Future: for Novaresine it has a really solid and responsible perspective. Improving not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of coherence with the quality of life. It is a balance that is often sacrificed in the name of efficiency or growth at all costs. Working for better products means thinking about the impact, not just the immediate result. Come experience the future of polyester resins for can coating today, the new Q series, at booth 1-314 at ECS 2025. #NOVARESINE #ECS2025 #CANCOATING #NOVASYNTQ
Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici
COLA' DI LAZISE, VERONA 819 follower
Innovation goes green.
Chi siamo
Production of liquid resins for coating.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per NOVARESINE SRL
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2010
Dipendenti presso NOVARESINE SRL
When we talk about the future, we talk about possibilities. It is the unexplored territory of time, a tangle of hopes, fears, projects and unknowns. For Novaresine it is always a commitment to do better. Not just more, always better. Come to visit us at ECS 2025 Hall 1 Stand 1-314 and discover the new polyester resin for coil coating with RUV5 performance! #ecs2025 #coilcoating #prepaintedmetal #novaresine
Cari amici del Verona Volley! A nome di tutto il team di Novaresine, desidero esprimere il nostro più sentito ringraziamento per l’impegno, la dedizione e la passione che dimostrate in ogni partita. Siamo orgogliosi di essere vostri sponsor e di vedere come portate il nostro nome con così tanto orgoglio e determinazione. Il vostro spirito di squadra e la vostra determinazione ci ispirano ogni giorno. È un onore per noi sostenervi e contribuire al vostro successo. Non vediamo l’ora di continuare a supportarvi in questa emozionante avventura e di celebrare insieme a voi ogni traguardo raggiunto. Continuate così! Siamo con voi, passo dopo passo. Con affetto e gratitudine, Novaresine.
🇮🇹 BENVENUTO! NOVARESINE SRL entra a far parte della famiglia Verona Volley come Official Partner per la stagione 2024-2025: https://lnkd.in/d36A7aqp 🇬🇧 WELCOME! NOVARESINE joins the Verona Volley family as Official Partner for the season 2024-2025. #RanaVerona #VeronaVolley #NoiVerona #Volley #Volleyball
Novaresine will be there! We look forward to introducing you to the new saturated polyester resins for coil coating and metal packaging, series Q. Novaresine - Hall 1 - 314
Seize the opportunity to meet the innovation leaders and discuss the latest developments within the international coatings industry: from 25 – 27 March 2025 in Nuremberg. Watch the 📽️ for some impressions from our last ECS 🌠 Tickets for 2025 can be bought here: https://lnkd.in/d937hGbh
2024. Ce l'abbiamo fatta. Domani accetteremo altre sfide, cercheremo nuove frontiere da attraversare, raggiungeremo altri traguardi che valgono i nostri impegni, le nostre capacità, i nostri valori, in tutti noi che viviamo una parte importante del nostro tempo impegnandoci per una casa che si chiama Novaresine. 2024. We did it. Tomorrow, we will embrace new challenges, seek new frontiers to cross, and achieve new milestones that reflect our commitment, our abilities, and our values. Together, as all of us who dedicate an important part of our time striving for a home called Novaresine.
Join the movement towards sustainable coil coating without compromising performance. NATURES is environmentally conscious, offering a greener alternative for responsible businesses committed to reducing their ecological footprint. Novaresine is here. 58th European Coil Coating Association - ECCA Autumn Congress
Congratulazioni a Reschem Italia SpA Orgogliosi di essere partner da moltissimi anni!
Dalla pagina di Finanza & Impresa del Corriere della sera, #ReschemItaliaSPA tra i champions di settore nella Chimica di frontiera. Super competenze in campo tra innovazione, visione e futuro. Empowering the Vision #corrieredellasera; #reschemitaliaSPA; #italypost
Sustainability, Recyclability, Circularity. Day 2 at The Canmaker Summit in Sitges.
The future of packaging. Novaresine is here. The Canmaker Summit 2024
#Innovation continues to shape the coating sector. Just think of how many different resins we launch each year: without innovation, it would be impossible to meet the demands of our clients’ relentless flow of #sustainability. However, innovation is not limited to products; it also encompasses services and business processes. Every step of the production chain must be fast and efficient, and it is from this understanding that Novaresine initiative was born, guiding us towards a new frontier: partnership in Research and Development. In few years, we have developed a unique governance model that brings together all those demands that preserve our ability to stay together that our customers admires. Thanks to this synergy, we have been able to create value—and will continue to do so—for our clients. The more we can demonstrate a united, sustainable, and high-performing supply chain, the stronger our reputation will be. Together we stand in innovation.