the Italian Provinces), and emerging as an advisory body for the Parliament and the Government in the drafting of acts and administrative decisions of local interest. In the international context, UNCEM has contributed to the establishment of the European Association of the Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas (AEM), in which it is member of the executive office.

Sito Web
Uffici di politica pubblica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Rome
Ente governativo
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Uncem


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