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Personal NEXT

Personal NEXT

Laboratori medici e diagnostici

Sesto Fiorentino, Tuscany 277 follower

Il partner scientifico nella Medicina di precisione. Il benessere della persona è il centro del nostro impegno.

Chi siamo

Lavoriamo al fianco dei più importanti laboratori di analisi, medici e professionisti della salute offrendo soluzioni di ultima generazione e all'avanguardia in ambito di genetica, microbiota ed epigenetica. La nostra principale attività è quella di fornire ai professionisti sanitari degli strumenti volti a trovare delle soluzioni personalizzate sul singolo paziente attraverso la medicina di precisione. Tramite i nostri test e servizi abbiamo creato una mappa della medicina di precisione capace di valutare lo stato di salute della persona. La medicina di precisione ci permette di poter porre a servizio del professionista test e servizi che lo aiutino nel cercare il giusto trattamento volto a migliorare lo stato di salute del singolo individuo. Test e servizi da noi proposti permettono non solo di indagare le migliori strategie in ottica di prevenzione, ma anche valutare e monitorare i trattamenti e le strategie in atto. Affianchiamo i nostri partner nell’individuare eventuali miglioramenti dello stile di vita dei propri pazienti in un’ottica sia di risoluzione di sintomi manifestati sia di prevenzione. I test che effettuiamo per i nostri partner si suddividono in tre macro aree: Symbyo - il tuo microbiota Genehome - il tuo patrimonio genetico Epigene - la tua epigenetica Oggi puoi avere a disposizione i risultati dei nostri test con una reportistica chiara, dettagliata e graficamente intuitiva in modo da fornire un supporto visivo concreto ed esaustivo. Perché lavorare con noi? ● Siamo prima di tutto ricercatori e abbiamo l’obiettivo di offrire costantemente servizi e soluzioni innovative. ● Per avere soluzioni strategiche personalizzate per il benessere e la salute dei tuoi pazienti ● Per aumentare il tuo know how e condividere il metodo di lavoro che abbiamo consolidato negli anni ● Per poterti dedicare esclusivamente al tuo lavoro e alla relazione con le persone mentre noi ti aiutiamo ad avere sempre soluzioni professionali all’avanguardia.

Sito Web
Laboratori medici e diagnostici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Sesto Fiorentino, Tuscany
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


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    Via delle Robinie, 22

    Cittadella di Doccia

    Sesto Fiorentino, Tuscany 50019, IT

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  • Ti aspettiamo il 17 di Maggio a Firenze, per un grande evento al Viola Park 🏋️♂️🍏⚽ E' davvero un onore per noi di Personal NEXT invitarti alla 1st International Scientific Conference “Gut For Athlete’s Health and Performance” hashtag #GFAHP che si terrà nel bellissimo contesto del Viola Park il prossimo 17 di Maggio. Assieme a Laura Mancin, Ph.D. e Cristian Petri abbiamo radunato nel tempio del calcio fiorentino un panel di esperti internazionali che parleranno della stretta correlazione tra le recenti scoperte sul microbiota intestinale e lo sport professionistico. 📢 Chi dovrebbe partecipare? 👉 Medici, Biologi, Nutrizionisti, Fisioterapisti e Personal Trainer che desiderano approfondire il legame tra alimentazione, microbiota e sport. 🎤 Speaker d'eccezione da istituzioni di prestigio come Liverpool John Moores University, Loughborough University, APC Cork University, Barça Innovation Hub, FC Barcelona, Università di Padova e molto altro! 💡 Cosa ti aspetta? ✅ Le ultime scoperte su nutrizione, microbioma e sport ✅ Interventi pratici sulla personalizzazione delle strategie alimentari ✅ Approfondimenti su probiotici, fibre, polifenoli e il loro impatto sugli atleti ✅ Networking con esperti internazionali ✅ Un'esperienza immersiva con visite e tour esclusivi al Viola Park ⏳ Iscriviti qui: 📧 Contatti: | ☎ +39 0550671000 🧠💪 Non perdere questa occasione per approfondire il legame tra scienza e sport! #Microbiota #SportNutrition #AthletePerformance #GutHealth #EFT2025 #GFAHP #Firenze #Medici #Biologi #PersonalTrainer #Fisioterapisti

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    Visualizza il profilo di Carlos Galamba

