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P.M.P. srl

P.M.P. srl

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda

San Polo di Piave, TV 241 follower

Chi siamo

P.M.P. is a dynamic company specialized in the production of plastic hangers. It was founded in 1967 by Angelo Spricigo. Since the 1990s P.M.P. has begun a growth and expansion process which has leaded it to be one of the most important European realties in fashion accessories market. The company mission consists on increasing hangers value: our goal is the integration between the basic function of hanger and a suitable aesthetic research which can provide the hanged dress with added value. The refinement in the design, the colours variety, the many customizable options, all matched with the high products and services quality (and the continuous innovative solutions) are just some of the aspects whose PMP team’s activity is made.

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
San Polo di Piave, TV
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
appendini in plastica, portabiti in legno, plastic hangers, custodie per abiti e sigilli garanzia


Dipendenti presso P.M.P. srl

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