Foto di copertina di Ohoskin


Produzione tessile

Catania , Sicilia 2.580 follower

Alternative leather from sicilian orange and cactus by-products

Chi siamo

Ohoskin is an innovative Italian company that has revolutionized the textile industry with its patented, entirely developed and produced in Italy and fabric crafted from orange and cactus byproducts. Through a cutting-edge circular economy process, Ohoskin transforms waste into a luxurious, durable material that’s perfect for discerning luxury brands seeking a high-quality, biological, and sustainable alternative to animal leather. Ohoskin material not only boasts exceptional longevity but is also designed with the planet in mind. By incorporating organic materials and bio based plastic polymers, Ohoskin significantly reduces carbon footprint while ensuring unmatched durability. To further enhance transparency and traceability, every step of our supply chain is meticulously tracked using blockchain technology. Ohoskin's mission is to empower brands to demonstrate and communicate their commitment to the planet and consumers by embracing sustainability without compromising on luxury. With Ohoskin, everyone can enjoy a sustainable lifestyle that harmonizes with animal welfare, environmental preservation, and economic responsibility. Please find out more about us and join at

Produzione tessile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Catania , Sicilia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
fashion, design, moda, automotive, nautical, Furniture, Nautica, Sustainable leather, Alternative leather, Sustainable material, luxury, next gen materials, sustainable luxury, Textile, Coated textile, vegan materials, vegan leather, cruelty free materials, Arredamento, materiali sostenibili, biomaterials e sustainable fashion


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Raccolta fondi

Ohoskin 1 round in totale

Ultimo round


300.000,00 USD

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