    Founder of MDx CRO | CDx | IVD Clinical & Regulatory Services | EU Expert

    I'm truly honored to have been invited as Chairman of the 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗢𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘁 next week in the incredible city of Barcelona — a place I fell in love with and decided to call home six years ago! At MDx CRO, precision medicine is at the heart of what we do. We support the development of cutting-edge technologies like NGS (next-generation sequencing) and lead oncology trials that use selective biomarkers and evaluate their clinical utility as potential #companiondiagnostics. Our goal? To move away from "one-size-fits-all" treatments and bring a personalized approach to cancer care. This isn’t just an evolution, it’s a revolution in oncology! It’s about giving each patient a treatment designed specifically for them, based on their unique genetic profile. Next week, I’ll be surrounded by some of the brightest minds in biotech, genomics, AI, and clinical research. With speakers from AstraZeneca Thermo Fisher Scientific, MDx CRO, SEQENS, SCIEX, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Personal NEXT, Institute of Precision Medicine and more...I look forward to discussing not only science but to build the partnerships and tackling the challenges that will shape the future of cancer treatment.💪 #PrecisionOncology #CancerResearch #PrecisionMedicine #Oncology #InnovationInHealthcare #genomics #AI #IVDR

  • The Genetic Factor in #VitaminD Deficiency The evolution of #PrecisionMedicine has introduced revolutionary tools that allow for a "tailor-made" approach to health. Among these, #PolygenicRiskScores (PRS) play a significant role, especially in analyzing the genetic factors that influence vitamin D levels: an essential nutrient for calcium regulation and bone health promotion. PRS, by aggregating the contribution of multiple genetic variants, can predict not only an individual's predisposition to blood levels of vitamin D but especially its availability and functionality at the tissue/organ level. This statistical tool proves particularly useful in clinical contexts to guide specific decisions regarding supplementation and targeted intervention strategies. However, it is important to remember that PRS are just one of many elements that make up our #digitaltwin. Managing vitamin D levels requires a holistic approach that includes not only understanding the genetic profile but also a careful evaluation of an individual's lifestyle and dietary habits. Only through such an approach can a truly personalized and effective management plan be formulated. While PRS offer an important genetic perspective, their integration with lifestyle-based approaches represents the future of personalized prevention and treatment. At Personal NEXT, we have developed a specific PRS for vitamin D within our #micronutrients module. You can find all the details on our website page: Bibliography: Jiang X, O'Reilly PF, Aschard H, Hsu YH, Richards JB, Dupuis J, et al. (2018) Nature Communications Carlberg C, Campbell MJ (2020) Frontiers in Endocrinology Manousaki D, Mitchell R, Dudding T, Haworth S, Harroud A, Forgetta V, et al. (2021) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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    277 follower

    The New Frontier in Predicting Genetic Risk for Multifactorial Diseases: #PolygenicRiskScores Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) are emerging as powerful tools in #Precisionmedicine, capable of quantifying individual #Geneticrisk for complex diseases such as #obesity, #diabetes, and #metabolicsyndrome. These tools are generated by aggregating the effects of multiple minor genetic variants, each of which marginally contributes to the overall disease risk. In the context of multifactorial diseases, where both genetic and environmental factors play a crucial role, PRS offer a promising prospect for the early identification of individuals at risk. Through the analysis of extensive genetic databases, researchers can now more accurately predict who is more susceptible to developing these conditions, enabling targeted and personalized preventive interventions. The potential of PRS to enhance our ability to manage and prevent multifactorial diseases is undeniable. With advances in genetic science and bioinformatics, a future in which precision medicine becomes the norm rather than the exception is envisaged. At Personal NEXT, we have designed three PRS, contained in the #metabolic module, for calculating genetic risk for overweight, high blood sugar levels (insulin resistance), and alterations in lipid metabolism (cholesterol and triglycerides). Visit our website Bibliografy Lewis CM, Vassos E. Genome Medicine, 2020; 12:44. Lambert SA, Gil L, Jupp S, Ritchie SC, Xu Y, Buniello A, et al. Nature Genetics, 2021; 53:420–425. Fritsche LG, Patil S, Beesley LJ, VandeHaar P, Salvatore M, Ma Y, et al. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2020; 107:815-836. Khera AV, Chaffin M, Aragam KG, Haas ME, Roselli C, Choi SH, et al. Nature Genetics, 2018; 50:1219-1224.

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  • Have you ever heard of the genetic predisposition to #Alzheimer's? The #APOE gene (apolipoprotein E) is known for its significant role in lipid metabolism regulation and has important implications for #cardiovascular and #neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. The APOE gene has several #allelicvariants, among which the most studied are ε2, ε3, and ε4. The ε3 variant is considered the most common and neutral form of the APOE gene. It is not associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or Alzheimer's, and serves as a reference point in comparison to other variants. The ε4 variant is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, as well as an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The presence of one copy of the ε4 allele increases the risk of Alzheimer's by about three times, while the presence of two copies can increase it up to twelve times. The ε4 affects the structure and function of lipoproteins and can alter the repair process and inflammatory response in the brain.

