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Paperbox Health

Paperbox Health

Servizi di salute mentale

Gaming solution for early identification & treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Chi siamo

Cognitive well-being is a crucial aspect of our lives, often overlooked until it's too late. Surprisingly, 1 out of 5 individuals struggles with cognitive issues. Alarmingly, about 70% of them receive diagnoses so late that they face reduced treatment efficacy, increased costs, academic decline, and substantial psychological setbacks. This delay results from accessibility barriers hindering timely identification and intervention, such as high diagnosis expenses, long waiting periods, and the challenge of traveling significant distances, which further impedes the necessary support. 🌟 About Paperbox: breaking down accessibility barriers for LDS identification Inside Paperbox, a forward-thinking startup based in Turin, transforming the cognitive health landscape. Our mission is crystal clear: to create a brighter future by ensuring early identification and effective management of cognitive issues. How do we achieve this? 🎮 Gaming Solutions for Early Identification We're shattering accessibility barriers with innovative gaming solutions that make early identification of cognitive issues available to all. Our approach is engaging, interactive, and non-intrusive, making it perfect for children and their families. 📐 Tailor Made paths At Paperbox, we're constructing an end-to-end digital platform guiding patients through their cognitive therapeutic journey. We match the right specialist (Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Neuropsychiatrists) to the customer's specific needs. 👇🏼Join us on this incredible mission by visiting our website!

Sito Web
Servizi di salute mentale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Learning Disorders, Dyslexia, Screening, Telemedicine, Speech Therapist, Dyslexia Identification e Dyslexia Screening


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Paperbox Health 3 round in totale

Ultimo round


116.437,00 USD

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