Foto di copertina di Pharmagel


Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici

San Colombano al Lambro, Milano 795 follower

Chi siamo

Pharmagel is the leading supplier of semi-turnkey softgel encapsulation plants world-wide, having been engaged in the research and development of encapsulation lines and the formulation of softgels for 5 decades. Pharmagel softgel encapsulation equipment is used in 24 countries on 5 continents, many of the plants having been completely designed and supplied with technology and training by Pharmagel, and this experience combined with our many decades of experience in the industrial production of softgels enables Pharmagel to be able to give clients a unique and unrivaled guarantee of industrial manufacturing success in their own markets. The Pharmagel range of softgel encapsulation lines and ancillary equipment, combined with Pharmagel's Technology and Pharmagel's knowledge of the worldwide softgel market, offers clients a service of unrivaled quality and capability - that is especially important with the increasing use of softgels in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and leisure industries.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di prodotti farmaceutici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
San Colombano al Lambro, Milano
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione



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