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  • Have you ever heard of #psychologyandepigenetics? #Neuroplasticity is a relatively recent concept that has revolutionized the mind/body paradigm, demonstrating that psychological aspects can influence the structural and functional changes in nerve cells, known as #neurons, which make up the nervous system. Advanced technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging have made it possible to observe in detail the morphological and functional changes of specific brain structures in response to psychological experiences. #Epigenetics has further expanded this paradigm, showing that biological information does not follow a unidirectional flow from DNA to #phenotype, but is actively influenced by epigenetic mechanisms that regulate gene expression. This shift in perspective has significant implications, as it indicates that the external environment to DNA can modulate genetic expression and thus the phenotype of the organism. Epigenetic psychology explores the interactions between psychological aspects and epigenetic processes, paving the way for a deeper understanding of how experiences influence the expression of our genes. Pioneering studies, such as those conducted on stress management and its effects on #telomeres, have demonstrated a direct connection between psychological state and epigenetic status, suggesting that psychological experiences can directly influence #cellularlongevity. Elizabeth Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her revolutionary studies on telomeres. People subjected to #chronicstress, due to continuous care for disabled children, indeed showed much shorter telomeres (about ten times) compared to a control group not exposed to the same conditions. Here are two works by Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn in the field of epigenetic psychology:

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  • Hai mai sentito parlare di #epigeneticdrift? Se vuoi saperne di più ci vediamo al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Bologna sabato 13 aprile alle 11.30 per la mia relazione per The Longevity Masterclass dal titolo "Il ruolo degli #ormoni nella regolazione dell'espressione dei geni associati alla #longevità". Parlerò del #tempo come risorsa limitata, dell'interruttore molecolare chiamato #polycomb e di tutti i fattori epigenetici #transgenerazionali. Di come i recenti sistemi di misurazione chiamati #epigeneticclock possano essere sostituiti con un nuovo #algoritmo basato sul #sistemaendocrino per calcolare la velocità dell'invecchiamento. Matteo Cerboneschi

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  • #AJourneyThroughGenetics Chapter two: DNA Methylation #DNAmethylation is a primarily chemical (and then #epigenetic) process through which a #methylgroup (CH3, one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms) is added to the DNA. This compound is attached to specific regions of the DNA, on #cytosine nucleotides, thereby methylating the DNA. The process of DNA methylation involves the #DNAmethyltransferase enzyme, which transfers the methyl group to the carbon 5 of cytosine, which is found within a sequence of nucleotides called #CpGdinucleotide. Regions rich in CpG dinucleotides, known as #CpGislands, are often located in the #promoters of genes. When these CpG islands are methylated, they can influence gene activity. Typically, DNA methylation in gene promoters leads to gene expression repression, preventing transcription factors from accessing the DNA. Understanding DNA methylation is crucial in medicine because it can influence various aspects of our health. Alterations in DNA methylation have been associated with various pathological conditions, including #tumors, #neurodegenerative diseases, and #cardiovascular disorders. DNA methylation is a fundamental epigenetic process that regulates gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Understanding this process can be valuable for clinical practice, allowing us to identify potential #biomarkers and develop new therapeutic strategies. Keep following me for further updates on molecular biology and its clinical implications! In the meantime, I leave you with a very interesting article on DNA methylation. Matteo Cerboneschi

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    277 follower

    #AJourneyThroughGenetics Chapter one: An introduction to Epigenomics Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about a fascinating and increasingly relevant topic in the field of #biology: the difference between genetics and epigenetics. As the founder of Personal NEXT, a company committed to helping people better understand themselves through innovative #PrecisionMedicine services, I feel it's important to share this knowledge with all of you. #Genetics is the study of hereditary characteristics passed from one generation to another through specific portions of DNA, the #genes. These carry the information that determines an individual's physical and biological traits, such as eye color, predisposition to certain diseases, and much more. #Epigenetics concerns changes in the regulation of gene expression that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence. This means that even though we have the same genes, life experiences and the environment can influence which genes are turned on or off, thus influencing our #phenotypic traits and our #health. Having a clear understanding of what epigenetics is crucial to understanding how lifestyle, diet, stress, and other environmental factors can influence our #wellbeing. The main epigenetic mechanisms are three: 1) #DNA methylation 2) Methylation and #acetylation of #histones 3) Gene silencing through #miRNA (not shown in the image) Matteo Cerboneschi Keep in touch! In the next chapter, I will talk to you about DNA methylation. I recommend you a very interesting article about #epigenomics and #longevity. I spoke about it at the #MilanLongevitySummit on March 26.

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  • Milano 25-26 Marzo 2024

    Visualizza il profilo di Matteo Cerboneschi

    Il tuo partner scientifico nella Medicina di precisione

    Il #MilanLongevitySummit è stato un grande evento a cui Personal NEXT ha partecipato portando la propria esperienza e professionalità. Scienziati di fama internazionale come Steve Horvath hanno introdotto le loro ricerche su tematiche molto calde come quella degli #agingclock. Ringrazio Nicola Marino e il team di Aeon Foundation per averci invitato. Silvia Carpitelli Alice De Roni Serena Smeazzetto Elena Ermini Cristian Petri Anna Maria Londero Alessio Montagnoli Lorenzo Ilari Samuela Ierardi

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